Weight Watchers check-in, 8/28


Good Monday Morning:

Today is back to work and moving my office back to where it should be. We had to move our office over the summer and the "big" move back is today.

I had probably one of the best weekends OP and now know that "I can do it". I never thought I could get through a weekend without really spoiling things, but I just proved that wrong, thank goodness. I think that was my problem, I never believed in myself until NOW! :)

Have a great day everyone! I'm not sure what exercise will bring tonight after work, but I'm sure something good! }(


Happy Monday Everyone-
Trying to cathch-up on weekend posts.... Sounds like you guys had a good one!

Marcia: WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO! 1.4 down is incredible! What are you doing??? I am so happy for you!

Amy: Cool you "dialed up"... I just got your email and will ship your videos later this week.

Jennifer: What a great 10 mile run you had! The scale will follow soon... keep up the great job w/ wts

Buffy: Seems whenever I go to bay I have unplanned days off... I really have to figure something out... The bay is where we eat lots of foods that dont do well for me.... Will work on a solid plan for myself this week. I need to get out that 0 point veggie soup recipe- I recall its really good and filling!

Jenn: Theres a lot of info out there about body type... for the most part its based on where you tend to gain weight first and what foods are a trigger for fat storage in that body part. I like the BFFM (Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle) e-book explaination and solutions.
I have learned how my body responds to Wts vs cardio by being diligent with a log I created in excell. I monitor my my activity- calories burned- vs my points and note how my body feels/looks not just scale weight. As I have aged and am in peri-menopause I can tell you that its exactly the oposite of what its been all my life... very eye opening for me!

I am really having a mental struggle with sticking to less cardio/ more wts in a rotation although thats best for my body... I am just old school and love the cardio so much and find wts boring but wts are what get me results. I think I will go back to 1 body part a day and work in cardio 3-4 times a week.... If I can get myself to stick w/ the wts first thing then I know I'll do the cardio.
Anyway- sorry for the rambling as you see I'm still thinking it all through.

I will be doing Slim Series "Tone it Up" (lower body + Abs) today for the first time and will also add SH Shoulders (LOVE THAT ONE) to get me back in "lifting" mode.

Have a great morning!

"All true power in life comes from the now"
Hang in there, Traci..........

The weights, I feel, is what is helping me get on track. I feel so much stronger doing more weights and I think that helps me psychologically. I feel stronger so my brain says I am and I can turn away just about anything or have ONE tiny taste to get that out of the way. I LOVE cardio, too, but if I get my weights in I have no trouble getting cardio in, too, because I love it so much!

I started by just doing one body part and sit ups and then I changed to a couple body parts and sit ups with cardio, etc. It kind of grows on you and then your addicted.:7 GOOD LUCK!!!

Thanks for encouragement and for giving me your strategy... really needed it this morning your timimg was perfect.
Happy Monday, ladies!!

Yesterday was not such a great day with sticking with the points (I burned a lot of my weekly allowance--guess I'll have to be extra disciplined for the rest of the week *sigh*), but today is a new day and I'm determined to keep a positive attitude.

I have GOT to train myself to only weigh in once a week, though. I get so discouraged by the fluctuations (1.5 pounds gained from one morning to another), though I try not to let that distract me from my goals for the week. Still, it's hard, and I wish I knew how to not let it affect me so much.

Ok, I am off to do GS legs... I was going to start a PUB/PLB rotation this week, but I previewed GS and it looked so much fun (plus I wanted to do a 3 weight days/week rotation while I was still doing TNT so I'd still be able to fit in 3 days of cardio AND still have a day for yoga), so here I am... :)

Have a great day, everyone!

Jenn, If it makes you feel any better I blew through all but one of my FP this weekend. Look at it this way, we're still OP, FP are built into the program and should be used when needed. I tend not to use any FP during the week because I really don't need them. If I have my 20 plus a few AP's a day, I can stick to the program pretty well.

That being said, I'm not going to use all of my AP's this week and see what happens.

This morning I did Cardio Coach #4 and Coremax #3. CC#4 is a real killer. It's about 40 minutes of interval training with verrrry short breaks between intervals. Whoah, I was huffing and puffing.

Have great OP days!!!


I had a wonderful weekend with my GK’s lots of eating was going on, you know how that goes what they don’t eat or don’t like we eat, Ouch!

For today’s workout, I’ll be doing legs & glutes & KM leg drills. I did that on Saturday and still have DOMS.

My BD is fast approaching September 17th and my goal is too lose 5 lb so now I really have to focus. Bcuz, I’d like to go to Express and buy me cute little outfit. This is when I eliminate ALL sweets NO cheat day till I reach my goal.

