Weight Watchers Check in 8/29 Tuesday

Well feel much better today after accomplishing my point & workout goals yesterday.
Did FIRM IT UP (Lower body from Slim Series)
and Shoulders SH + MIS
Was really strange not doing any cardio but must say at least today my body isnt exhausted as it usually is!
I have Imax 2 and Triceps (SH + MIS) on the agenda today... gotta burn at least of few of the EXTRA flexies I ate over the weekend!
So we have Target Points, Activity Points, Flex Points... what do we call the points once you've used up the flex????? I need a name for those this week already! urrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Jennifer: I just recently stopped weighing every day... it was my obsession and VERY counter productive! What I found was once I stopped doing that I actually was able to normalize my daily eating rather than feaking my body out by over training/undereating because the scale was up one day.... This may be a coincidence but I also started losing consistently when I did this.... that was my motivation to change that habit!

Buffy: Great workouts yesterday !

Teddygirl: Love L&G and every one of those crazy toturous premixes! The leg press mania is one of my favorites because segment 3 is a great surprise and great fun to me!

Amy: Safe travels!!!! Glad Ernesto is missing both of us!

Jenn: I'm happy your weight held steady this week.... doesnt that mean it may be getting comfortable w/ the lower weight? I think that would be a good thing!

Claude: Missed you but sounds like vacation was great! Up just 1#... well your body probably loved the rest from traditional exercise and you obviously made great choices!

Marcia: Hope you have a wonderful day and that you are still feeling the power!
Traci - Good luck burning all those extra flexies. I'm with you on that one!!! I ate all my flexies and its only Tuesday.

Just finished PLB. That one always leaves me with shakey legs. I know I'll have DOMS tomorrow in the glute area. Right where I need it!!!

Planning on staying at 20 pts. today. I'm also planning on a yoga class later after work.

Have a great OP day!!!

Morning Ladies, :)

Tracie, yep! it was a great workout.

Why…why…why… I can’t seem to get my big a$$ out of the bed in the morning :-( I think bcuz my workout ends so late in the evening and after my bath and then by the time I prepare for the next day, hit the sack I’m sleeping like a baby.

Let me see, work out today hm….. P90X Plyometrics babe! I haven’t done that one in a very longgg time, should be fun. Followed by P90X shoulders & arms I’m going to TRY to get it in. I shall see. This is why I should get cardio done in the morning, I really don’t like to do two workouts back to back. On the way home tonight, will stop for a Red Bull :p

Good morning ladies!

Traci: very sage words, indeed :). I think back to when I was still in weight-loss mode and I didn't own a scale back then; I only weighed in at WW, which was once a week and no more than that. I was much more "sane" about it all back then ;) because I wasn't seeing all of the daily fluctuations. I think I need to get back to that once-a-week thing, except since I don't always have time to weigh in at WW anymore, I rely on my home scale, which (1) isn't that reliable to begin with (I swear, I just don't think home scales are built to be all that reliable) and (2) is a constant temptation LOL.

I have to find the discipline somehow to keep away from that thing and weigh in only once a week. That shall be my goal! :)

Hello everyone!

Well my weight is at goal ( Lifetimer since Oct '04) but my eating this week has been BAD! Dealing with PMS brings out the terrible fudgey brownie chocolate cravings that drive me insane.
Last night I went over board and had more than I should have but today - I will journal on e-tools and try not to give in.

Workouts - this week I'll start with using my treadmill and start slow as I took off the entire summer - did not workout consistantly as I should have x( but I will overcome this and get back on the ball with Cathe's rotations. I plan on following her Beginner's rotation plan to help build up my endurance again.

So I will attempt to come here and be accountable to myself by posting.

We are expecting Ernesto to go over us ( I live in the Carolinas) and I hope he does not do much damage - we have a problem with flooding.

Today our heat index is to reach 105°, so I plan on drinking tons of water, something I haven't been doing much of either - I have really slacked off ugh!

Thanks for reading!;-)
Vilma good to see you today! Ernesto has haunted a lot of us so far! Now that Texas & Florida appear safe I will send lots of good thoughts to the Carolinas.... Thanks for mentioning the water thing, I think thats why I'm feeling bloated.. too many diet sodas and not my usualy 80 oz a day of water w/ the terrible heat index in Houston right now... I'm gonna go get some water and dump this 8th cup of coffee!
I have a question for y'all.

I check my email more often than coming to Cathe's boards due to some time constraints.

Would anyone here consider a yahoo email group for Cathe and WW checkins?

Or is everyone happy as it is now?

I was just wondering that's all :)

Ok well I'm off to eat me some stattered hashbrowns 1 cup (1pt.) and 2 eggs (4pts) over easy as my lunch that I'm cooking here with just 2 tsp of olive oil (2.5 pts) - this should keep me nice and satisfied for quite some time :)
Vilma- thanks for the water reminder!!! I definitely have not been drinking water like I normally do while on vacation. Part of the reason is that we have to buy bottles of water because where we are has HORRIBLE tasting water!!! So I feel a little guilty about the amount I drink, so subconsciously cut back.

Hope Ernesto blows over without damage. We could really use his rain, though!!!!!

Just a quick check in! I have had a good time playing in the gym that I joined for the week. One more class tomorrow morning then we head home tomorrow night!

I hope that everyone has a good day! Traci- I think that those points are considered "added Flexies"???
Hey everyone:

Just a quick "HI", no time for personals, hopefully tomorrow. ;-)

I just finished IMAX 3 and it completely kicked my butt!!!! }( }( }( I had to modify here and there, but I finished it! Whew......

It has been so busy at work. Today was crazy - teachers and staff are back so my quiet summer working is over, that's for sure! Kids come back a week from today, thank goodness. My DS is very excited, so that makes me happy - hopefully I can get him to feel that way for another nine years. :7 :7

I've been doing great with my points and all the exercise I'm doing is keeping me on track and feelin' good. I've still got the "power", Traci. ;-)

Have a great evening everyone and I'll be back on tomorrow morning!

Hi all-

Today I did 30 mins of Imax2, I love that workout. I have tape it off of fittv and then I did coremax1.

Yes it is great my weight stayed the same but its not lower by any means. It won't go higher than 175 but I am having a heck of a time getting it lower than 175.

Tommorow we are going to Manhattan lots of walking. Lots of shopping. :) :) ;-)

Have a great night.


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