Weight Watcher Check-In, Aug. 2

Good morning everyone, I hope you had a good OP day yesterday. I did and actually ended up with lots of points at the end. I did a Cardio Coach workout on my elliptical and then some Pilates. It kicked my butt and I had 5 AP points to add. YIPPEE.....love those days!

Today the weather is FINALLY going to cool down to where we can breathe outside, so I'm looking forward to that and will get a run in this afternoon after work. I think I will go as long as I can and see where that leads me. ;-) (Hopefully, around 5 miles.)

Menu: Today

breakfast: ?????

lunch: working lunch - I'll probably have a salad and fruit

supper: Chicken

Lots of things in the air for eating today....

Good luck to everyone today and stay focused!!! We CAN do this....

Yesterday I ended up eating more flex points than I had planned in the evening. Wretched PMS. But, I still remained OP and I haven't even used all of my flex points. I like that WW gives room for those unplanned mini binges. Today will be a better day.

I'm plannng on doing ME/BC combo. That one really makes me sweat.

I'm not working today, so I haven't really planned my meals. But, I'm determined not to stay at 22 points today.
Happy Wednesday All!

Marcia- a runner... I'm impressed! I tried running (jog/walk) again last month after a 3 year hiatus from it and felt like I had lead legs... I think I'm past my running days and so envy those of you who are into it! Love the freedom it brings.

Buffy- Hang tough w/ the PMS... just a CRAZY few days for food cravings isn't it? I have never done the ME/BC Combo Challenge but hear its a goodie!!! Have a great time with it!

Stayed at 20 points yesterday and loved every minute of the KPC Premix (Circuit/82min)... My upper body is really sore this morning but I think thats from the Heavy Upper I did on Monday.:)

I have a 90 minute Interval Spin class today on the plan and I may sneak in SH Legs & Abs in the afternoon so I can take a recovery day tomorrow.... My body is starting to feel tired and heavy from 4 days of heavy workouts.

Have a great day all! ;-)
Hello Everyone!!! :)

Traci, now I want KPC, lol. I went to the site and read about it, and it seems awesome! I love how there are a lot of premixes that come with it!!! :)

Just wondering, I'm also looking into Terminator and SB, SJP, any good these 3 workouts??? I love love love circuit WOs, and I need a step WO that is not interval training (I only have IMAX2, Imax3, LoMax and KM for cardio from Cathe, and not a huge fan of KM) so I do a lot of interval training and I would like to switch it up.

Buffy I also love the freedom WW gives you for mini binges! It allows you to treat yourself, which you don't feel guilty about doing, and still lose weight!!! IMO, WW is the best program out there.

Marcia, you are so lucky you can go out for a jog now! I think I would die of heat stroke if I did, it's so humid out right now, that they are telling people to stay indoors and limit outdoor activities :-( Hopefully this heat wave will pass!!!

My plan for today is to eat only 20 points, (maybe a few AP, but will try not too) and Imax 2!!!

Have a great day and if u bite it, right it!!! :) :) :)
Hello all;
I stayed OP yesterday - but dealing with PMS sometimes it gets really hard.

Last night I picked up wish-bone's salad spritzers and I had a lovely salad with slivered almonds and dried cranberries and a touch of crumbled feta cheese all for 3 points- it curbed my hunger and did wonders for the tastebuds.

Breakfast- oatmeal
lunch- salad with some tuna tossed in
Dinner- ????

snacks- banana

that's the plan for today

workouts I plan on opening up my treadmill as it is still very hot here in the south and very hard to breathe.

Cardio circuit cd's what's that?

I'm actually thinking of using itrain's itread program but would like more feedback for mp3's

Have a wonderful day and try to stay cool for those of you who are dealing with this wicked heatwave.
<I'm also looking into Terminator and SB, SJP, any good these 3 workouts??? I love love love circuit WOs, and I need a step WO that is not interval training>

Hey Kern-
Oh YES do spend your $$$$ on Terminator! I adore Gauntlet and Viper & Imax Extreme are killer as well! I am quickly becoming a circuit junkie myself because I get so darn bored with doing the same type of thing for an hour.... Circuits seem to keep me on my toes and are doing great things for leaning out my body.

If you have any $$$ left after KPC & Terminator then SJP / SB are goodies too! I am starting to use premixes on all of these to keep me really interested and its working. I am FINALLY able to stick w/ rotations I set up for myself.
<Last night I picked up wish-bone's salad spritzers and I had a lovely salad with slivered almonds and dried cranberries and a touch of crumbled feta cheese all for 3 points- it curbed my hunger and did wonders for the tastebuds.>

What a YUMMY YUMMY Salad this sounds like! What section of grocery store are the dried cranberries in? I just gotta make this salad!!!
BTW I love the salad spritzers and the concept in general...wish I'd thought of that! (and made a fortune! hahah)
WI this morning and down - but only by .8 although that is better than a gain so I'll take it.

