Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers is a great program. I'm a Lifetime Member (not currently at goal I'm sorry to say) and am ready to return next week after many months away. I go to meetings - haven't tried the online stuff personally. The meetings are very helpful, both in information and support from fellow Weight Watchers. What I believe is most important is that you learn a new way to live, and eat. It is NOT A DIET, it is a way of life that you must continue, in order to keep the weight off (I know this VERY well, since I've been to goal twice and gained the weight back). You will never be the same about food portion size again, once you have learned how greatly most of us overeat! If you follow WW, it works. That, combined with upping your exercise level, is a winning combination. Some people don't like having to weigh and measure things, or to journal what they eat, but that is the real key to learning about your relationship with food!! Both in exercise and eating, results don't come without a lot of work. Good luck to you - I hope you decide to go for it!

Is it possible that you don't have a "weight" problem?? When I went online to look at WW, it asks for your age and weight and says if you are not atleast 5 pounds overweight, it won't let you join. Are you saying it told you this?? I was not aware that you could not attend meetings unless you are a certain amount overweight.

I need to know this because I am thinking of going to my first meeting tommorrow. BUT, I am only about 5-10 pounds overweight, if that. Do you know, or does ANYONE, if I can still go to the meetings?? I am confused with all the packages but basically I am only doing this to have someone weighing me in and the accountability. I am very knowlegeable in nutrition so that aspect of what they teach me will be a waste. But I do want the recipes too. Anyone have suggestions on what is the cheapest way to go here??
Sometimes i think I should just go buy the recipe book at the book store and pay one of my girlfriends to weight me!!!LOL!!!

I am not too worried about the "dirty looks" cuz I figure, hey, I am overweight..maybe not alot, but I am , and I deserve to be here too!!!

I am interested now because several of my friends at work are doing this and have lost some good poundages..


I tried to join about a year and a half ago. I went to a meeting and they weighed me then looked at a chart to see if I was at a certain weight. I was so surprised that I couldn't join WW! I thought I was trying to do something good for myself but I guess they thought I'd diet too much or something.
I was kind of embarassed, but I did ask how much I had to weigh and they said I wasn't close. I am NOT really skinny; just petite. I'm 4'11" 100 lbs and small boned. I think my body type and young age made them more hesitant.

If you think you're a little overweight, you can at least try to join. It doesn't take long. You just wait in line and get weighed.

If it doesn't work out, the WW site has other options- like an online membership and an at-home kit.

good luck

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