Weights in Bootcamp?


I got my DVDs today and have previewed Bootcamp and I can't wait to do this workout. It looks like so much fun but also like it's going to kick my butt. I'm not sure what weights to use though. I noticed that Cathe uses 35# for lower body but a few times she adjusts that weight and it looks like it doesn't weigh anything for her. I currently don't go that much heavier than 35# for lower body in PS so I wondered if I should go lighter for bootcamp.
Hi. I'm not sure of course, but since Cathe uses 45 for legs in PS, and 35 in Boot Camp, you might want to try BC with 30 or even 25 your first time out the chute.
The first time out, I would recommend going a bit lighter than you think you should use (based on the weights you use compared to Cathe in other circuit or endurance weight workouts). For example, I'm planning to do Boot Camp later today. I'm somewhat comparing the weights here with what I use the last time I did other similar workouts: CTX circuit--40# barbell for leg work; Bodymax 35#; CIrcuit max 35#. Going by this, I'm going to go with either 30# or 35# (giving myself full permission to lighten up part-way through the workout).

Do you think Boot camp is as tough as it seems to be on Cathe? Or is she often out of breath because this was the last workout filmed?
I got nervous when I saw how wiped out Cathe got from some of the circuits. I thought that if Cathe's out of breath, I'll be having a heart attack. We'll see when I do it for the first time on monday. To answer your question, I think it looks pretty tough.
WWEEEEEEEEE! I just previewed Boot Camp and it looks like it's gonna be the most fun I've ever had with my clothes on!!! (Old joke I know, but I just had to share.:p )
I did Bootcamp today for the first time. I used 25# just to be safe. Though I thoroughly got my butt kicked...I will use 35# next time. My problem isn't the barbells - it's the PUSHUPS!!

By the way... I LOVED THIS WORKOUT!!

I did Bootcamp today for the first time!!

I used 26 lbs. for lower body. Bootcamp is an AWESOME workout!!
Just got done with bootcamp---what a fun, fast-moving workout! Here are the weights I used (you can compare with my previous post to see what I use in other workouts, at least for legs):
bicep curl 20# EZ curl (could have used #25)
db static lunge: 15# dumbbells
db lat row: 20# (my back has always been strong)
overhead presses: 10# db
tricep extentions 8# (but the last 4 were tough!)
hammer curls 8#

I also subbed 20# oh tricep extensions for the tricep dips (which are hard on my wrists and shoulders)

I used a 6# med ball for abs, and a 10# med ball for leg presses and side lunges.

Except for the barbell on bicep curls, which was a little light, these weights felt good. I won't know until tomorrow exactly how effective they were!
I love the Bootcamp workout too. I find I can go heavier than I would in say a Power Hour workout because you only have to make it through a minute, so you can handle more.

I love the music and the things Cathe says in this workout - I find it super motivating.

I don't think I'll ever be able to do those Terminators though!

Okay, I watched Boot Camp twice (I'm not scheduled to do it until Thursday), and I can't seem to catch what weights Cathe is using. Could someone either post this or tell me where to find this info. Thank you so much!
>Okay, I watched Boot Camp twice (I'm not scheduled to do it
>until Thursday), and I can't seem to catch what weights Cathe
>is using. Could someone either post this or tell me where to
>find this info. Thank you so much!

Let's see if this works - someone posted this here and I think at VideoFitness. I think the weights are showing.

I'm not sure if I've ever added an attachment, so lets see if it works.
BOOT CAMP Cardio Body Lower Upper Body Core
1 Jacks/half Jack/Circle/Airbornes Squat BB(35) Rows BB(25) Plank-side twist
2 Sumo Squat Static lunge BB(35) Push Ups Long lever crunch MB(8)
3 Jack/Jab/Plyo Plie BB(35) Tri DipsStep Reverse Crunch MB(8)
4 Speed Skater Leg Press MB(8) Step Bi Curl BB(25) Plank/push up/out
5 TerminatorsNSquat Thrust Climbers Squat roundhouseCalve pumps One Arm Row DB(8X2) Plank-side hip raise MB(8)
6 ConsecutivePower Kicks Front/Side kicks Military Press DB(8) Oblique Crunch
7 Knee up/KickSpeed bagAirbornes Lunge Alt Front/BackDB(8) Lying Tri Extensions Plank on elbowsHip Dip
8 Ice Breakers Side Lunge MB(8) Hammer Curl DB(8) Oblique TwistMB(8)

Ok, I couldn't attach it, so copied it. If there is nothing beside, then no weight.
Oh thank you so much! This helps as I am scheduled to do this video for the first time the day after tomorrow. Thanks again!
Ok, I have Bootcamp slated for this evening - I'm so looking forward to it! You guys have me all riled up now - I wanna go home and try it RIGHT NOW! Hmm... I seem to be feeling ill... I think I may have a fever... perhaps I should take the rest of the day off... Mwahaha... }(
>Oh thank you so much! This helps as I am scheduled to do
>this video for the first time the day after tomorrow. Thanks

You are welcome! So how did you find it?

Report! hehe

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