weights and food

ASAP! There is a 50 min window after a workout where the body reabsorbs nutrients such as glycogen and protein to aid in muscle repair.
What happens if you don't eat within that window? I tend not to be hungry for at least an hour after a workout, and so far, I have not made myself eat until I am hungry. Should I start?
you won't shrivle up and die if you don't but to maximize nutrition and muscle repair you should try and at least do a protein shake with some carb after your workout. after a workout is one of the most important meals besides breakfast. have something small like a rice cake and a banana or a protein shake with some fruit.
Sometimes I work out late at night after I've had my evening meal and it's usually a weights session (could also be cardio). Afterwards, if I am not that hungry I don't eat - I don't like to eat late at night if I can help it. I just go straight to bed and then eat the next morning or later.

I don't know if this is bad or good if you are aiming to build muscles or losing weight, but this is my experience and it has not been detrimental to me.

>ASAP! There is a 50 min window after a workout where the body
>reabsorbs nutrients such as glycogen and protein to aid in
>muscle repair.

There are various opinions about how long that 'window' is: I've seen anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours, but I just say ASAP after a workout. So try to get a 4-to-1 carb-to-protein feeding (preferably something easy to digest, like a smoothie) within about 20-30 minutes after working out. Then something with more protein within an hour or two. Note that the post-workout feeding is mostly carbs, NOT protein, as some suggest, because the body needs to replenish its glycogen stores in order to go from catabolic (breaking down) to anabolic (building up) condition.
I agree I've seen many articles that say eat soon after the workout but I think generally it's within the hour. Also what you eat after depends on what your goal is. If you want to gain muscle I believe you should eat a higher protein lower carb ratio otherwise it's the opposite.

On late workout nights I try to have at least a teaspoon of peanut butter especially if I had a very clean eating day otherwise the next morning will be hard on my system and sometimes it can create morning munchies which are hard to ignore. :p

It comes down to whatever works for your body since we all react differently to food that is unless you are building muscle then that's a whole other set of rules (something like the: chicken, peppers, chicken, chicken, pepper, chicken diet). ;)

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