Weight Watchers TGIF 8/25


WooHoo Friday to all!!!
Today is WI - crossing my fingers my ultra low points the past 3 days hasnt shut down my metabolism... I will eat all 20 points today!

Yesterday I broke the seal on BB Slim Series and did "Mix it Up" which is a circuit.... much to my surprise the hour FLEW by and I got in a GREAT w/o. I had the Slim in 6 and was so bored out of my mind that I gave the thing away 2 weeks later! This series is so far a pleasant surprise.

Today is REST/RECOVERY Day Yippee!!!

Marcia: Good luck w/ Saturdays WI- I'll be out of town/no computer this weekend but I'll cath up on posts Sunday night! Great job w/ program this week!

Buffy: WI today.... drum roll please.... Sorry about your IPOD.. totally frustrating when electronics go buggy

TeddyGirl: I cracked up when I read "I went for a speed walk to relax - took a bit over an hour"..... I can only hope to view speed walking for an hour as RELAXATIION! You inspire me

Jenn: I answered your AP PT question on yesterdays board

Jennifer: I'm w/ ya on the hungry/PMSing/Feeling Blah..... Thank goodness its a monthly feeling.... Keep telling yourself its just ___ more days and I'm done!

Have a great day all! Check in later before we head out of town
I had my weigh in this morning. I stayed the same which wasn't entirely unexpected since TTOM is due any minute now. I also feel like I've been eating a bit more junk the last few days although I did not go over my points. (PMS, GRHHHH). Still, I'm not discouraged; I know next week I'll see a loss.

This morning I'll either do CC#5 or IMAX2. Haven't really decided yet.

I have the day off and I'm going shopping with my friends. I've already checked out the nutritionals of several restaurants so I'll be prepared depending on where we end up. Also, going out for sushi tonite with DH for "date nite". I'm sure I'll be using some of my FP for that.

Have a great OP day.

Good morning,

Traci - Have a great weekend! Good luck at w/i and thanks for the encouragement for my own w/i tomorrow. :) Without a computer this weekend, I hope you are somewhere relaxing.

Buffy - Have fun shopping!!!! I need to go really bad, school starts soon and I've been spoiled because we are able to wear shorts and a t-shirt during the summer, but that's over now. Nice job being prepared for the mall food, too. GREAT JOB!!!

We are going to the Vikings PreSeason football game tonight - YEAH!!! So, we are also going through the McDonalds drive-thru, so I'm going to check out the points on some things so I know what do get.

Have a great day everyone!
Buffy I thinks its GREAT that ttom = maintained wt! You impress me that you checked out nutritional info before heading out- now thats being proactive! Love Sushi date night, one of our favs too!
WI= down .6....WooHoo cuz its "that week"!!!!!! I havent hit a 136 number in 2 years.... eat more lose more is sure working for me tho!

Love football! We go to the Texans last pre-season game next Thursday and we are jazzed! My hubby broke down and bought season tickets (for the business) so hopefully we'll actually get to use them a time or 2 (they're for clients;( )

We are gone alot on weekends because my DH is a lifetime fisherman... we have a small 600sq ft house at the bay which is about 100 miles from us... we generally head out every Friday afternoon and come back Sunday... Its cool because he gets to fish and unwind and I get to take the dogs to the beach and relax.
Until we re-build for retirement we agreed not to take computers down there... we finally got a phone and cable just two years ago... kinda nice when we didnt have any conveniences but we have to progress with the times somewhat... Anyway its just nice getting out of this crazy city (houston) and breathe clean air for a few days.
HOLY COW, Traci - I'm coming along :7 :7

That sounds absolutely HEAVENLY!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your time, WOW, how wonderful. I'm very jealous! (but, happy for you).

Have a great weekend and great job on your loss!!

Thanks Traci and Marcia for the support. Good job on the weight loss Traci. Keep up the good work!

Just finished my workout. I could decide what I wanted to do so I did 1/2 IMAX2 and then Cardio Coach #3. It was a good workout and I'm sweating.

Off to the shower and then shopping!!!

Good Morning,

You got that right TGIF :) :)

Last night, I did Imax 2 (loved it) as planned but I didn’t feel like doing UB. So, after Imax looked outside the sun had gone down and the weather was looking so inviting that I did another relaxing speed walk 1 hour :p

Tonight is UB either MIS or P90X shoulders & arms, but there will be some UB & abs going on tonight for sho, afterwards maybe another hour walk :p :9 providing it doesn't rain. I’m really trying to focus on my lower that is were my problem lie ;( thick thighs argh……

Well, back to work will check in later :eek: ;)

Congrats, Traci! :)

I haven't weighed in "officially" in a few weeks, but my mom wants to start up WW again and I told her I'd go with her to meetings if she did. I figure we both need support :).

We're probably going to go on Sundays, although my "week" starts on Saturdays. Shouldn't be a problem since it's only 1 day later, and I've been doing this for a while now, so I know the drill LOL.

This week's been kind of up and down for me. Stupid PMS! It's to blame for everything ;).

Hey gals,

Bought my self some new sneaks. Have a lot of heel pain and arch pain in my one foot. I bought myself a pair of ASICS and some foot inserts. I'm hoping this helps. I can make it through my workouts but after I rest and then get up my foot hurts. x(

Tonight after I get back from dinner I am going to try to get kpc in.
Last night was golf I did okay my putter wasn't working in my favor.

Traci-have a great weekend, it sounds heavenly to be able to get away every weekend from the stresses of the week. ;-) Also congrats on the way in.

Buffy same is good. A loss is always nice but same is good. We just have to keep truckin along.

What is cardio coach?


You seem very knowledgeable and I love reading your posts. My question) for you are:

1. How do you figure out if your body responds better to weights or cardio? You say your body type is similiar to Cede's how do you know what your body type is?

Thanks Jenn

Below is the link to cardio coach. In a nutshell it is a audio based cardio program that you downlowed onto your ipod (or other mp3 player) and it guides you through an interval workout. I use it on my treadmill but you can use it on any other cardio equipment i.e. elliptical, rebounder, bike, etc.) It is very motivating and, for me, I am able to do a one hour cardio workout on my treadmill with it, whereas, without it I can't stand more than 10 minutes. FYI there are about 6 versions (or 7) and they get progressively harder i.e. 1 being the easiest 6 being the hardest (or at least longest). I love them and they are not very $$$. So, if you like cardio and have the equipment, give one a try.



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