weight workouts


Hi Cathe! I am so thrilled that I discovered your workouts! I have noticed a difference in my shape (and my husband has, too!) since I have switched to using only your workouts. I have exercised for years, since my boys were born, but have had trouble losing the belly fat that came with having children. This is the first time in many years that I am able to see my stomach muscles! I love how challenging your workouts are!
I have a question about the weight workouts. I do weight workouts three times a week, and cardio the other three days, alternating. The weight workouts that I have are the ones that are full body workouts: Power Hour, Muscle Max, etc. and circuit training: Boot Camp, High Step Challenge, etc. I have been interested in the DVDs that are gym style workouts (also Pure Strength, Slow and Heavy), but I'm not sure I would enjoy it as much doing a couple of body parts at a time each week. Is there an advantage to working out gym style as opposed to the other workouts that I have? I was wondering if working out that way is a good way to mix things up.
I am so glad that you are recovering well! I look forward to the new DVD's. Thanks for taking the time to read this! Sincerely, Becky
Becky, not Cathe of course, but thought I could help. Gym style workouts are more for strength gains and size instead of endurance gains. The weights in the gym styles and Slow and Heavy are heavier and you also just focus on one muscle group at a time and you work that muscle group for a longer period than the edurance based workouts like ME,MM etc. I think it is really good to alternate weeks with heavier weights with endurance based workouts. Or, you could do the SLow and heavy or Gs series for a 6 week rotation and see how your body responds. I LOVE both Gs and Slow and Heavy, but I also do 1 full body workout a week as well. I hope this helps and good luck.:)


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