Weight Watchers Check-In 8/1


Well todays the start of a new month. Any weight watchers who may have falled off the wagon last must, you can take this opportunity to start fresh.

I'm going to do low max this morning before work. Abs after work, maybe abs pilates or core max.

My food plan so far:

1 cup of fiber one - 2pts.
light soy milk - 1 pt.
1/2 blueberries - 1/2 pt.
coffee w/ fatfree half and half - 0 pts.

Pria bar - 2 pts

1/2 turkey sandwich 3pts
stoneyfield farms yogurt 2pts
carrots and bell peppers 0 pts.


2 cups grapes - 2 pts.

??? (We'll have to see what DH cooks)

Have great days fellow weight watchers!!!
Good morning,

I'm going to join your check-in if you don't mind? I have been on and off WW for about 5 years. I was 5 pounds to goal a few years ago and something happened - I gained it all back PLUS 10 pounds and fell way off the wagon. I've been back on it AGAIN for a week and doing good. Staying committed, but will skip the scale this week because I'm one that needs to see results fast or I fall and I'm not ready for the scale yet. ;-)

So, I was very excited to see this check in, just what I need. WW and Cathe will do it for us everyone!!!

Not sure of my menu for the day. I will be doing High Step Challenge after work and maybe check out one of my new Pilates DVD's I got. :)

Stay OP everyone and have a wonderful day, I'll be back later to get acquainted the you. ;)

Welcome Marcia!!! I'm so glad to see so many Cathe fans also doing WW. I'm not new to Cathe but I'm very new to WW. I'm finding WW pretty easy to stick to so far. I'm not famished all the time like some other diets. I'm very excited to see how the Cathe/WW combo works out. Just finished Low Max. I'm beet red and sweating bullets. Off to the shower.
Buffy - your menu looked great for today. Low Max is one of my favorites.

Welcome to the group Marcia. I am a WW newbie - just finished my first month.

I had a egg beater sanddwich for breakfast. I found an omelette maker for $10 at Walgreens that makes 2 small omelettes. I used the southwest egg beaters with 1 slice of the Oscar Mayer bacon (3 slices = 1 point) chopped up. I put one omelette between 2 slices of bread (1 pt for 2) and put a little reduced fat cheese on top. All together between 3-4 points. I made another omelette and hoping I can just heat it in the microwave tomorrow morning. The Light Thomas Multi Grain muffins would be great instead of the bread for the same points and even more fiber. The omelette maker wokred great with the egg beaters and you don't need to stand and watch them.

No workout this morning. With DH gone, my schedule is disrupted and dog gets crazy. I plan to get on the Nordic Track tonight.
Not WW related, but I saw you were going to use your Nordic Track. First of all, is this the skier thingy? I have one of those but have never learned how to use it. Any pointers for getting used to it? I know they are supposed to be very effective for cardio - I'd love to get some use out of it.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]
Sorry Maria! I wrote Marcias name twice!

Good Morning Ladies!
Welcome Marcia! I just joined this group yesterday and am already inspired by the people on it!
Maria: You are so good to plan out your food! I really struggle with keeping to the plan of the day.... ENJOY!
Marie: YUMMY! I'm off to walgreens today to look for that omelet maker....

I have a KPC Premix (82 min) on for this morning
Its Drills/Strength Circuit/Abs.... never attempted before but I love KPC so I'm hoping the time flys by!

Ate my 20 points yesterday + my 4 APs + 2 Flex
I was so hungry yesterday for some reason I think its because I did 45 minutes of Upper body and weight training always makes me so dang hungry!

I am also going to go and stock up on WW snacks because they are so much less evil when my sweet tooth hits (and it hits HARD some days)

Have a fabulous day everyone!:+
>Not WW related, but I saw you were going to use your Nordic
>Track. First of all, is this the skier thingy? I have one of
>those but have never learned how to use it. Any pointers for
>getting used to it? I know they are supposed to be very
>effective for cardio - I'd love to get some use out of it.
>"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias

Yes it is a skier. It has been a while but try just doing the feet first, then feet with your arms moving naturally and then add the arms with the "poles". I haven't been using mine much but thought it might be good for times when I work out in the morning and just don't feel like a video. Right now I am using this for cardio because DH is gone and my schedule is off. I am just going to do weights on my own too I think. Although abs I will pull out a video.

