~*~* Weight Watchers Saturday~*~*


Good Morning:)

How is everyone? Im a little lazy but its my fault. I stayed up talking to company until 1:30. DS woke at 5:15 and I rocked him back to sleep and then he slept till 6:30 so I am running on 5 hours sleep. Dave and his friends are going kayaking today, which I can't do b/c of DS so prehaps I will be able to get a cat nap.....or maybe a longer one!}(

I didn't report my workout yesterday. I did a 75 mins run again. I didnt know what workout to do. I looked outside again and thought...aww, we will try it! And it didn't start to rain until I was almost home. BY the time I got home my SIL was here and I didn't stop for the rest of the day.

No call from my boss yesterday and Im not overly surprised. Im not sure which way he is taking my email. Is he thinking, "crap, she means business" or "she can talk to whom ever she wants, Im going to do what I want". Knowing him the way I do, its probably the 2nd one! He doesn't get overly concerned about anything. I was talking to one of the girls I work with and she said that he didn't seem to be in a bad mood yesterday, which surprised her b/c she knew about the email and she thought it was going to tick him off. But she said, he seemed fine.

Anyway, I am going to try to get out for another run. Its not suppose to rain but there are some really dark clouds in the sky!
Ill BBL!

Good Morning Ladies,

Why am I up so early? x( x( My eyes just pop open and I can't seem to close them agian x( x(. Todays workout will be b&G's I think I'll do the stanking leg work and abb section! But,I just worked my abbs yesterday so maybe just the standing leg section.Wish me luck :+

Today is move ds out of our room day:7 :7 he going into his sisters room(and she isn't thrilled either;-))So Finally I can start reading/watching tv/playtime with DH without whispering http://content.sweetim.com/sim/cpie/emoticons/0002006B.gif .

Lori-Great run yesterday...me and DH priced some treadmills yesterday-do you know if the ones at walmart are any good? Good luck with the situation with your boss-I hope it all works out!

Hey to everybody...Have a great saturday!:)
Amelia, I don't think I would go much less then $1000 when buying a TM. Mine was only $700 but it was on sale. And its been acting up for a while. They say the less computerized stuff the better. If I were buynig a new TM now, I would look for something with mileage, time and incline. Most of the HR stuff is crap anyway and it only goes buy how fast the TM is going. Its not actually reading our HR...atleast mine doesn't anyway. So....with that being said, I have no idea what the TM's are like at wally mart.Id check Sears if I were you.
Good luck with moving DS out with sissy! I wouldn't say she is happy at all!!! LOL

DS and I just got back from our run. I am so amazed it didn't rain on us! The sky was pretty dark the whole time and it was pretty sticky out.
Our company showed up last night and one of DH's other friends stayed here and I have come to the conclusion that he isn't quit all there. He drank way to much as well. It was just really weird and Im shipping it out today!!!

Good morning fellow WWer's! I'm Connie and I'm fresh out of Lurkville. I really like the idea of having a place to check-in, and hope it's ok that I'm jumping in here. ?? :D

I'm 32, single with no kids, and recently moved to southwest Florida. Four years ago I lost 75 pounds by eating healthy, watching my portions and dedicating myself to Cathe DVDs. :p In the past year or so I've regained 20 pounds due largely to emotional eating and stress. I joined WW 7 weeks ago, and have sucess when I stick to the plan (I've been doing Flex). However, I'm having trouble sticking to the plan due to some life stress right now. (it's a long story, I'll spare you the details, lol).

I'm following the Flex plan right now. What plan does everyone else here follow?

So far today has been good. Yesterday I made the good choice of a Pria bar instead of the Milky Way I bought from the vending machine at work. That felt good... I'm focusing on making better minute by minute food choices while giving myself some grace and understanding. Does that make sense?

So here I am checking in...getting some support and making new friends. Those are all big steps for me, as silly as that may sound. :)

Lori- Whoohooo on that 75 minute run! That's awesome! ^5!

Amelia- I was up and at 'em early today, too. I got to work 5 minutes early, that almost never happens to me. lol Hope the room move goes well.

Connie :)
Hi everyone. Still a bit sick but feeling slightly better than yesterday so hopefully I'm going to be all better soon. I've got a ton of work still to do today. I need to throughly clean my kitchen and dining room. I'd also like to clean out my car, if I have the time. It's not so bad but it could use a vacuuming. I also hope to fit in a workout today. I'm thinking it will be PUB, but I haven't decided yet. And of course I've still got 2 little boys climbing on me.

Lori, I feel for you with the lack of sleep! Been there, done that! Last night I got some decent sleep as I felt less stuffed up and the boys slept in a little better this morning. Good luck with the boss, sounds like a bit of a weird situation.

Amelia, enjoy having your room to yourselves again! I remember that happy time of getting Ewan out of our room. :)

OK, better get back to all my projects. I at least got DH to go pick up his tux from the cleaners so that's one thing off my to do list.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
Hi Connie and welcome to the group!

I'm also 32 but married with 2 little boys. I live in NY state, not far from NYC. I finally got back to pre-baby weight but I was already a bit overweight before having kids, so I've still got 15-20 lbs to lose. I was doing the Core plan, but recently switched back to Flex when it finally dawned on me that I wasn't losing much anymore. Good luck taking it minute by minute--sometimes that's the best way to do things! Focus on those baby steps. :)

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
Hi, everyone! Hi, Connie! Welcome!

Lori, hang in there, gal! another thought - with your background could you just forget bad boss and seek another equivalent or better job? Just a thought... I feel for ya, girlfriend. The situation clearly stinks. Sometimes life is not fair.

Amelia, I agree fully on getting a decent TM. Mine is a very good one - Trotter that my ex husband paid about $5,000 for. :+ :+ For once I'm glad he settled for nothing but the best, because he never used it and now I have it :p :p

Lainie - just realized, I'm going to be near you on Wed - I'm taking a press tour to Boston and NY and will be in Manhattan on Wed. Too bad we can't meet, but I have only a 2 hour window midday - not enough to really plan anything - but I'll "wave" as I drive by.

Yesterday I missed my workout due to early client meetings, but ate really clean. Today I'm doing a big cardio and abs fest - StepWorks plus TM. I'll report back on the whole thing later.

Have a great Saturday, everyone!!

Afternoon Ladies,

Im done with my workout..did B&G and boy OH boy is that a tough workout! Im gonna love the results I get from that one! I also walked with ankle weights on for about 45 or 50 mins!

Im SO GLAD the big move is over! Dalton(whos 2)came in(after we moved his bed into his sis room)so he came in,and looked kinda worried and said "I not seep in heell"(baby talk;-)! I don't know how he's gonna take it:( will see tonight at bedtime! Its kinda hard for me to "let go" too!

Connie-Welcome:D Im on the flex plan.I lost about 30 pounds on the flex plan-started it in late janurary-I really like it but my weight loss has plateoued(sp) at the moment!Im losing inches though-but thats slowed down to! anyways,in total i've managed to loose about 90 pds! I've still got about 30 or so to go. I guess eventually I'll get to where i want to be! Im glad your checking in with us! We use to have alot more members but one by one...they dissappear? This is a great bunch of ladies! Very supportive,caring and helpful..were glad to have ya!

Lori-Cheryl-Thanks for the advice on the tm's. I'll keep it inmind when we start looking for one!

Hey to Lainie and Sara

Everybody have a wonderful night:)

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