This morning was the other omelette I cooked yesterday. It kept fine in the refrigerator and then reheating it in the microwave.

We are still hot here but they say rain today and then cooler temps. I'm in Wisconsin and this is the hottest in a long time and the most days of hot too.
Congrats Marie on the .8!!! Any loss is an accomplishment!!!

Traci, I will be buying KPC and Terminator, not right now though, going sky diving on August 13, so I'm going to pay for that first, then feed my Cathe addiction! Thanks for the info on them :)

Corinne :)
I got the ocean spray original dried cranberries in the aisle where you find the rice cakes and granola bars, the slivered almonds inthe baking section :)

I just made some for my 8 yr old and she really likes it - it beats the fat laden creamy dressings that they like .
Good Morning all!

Well, by the time I got here, it's afternoon.
Anyway, yesterday was a good day. I was over my "official" points by 5, but I am trying some thing a little different with my points. Earlier, I posted that I went through a 6 month plateau, even with kicking up my workouts with Cathe (starting last January) and running 2x/week in March. My WW leader said that I was not eating enough food, so for the last month or so, I have gone through and added 2 points to every day from my Flex bank. I end up using about 2-3 additional points everyday on top of that which spaces my Flex bank more evenly throughout the week. It has worked wonders and I have lost another 8 lbs or so doing this.

Yesterday was a jog day for me. I had planned about 3.5 miles but when I got there, I kept hearing Cathe's voice in my head, "listen to your body, if you feel strong, then go for it". I ended up jogging 5 miles, which is a first for me in a really long time (over 7 yrs)! According to the point calculator, that jog was about 12 APs by itself!

Anyway, I have either Step or Kickboxing and PUB on the menu today. DH and I are meeting friends for dinner tonight. We will see how that goes, because my weigh in is tomorrow night!

I have found the dried cranberries with all the other dried fruits (they are in the baking aisle where I shop).
Sounds like everyone is doing great!!!

I just wanted to share, I don't have my first official weight in until tomorrow, but I put on two pairs of shorts that were so tight last week I couldn't wear them and guess what!??? They fit perfectly. Hum, makes me think that WW really is working!!! So excited!

It's boiling up here in the Northeast. Did ME/BC combo this morning with a bit of exra treadmill work and let me say, IT WAS HOT. I don't have a/c in my gym, just fans so it got pretty steamy. But, I got through it and felt better for it.

Thanks to everyone for your support.

Congrats in fitting in your shorts! Doesn't it feel great when you try smtg on that you know didn't fit you before, and then voila! (my french comes out of me sometimes :) ) it fits!!! Be proud of yourself, because I believe how your clothes fit is the biggest indicator of weight loss compared to the scale, because muscle does weight more than fat. Good luck tomorrow for you WI!!! :)

Going out for supper with my boyfriend tonight, I am making a commitment to have a salad with chicken no matter where we go, and I'm passing up the bread! Let's hope it works! :)

Corinne :)
So anyway my week is going as I planned. Between painting a bedroom and siding the outside of the house I have only worked out on Sunday this week. Also a heat wave in the Northeast is NO FUN!!! Tommorow we are chilling at the beach and Friday the waterpark. Saturday I will attempt to start another rotation. I have been writing down my food but going way over my points. I have to figure out how to break them down so I don't feel hungry. But sometimes my hunger is boredom.

Great job to all of you though.

Hi Jenn-
You sound a bit down.... we all have those weeks where we feel like everythings off track w/ food & exercise.
Just FYI... I took 10 days off in June to visit family and I ate alot more than what I was accustomed...bottom line was I was only 1/2 pound up and I had all my strength/cardio endurance back to full speed in a weeks time. I actually think my body was CRAVING a lomg break. I learmed my lesson and now actually plan on taking a rest week every six weeks.
Sounds like you are staying active naturally and that counts for a lot!
Have a wonderful time at the waterpark/beach. ;)
BTW: Its NASTY humid/hot here in Houston as well! The whole country is sweltering I think!
Today, I did okay. Dug into my flex points slightly. At lunch I got a boca burger and it wasn't the kind I usually get but I thought it would be similar. The kind I get usually are 1 point, I ate two up, and then realized they had cheddar cheese in them an they were 2 points a piece. I was so mad! I wish these companies wouldn't mess with my food, man it pissed me off. -A dieter scorned x(
I did PLB and abs from KPC, all good there. I am looking forward to the heat wave breaking. I can't even take my dog for a walk, he can barely move with all that fur.
BuffyR- I was so excited to see you are in Vermont! I'm down in Putney. Where do you attend your meetings? I go over to Keene, because they are really fun there. The one I've gone to nearby is really poorly attended and rather boring, so it's worth it to me to drive and go to a fun meeting. Tomorrow is my WI. Maybe we could meet up sometime.
My dinner was so sad tonight, I had 2 fat free frozen waffles with unsweetened applesauce. Yikes! I really must go to the grocery store.
Talk to you all tomorrow, I'm so glad this thing is taking off so nicely!

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