I used to do step more but that is too hard at 4:15am. Esp Cathe step. I like kickboxing and got the turbokick certification in March. I have the turbo jam workouts too.
I don't know if any of you have ever visited the hungry-girl site, but she gives plenty of tips on great tasting low cal food. Often times the site will even post how many WW points the food is worth. If you haven't visited the site its worth a look.

Welcome Marcia!! I just joined this check in also, and everyone is super supportive, so enjoy!!! I also joined WW 3 years ago, lost 20lbs, and gained it all back plus some. I was 18, felt a little uncomfortable going to the meetings (I was the youngest one there) and smtg happened in my life that shifted my focus off me. Now at 21, I got over being uncomfortable about being the young one, and just take it one day at a time, and so far have been successful, except for July, lol, but whatever, life goes on.

Tracy, is KPC worth it to get? I have KM, and not too crazy about it, I do it to change up my step routine, but it's not my favorite WO, just wondering if KPC is better.

Buffy, the site is cool, she does give great tips, I'll take a good look at it after my class tonight. I was also just wondering, you said you did LoMax b4 work?? What time in the morning do you workout at, if you don't mind me asking, and do you find it hard to workout in the morning? The reason why I am asking is because starting in September I will be doing my first workterm for my program, and I was trying to find a good time to exercise, and it seems to be b4 work, but I dunno if I will be able too, lol.

Have a great day everybody!!! August is a new, fresh month! Set new goals, try new veggies and fruits (I want to try a pomegrante, sorry if i spelt that wrong) and enjoy the hot days of August :)

Corinne :)

I work three days a week, so on those days I work out from 6:30 to 7:30ish. On the other days its more like 8:30 by the time I get out to my gym. I'm a morning person so working out in the morning comes naturally to me. Also, after I get all sweaty its nice to take a shower and be all set for the day. I also find that working out in the morning keeps me more motivated during the day. Don't want to undo all that hard work.

You should give morning workouts a try. I would say give it about three weeks to see of you can make it a habit. If not, anytime that you can fit it in is a good time. Good Luck!!!

Thanks Buffy,

Ya, I am a morning person, but sometimes it's really easy to press the snooze button. And right now, my classes are at night, so I'm use to working out around 10-11, and if I do want to workout b4 work in September, I will have to WO at 5:30!!! Soooooo, I think I might try waking up an hour earlier each week in August, so my body gets use to it, and see if I do get a good WO in. And I think working out in the morning will also keep my motivated for the entire day, thanks for that tip!!! :)
Hi can I join too?

I made WW lifetime in Oct '04 ( most if not all my weight loss was done on my own doing WW online. I only joined meetings when I was 10 #'s away from goal so I can get the 'paper materials')and lost a total of 45 #. Have kept it off well but this summer mainly for the past 2 months I have been dealing with an increase of 3# in rebound weight. I need to catch it now before it gets any higher :)I don't really like going to meetings and only go in for my monthly weigh ins - the leader is a very sweet older retired lady and most of the members seem to be be in the over 55 age range but I have never been motivated by going to the meetings. I live in a rural area and she is the only leader for the surrounding counties.

I know why I have rebound weight as I've laid off working out this summer and have not been watching my intake, so I would love to join this check in both to keep my weight in check and to get my lazy butt in gear to workout consistantly again.That is where my problem lies I'm not working out 5- 6 x/week but down to 3x, not good for me.

At the moment I'm following Cathe's beginner rotation weeks 4-6 and with the heat here triple digits today & a heat advisory until 7pm I'm finding it hard to workout as the air is so heavy.

I plan on working out tonight once the sun goes down and the house gets cooler doing Body Fusion and the lower body add on.

