Weight Watcher Check in 8/27`


Good morning girls:

I lost 1.4 yesterday at weigh-in and I think I'm still on that high. Which is a great thing because then I stay motivated throughout the day. I did about 25 minutes of step work yesterday getting ready for my classes to start in a couple short weeks. I wrote a lot of routines down and thankfully it all started to come back to me again once I got going. Then, 25 minutes on the elliptical and some ab work to end it.

Today we have a parade to go to and a picnic, but I'm hoping to get something in here before we go, but not sure how much time I will have to that.

Have a great day everyone!

Congrats, Marcia!! :)

I still haven't done a "formal" weigh-in at WW (am waiting until my mom starts up with WW again and will start going with her), but I did weigh in on my scale this morning, and I'm up a pound from last week, at 129. Not too bummed, as last week was PMS week for me (always fun!). Also, I've been doing lots more weight training these last few weeks, and I also haven't been 100% disciplined about writing down everything in my food journal.

This week I've taken my points down a smidge to my weight loss level (vs. maintenance level) to get myself back on track. I'm working hard on not getting overly obsessed with that number on the scale, though; there were a few weeks there where I was getting really upset because the number wouldn't budge or (gasp!!) kept creeping up and I was doing everything I had been taught by WW to do to try and combat all of that, but it seemed nothing was working. After I just relaxed and sort of put trust in all the "right" things I was doing, the weight began to stabilize and go down to my normal weight (128-129, give or take). My goal is really just to be as stable as possible and still allow myself to have indulgences here and there so I don't feel deprived LOL.

Anyway... Hope everyone has a good day :).

Great job Marcia!!! Keep up the good work.

Jennifer, I'm also taking my points down a bit this week. I want to play around with my points to see what works best for me. Some people need to eat all their points (including all AP's and FP's), but, I'm thinking I'm not one of those people. I think I need to stay closer to 22 pts. a day.

Today was a good day eating wise. I didn't work out which is rare for me. I'll try to make up for it tomorrow.

I made some zero point vegetable soup. I pureed most of it to make a thicker soup but left some chunks. DH thought it was great. I'm planning on eating that throughout the week to help with the "hungries".

>Yum, would you mind sharing the recipe? :)

This is from the WW website. I just put most of it through a blender once it was cooked. WARNING - Wait until it cools before putting it through the blender, if its too hot the steam makes the lid come off.

No POINTS® Value Vegetable Soup

POINTS® Value | 0
Servings | 12
Preparation Time | 50 min
Cooking Time | 13 min
Level of Difficulty | Easy

soups | Some say that this soup is the secret to their weight-loss success. Cook up a pot and keep it in the fridge for snacks or an appetizer.


2 medium garlic clove(s), minced
1 medium onion(s), diced
2 medium carrot(s), diced
1 medium sweet red pepper(s), diced
1 medium stalk celery, diced
2 small zucchini, diced
2 cup green cabbage, shredded
2 cup Swiss chard, chopped
2 cup cauliflower, small florets
2 cup broccoli, small florets
2 tsp thyme, chopped
6 cup vegetable broth
2 Tbsp parsley, or chives, fresh, chopped
1/2 tsp table salt, or to taste
1/4 tsp black pepper, or to taste
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice, optional


Put garlic, vegetables, thyme and broth into a large soup pot. Cover and bring to a boil over high heat; reduce heat to low and simmer 10 minutes.

Stir in parsley or chives; season to taste with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Yields about 1 cup per serving.

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