>Okay, I watched Boot Camp twice (I'm not scheduled to do it
>until Thursday), and I can't seem to catch what weights Cathe
>is using. Could someone either post this or tell me where to
>find this info. Thank you so much!
Let's see if this works - someone posted this here and I think at VideoFitness. I think the weights are showing.
I'm not sure if I've ever added an attachment, so lets see if it works.
BOOT CAMP Cardio Body Lower Upper Body Core
1 Jacks/half Jack/Circle/Airbornes Squat BB(35) Rows BB(25) Plank-side twist
2 Sumo Squat Static lunge BB(35) Push Ups Long lever crunch MB(8)
3 Jack/Jab/Plyo Plie BB(35) Tri DipsStep Reverse Crunch MB(8)
4 Speed Skater Leg Press MB(8) Step Bi Curl BB(25) Plank/push up/out
5 TerminatorsNSquat Thrust Climbers Squat roundhouseCalve pumps One Arm Row DB(8X2) Plank-side hip raise MB(8)
6 ConsecutivePower Kicks Front/Side kicks Military Press DB(8) Oblique Crunch
7 Knee up/KickSpeed bagAirbornes Lunge Alt Front/BackDB(8) Lying Tri Extensions Plank on elbowsHip Dip
8 Ice Breakers Side Lunge MB(8) Hammer Curl DB(8) Oblique TwistMB(8)
Ok, I couldn't attach it, so copied it. If there is nothing beside, then no weight.