Weight Watchers


Are there people who do weight watchers? A friend at work and I are thinking about doing WW but not sure. If you do WW, do you go to meetings are do it on the computer? Does it work well with Cathe videos?

Hi Rhonda, I'm doing WW (well, I did until Christmas!!!:) )

I've always gone to the meetings because I think they are critical to the program. If I just do the diet without the meetings, I have a hard time losing the weight - don't ask why, but that's the case.

I'd go to the meetings first and then see how you feel. It's a great program - very balanced.

I have done WW for a little over a year now. I reached my goal weight just before Christmas last year, so I have been at goal for over a year.
I went to the meetings and the online version. I loved having WW online to go to every day to check points, to chat with people that are in the same boat and to get new recipes. However the meetings is what did it for me. And I believe it was the weighting in every week and the fact that someone else is watching my weight go up and mostly down. I never stayed for the whole meeting I just weighted in.
You get the online version for less money after you go to a meeting and ask for an online code.

Good luck Tonya
Hi Rhonda,
I have been doing Weight Watchers for eight weeks now and have lost nine pounds. I think attending the meetings and getting weighed in by the leader have really helped me. It works great with Cathe workouts just because you can factor in your workouts into your total point range. For instance I consider most all of her cardio workouts to be at an intense level (rather than moderate) so for my weight that counts as three or four points. Now some people might say that's three or four extra points they get to eat for the day, but I try not to do that. I see it has three or four extra points my body's worked off. You may find you need to eat at the high end of your points range to have enough energy for your workouts. At least I do, and I get lots of extra points because of nursing right now. I'm a little worried about when they take those points away from me. :) HTH, Heather
p.s. What I love best about WW is the long-term committment to weight loss. It's not a quick-fix program. My goal is to reach my goal weight, complete the maintence program and become a life-time member.(It's free at that point) They really encourage you to do that.
Hi Rhonda,

I do WW and up until Christmas I was going to meetings at the AT WORK program (lunchtime) Going to the meetings and having to weigh-in does tend to keep you going. Since they aren't renewing because of lack of participation, a group of us workmates are going to try meeting in the cafeteria every Wednesday and weighing ourselves on the scale here at work. We are going to use the WW website to get recipes and tips. I hope it works!

As far as Cathe, it works for me, but I seem to be the only one here who does it. I try to preach Cathe tapes to everyone but I think they are sick of listening to me. A Cathe cardio tape is equal to 5 bonus points for the day!!

Donna M
Another WWer here.. I hated to admit that I needed the accountability of weighing in at a class each week..but it works for me. I joined a couple of times last year until I found a leader that I really clicked with. The interaction with others is great too because you can share tips/recipes/get support.

I use the online tools because it is convenient for me to journal consistently -- but I'm thinking of cancelling that soon now that I have the hang of things.

I've lost almost 20 lbs since August..not a huge amount but not bad considering the holidays which is when I usually flake out.

~~ Sharon ~~
Is there a WW group at the Cathe forum? If not, would anyone be interested in one? Unfortunately I looked at the meeting days/times and the ones around me start at 5:30 and I don't get home from work til then so I cannot do those. That is why I was looking at the online WW program.

Rhonda, if it's impossible to attend a class, do it online. But if you can possibly squeeze it in, try going to a center to weigh-in. Paying to get weighed, plus having someone weigh you in, as everyone has said, is really motivating.

I don't think there's a WW group here, but you can start one. I'd join in - Laura
I joined last Halloween(ok I have a sense of humor). I really worked the plan all through Christmas and have lost 20 pounds so far. I am looking to lose 25 more. Because I work out alot, I was really, really hungry the first week, and ended up going over points, but I lost, and by the end of the second week, my body seemed to adjust and I am able to stay in my range and be satisfied. It really is about teaching you how to eat correctly, how to handle situations where you might overeat.
I attend meetings every Thursday and have found a really great leader. I also use the on-line etools for my journaling which I find very helpful. I feel I am succeeding because I was ready to do something about my weight, but needed a little help, which the meetings and structure of the plan provides.

Good luck with whatever you try.

According to the Weight Watchers website, the chances of success are higher when you attend meetings and get weighed in at a center. For my money, I want to have the maximum chances of success! I recently joined as well and going to meetings isn't convenient but it's like working out: it's not easy and I'd rather be doing other things but I know I have to in order to reach my goals, so I'M JUST GONNA DO IT!

FYI, there is more than one Weight Watchers website with different recipes and info posted. The .com site is International, the .ca is Canadian and from this site you can get to the websites of the different franchises.

At http://Yahoogroups.com there is a VFer's in Weight Watchers e-mail group. Great e-mail group,they really post a lot and it's too much fun.

It's not just Cathe videos they do but Cathe of course is included along with all other fitness videos.

Go over there and look it up and sign up might be just what your looking for.

I got the At-Home Kit (ordered online) for $99.00. I think there's a 30-day guarantee. I couldn't attend the meetings because you have to be a certain weight (I wasn't heavy enough). I wasn't trying to lose much weight, I just wanted to eat more healthy. Plus, the other women gave me the "evil-eye" I guess because I'm younger and don't have a weight problem.

The kit has pretty much everything you'll need. I like the calculator a lot. There's a carrying kit, magazine, tons of pamphlets, exercise points and food points calculator, journal, etc. It comes in a really neat box too (not that that matters!)

Now the bad part is I haven't done it yet. But it's like any diet- you have to WANT to do it and try. The plan looks healthy and easy to follow. Anyone can do it. If you need support and the motivation of meetings, then try that. If you had someone to do it with, I think it'd be easier.
My mom joined the meetings program and never went because she was too busy and not interested.

It all depends on your lifestyle and personality.
Thanks Edith

The website you referred to is great...people who do WWers and like to workout! I'm not sure why but the two often seem to be mutually exclusive. ...hmmmm....
~~ Sharon ~~
I love WW. I started last May and have lost 60 lbs! It works extremely well with Cathe videos or any form of exercise because you track your exercise with the points system just like you track your food with the points system. The points system is great. It gets you out of the gutter of counting calories. For me counting points feels psychologically better than counting fat grams or calories. I stopped going to the meetings in October--my session ended-- and I have done extremely well since then. The meetings are great, but then once you get your routine down, you might be able to break off from them and do it on your own. For me, keeping an exercise and food journal using the point system is really is the key to my success.
I love WW's. I joined the beginning of Nov., and have lost 6 lbs. Not the greatest, but I have had a couple of weeks I did not stick perfectly to plan either. Either way, I lost over the holidays and did not gain. It is easy, with sensible choices, and if you have a craving, they have so many recipes, you can find what you are looking for with lower points. I highly recommend it. I joined online, but I also attend a meeting ocassionally.
Lori S.
I did A SEARCH AT YAHOO.COM, AND I DID NOT FIND THE PARTICULAR GROUP YOU WERE REFERING TOO. What is the name of it? I would like to check it out. Thanks!!!!
Lori S.
I joined ww last year in March and lost 21 lbs. Have been on maintenance for 2 months and doing well with it. I think it's the safest, most realistic lifestyle change to lose weight/get healthier. At least it is for me. Give it a chance. After all, you have nothing to lose - but weight that is - right?

Keep us posted and good luck!
I love WW, too. I've been on their plan on and off since I was twelve years old. My doctor even okay'd it when I was pregnant. It's just good eating. I went to meetings long enough to learn the plan, but I never go to weigh-ins. I have medical problems that cause me to lose weight erratically, and I get very depressed. I just follow the plan on my own and use their website and the Cathe website to stay motivated.

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