Once the heat lets up
Hi everyone!

It's great to see so many people doing WW and supporting each other. For all of you that are just starting out I want to wish you good luck and I know you will do awesome. I am a Lifetime member, but have had my share of many ups and downs in the past few years. Don't beat yourself up for that. I know when I did, all I wanted to do is eat more. Ugh. Not good. I have lost 38 pounds total with WW and 18 pounds before that by myself. I know WW works!

Hey, I have a question for you all. I am looking to add to my Cathe collection and am really into weight training right now. Do any of you have suggestions on Gym Styles? I have also been looking at Slow & Heavy too, but Gym Styles have really got me curious. Thanks!

Well, I am off to get ready to go to work. Need to have breakfast first: 1 cup oatbran, 1/2 cup assorted berries, coffee.

Have a great first day of August!

Good afternoon everyone:


Breakfast: ff hashbrowns with added veggies

Lunch: 2 pt. soup, 100 pk. snack and WW yogurt

Supper: grilled chicken, corn on the cob and salad

Good luck to everyone today - stay on track!!! Oh, for working out I will do a Cardio Coach CD. LOVE THOSE!

I've been on that hungry girl site, it's great!

>Good afternoon everyone:
>Breakfast: ff hashbrowns with added veggies
>Lunch: 2 pt. soup, 100 pk. snack and WW yogurt
>Supper: grilled chicken, corn on the cob and salad
>Good luck to everyone today - stay on track!!! Oh, for
>working out I will do a Cardio Coach CD. LOVE THOSE!
>I've been on that hungry girl site, it's great!

What's you recipe for ff hashbrowns? How many points are they worth? I absolutely love hashbrowns. yumm
IMO KPC is the best value Kathy Has!
There is Kick Punch Crunch + Legs & Glutes on CD
Premixes are AWESOME!
Everthing from 37 minute cardio onlys to 82 minute Cardios, Legs Works Circuits, Abs Ankle Weight leg work, Floor & standing Leg work, Stability Ball Abs.... JUST an incredible value! I think about 20 or 25 premixes in all plus the mix and match option)
I am just starting to really get into premixes after 6 months of being w/ Cathe so its a whole new exciting world to me.
KPC is also her most intense Kickboxing series (again IMO)
I am so pumped about completing the 82 minute circuit that I am going to do this CD (different mixes) 3 day a week for awhile and see if I can kick my plateau to the moon!
I burned 702 calories in 75 minutes of actual workout time.

(Can you tell I love it??)
If you can get it!!!
Congrats on the awesome weight loss!!!!! What an inspiration you will be. Lots of us do WW on line, I love it! Did the meetings way about two years ago and gotta tell ya coulda punched out the lady who yelled SHES AT HALF WAY GOAL! (now mind you at the time I was only needing to lose 10 pounds TOTAL so the 30 women in line who were working on many more pounds were LESS than enthusiastic for my half way mark!) hahahahahaahah I was so embarressed!
Anyway- thats why theres different types of ways to do it right???

Have fun here and please share all your wisdom!
I had a rough morning this am. I did PUB and the step portion of SJ&P. I could barely get through the step segment, my body was just funky. I was shaking, and could barely drive to work, it was bad. I feel better now. I don't know if I didn't have enough calories or what.
My eats so far:
morn coffee with skim milk and cocoa and splenda 3pts
grapenuts flakes and skim milk 4pts
luna bar 3pts
1 cup tomatoe soup 2pts
ww crackers 2 pts
Cucumber salad 0pts
yogurt 1pt

I'm not sure what I'll do for dinner.
Those hash browns sound good - I want the recipee too!
I love reading what other people are eating.
Hello, everyone
Sounds like today has been busy. I just got up as I didn't sleep yesterday after getting off work at 0730, so DH kindly let me sleep until noon today to help make up for going 24 hrs w/o sleep!

Anyway, need to forage for food, now. I have a 3.5-4 mile run scheduled for later this afternoon when it cools off a bit.

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