Weight Watchers Check In- January 13th


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM!!! Sorry, I couldn't resist!

Oh, I forgot to tell you all that when I went to my WW meeting on Thursday night, everyone acted like I had been MIA or something (well, I had, but I wasn't going to tell them that!). Anyway they were all excited to see me! I was excited because officially, I had only gained 2 lbs in the last month that I had not been watching what I ate!! I was happy to have seen that the gain was less than 5 lbs!!!

Anyway, am at work, and working my way through Tosca Reno's book. I am starting this because Traci is gone for the weekend!
Good Morning....Amy, 2 lbs., WOW, that is awesome. For me, it would have been more like 5 or 6 lbs. When I don't count, I always go over board.

Well, busy weekend. I am off to do my workout. Today will be KPC cardio, CK arm drills, and KM leg drills.

I have made sure at 4 out of my 5 small meals a day, I am getting some protein. I hope this is the trick. Cheryl, I have not tried the omelets yet, but they are on my mind to9 do so when I get a chance.
Good Morning, again.

Lori- I hope that you have a good workout. Remember, legumes have a lot of protein as well. Another thing I didn't realize was that oatmeal also has protein! Go figure.

I hope that everyone has a good day!
Good morning!!!

Amy, what great news on your weigh in! That's pretty amazing, actually. So all that time you've been relaxing your standards while your parents were there may serve a great purpose in giving you a good mental break. Now you can move to your next level with even more resolve. Yayyy!

Lori, good luck on your workout. Sounds like a good plan on the protein.

This morning I ran 9 miles in 90 minutes with my running partner. It is coooooold here in Utah this weekend. The arctic freeze caught us. It was down to zero during the night last night and only back up to 11 when we started running.

I've been feeling like my running has been suffereing lately due to all the cross training, but this morning built up my confidence again. It actually went fairly well. Hurray!

I'm determined to eat clean all this weekend. Wish me luck.

I'm deciding whether to add on Gym Style Legs from the rotation or to just let the run cover it. We'll see. I'll check in later.

Have a great morning, everyone!!


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