Hi Lizzy, I answered your question in the Zone thread. I just want to say that it doesn't matter which diet you choose as long as you see the results you want with it, you're happy with it (doesn't leave you famished, headachey, sick), and you can stick with it for life.
As I said before in another post, if you skip all the scientific jargon in the Zone, you'll see that it tells you things you've heard before: Drink lots of water. Eat your fruits and vegetables. Stay away from saturated fat and starches. Eat lean or low-fat protein with your meals. Eat small, evenly spread out meals throughout the day. Eat a small, balanced meal 30 minutes before working out (to fuel your workout) and 30 minutes after (to replenish glycogen stores and help your muscles recover). Don't skip a meal and let yourself get too hungry. Balance and moderation are key.
For those who know a little bit about the Zone, it would seem that the meals are small and insufficient, especially for those who work out intensely all the time. I have learned to tweak my meals so they can work for me. My initial Zone calculations let me eat only about 1,200 calories a day. I added more blocks so I'd be eating 1,900-2,400 calories, depending on whether I have a heavy lifting day, an endurance day, an intense cardio day, a light cardio day... You get the idea. I gained 9 lbs. on the Zone and Cathe (from 98 lbs.) and went down a dress size. The last time I was 107 lbs. was when I was three months pregnant with my son. I couldn't fit into my size 4 jeans.
I've found something that works well for me. I hope you do, too.