½ c steel cut oatmeal 3pts (not sure)
3 egg whites 1 pt
1 slice of ff cheese 1 pt
WW entrée 5 pts
1 plum 1 pt
Chicken breast 4 pts
Whole tomato
Whey protein w/water 2 pts
peach 2 pts

Good Morning Ladies!

I went and had a wonderful step class at the gym. I have found that I really don't have any inclination to do weights without Cathe! I am sticking to cardio and have been averaging about every other day. The instructor this morning was actually pretty good and cued very well. The clutzy lady in front of my was who was throwing me off, though! Another day of blessing Cathe for my ability to keep up!!!

I have noticed a BIG change in my eating during this trip. Even up to last January, I viewed these trips as vacations and "let it all hang out". This trip, I haven't really been that diligent, but have been lots more careful that usual! In fact, lots of things that I used to enjoy eating, I just don't want anymore.

Very thankful that Ernesto is turning away from where I live, now I just hope that I will be able to make it home on Wednesday!

Have a good day ladies!!!
Happy Monday ladies-

My weight is still the same. Hopefully this week I will get more workouts in and maybe that will help. So far I have 2 workouts done.
Today I did HCE still working on getting through all the blasts I made it through the plie jack one entirely. :) Yesterday I did KPC and KM Blast challenge and drills. I hate condtioning drills.}( They are evil I couldn't keep my leg up and my hand was so sweaty it kept sliding off the chair. x(

Traci-thank you for the info, I will google and do some reasearch.

Amy when I used to go to the gym I had to always be up front or else other people would throw me off. Make it home safely, glad your have a great time. ;-)

Buffy what is cardio coach? Are they workouts you can take outdoors if you down load them to an mp3 file? I hear a lot of talk about them.

Jenn :7
>Happy Monday ladies-
>My weight is still the same. Hopefully this week I will get
>more workouts in and maybe that will help. So far I have 2
>workouts done.
>Today I did HCE still working on getting through all the
>blasts I made it through the plie jack one entirely. :)
>Yesterday I did KPC and KM Blast challenge and drills. I hate
>condtioning drills.}( They are evil I couldn't keep my leg up
>and my hand was so sweaty it kept sliding off the chair. x(
>Traci-thank you for the info, I will google and do some
>Amy when I used to go to the gym I had to always be up front
>or else other people would throw me off. Make it home safely,
>glad your have a great time. ;-)
>Buffy what is cardio coach? Are they workouts you can take
>outdoors if you down load them to an mp3 file? I hear a lot of
>talk about them.
>Jenn :7


Here's the link for cardio coach. Yeah, they are mp3 files you can download and they guide you through an interval workout.


Hi everyone!

Marcia - way to go! sounds like you've been doing great!

Traci - I find weights boring too, but I love what they do for my body

Jennifer - how was GS legs? I don't have any of the GS WO yet. Are they worth getting?

Buffy - I've been looking at Cardio Coach, too - can you do it just walking/jogging outside? I don't have a treadmill, elliptical or bike (actually all I have are weights, a step, and a stability ball). I'd like to try one of the cardio coach wo, but I'm not sure if I could just do it walking around the neighborhood.

Teddygirl - make sure you eat enough points - don't forget your body will hoard weight if it thinks you aren't getting enough. That means your daily points and AP's too!

Amy - sounds like your making lifestyle changes that will last! Isn't it weird when you realize that you don't want those things you used to eat? I still find it odd sometimes.

Well, I'm back from vacation and only up one pound. Not bad considering the meals were all family style - I didn't get to chose any of the menu, it was all predetermined and included in the package. Most of the meals were OK, but they had an Italian night that almost did me in. I mean the only healthy thing was the tossed salad. And on Friday they had lots of bad stuff like hot dogs, fried fish, mac & cheese. I had a salad and a PB sandwich. Pretty sad when PB on white bread is the healthiest thing on the menu. Next time I'll be requesting a special menu in advance.

Other than some food challenges, vacation was awesome. I managed to get some really good power walks in and we just went and went all day. We've already booked the same week for next year.

The only problem with being back from vacation is getting out of vacation mode. I did get up and WO this morning, I did RS which is my fav all time step WO. But it was rough. I just didn't have any oomph.

I didn't think about my workouts at all (other than getting my walks in). But after reading these posts, I think I'll come up with a weight and cardio rotation like Marcia does. Maybe that will bust up the boredom. Or maybe I'll just have to buy a couple new workouts. That might do it too!

Happy Monday!


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Hi Claude,

GS Legs was awesome :). I was only able to do the timesaver version today because I had to get to work early, but it was still a great workout! I can't wait to get to the other two!


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