weight watcher diet receipes site


Active Member
Hey guys! I thought i would share this web site with you all. I was give to me by one of the girls i work with and its loaded with all type of receipes from soup to nuts. Hope this helps alot of you. DWLZ.COM
I have just started WW online--this is my second day and I am not sure what to do, because after lunch it seems that I only have 5 points left for the rest of the day! I'm sure it takes a while to get used to, but if anyone has some good ideas for weight watchers lunches that I can take to work, it would be fantastic. Thanks!

You'll do fine, you just have to find what works for you. For lunch, if you have a fridge/freezer at work, you can bring a lean cuisine/smart one/healthy choice. If not, make a turkey sandwich (1 whole wheat bun=1 point. 1 slice of cheese=1 point. I forgot how much turkey it takes to get one point, but if you get Healthy Choice, I believe 4 slices=1 point.} You can find something called Soy Crisps at Eckerds and other drug stores. They're DELICIOUS and one very decent-sized bag is two points. Throw in some celery sticks, which are free, or an apple for one point. So that's a 6 point lunch.

Something that might help also is up to 3 servings of jello are free. As is two tbsp. of fat-free whipped cream.

Good luck!

Take care,

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