Weight used for Leaner Legs vs MIS Legs or PS Legs...


I'm curious as to what poundage some of you use for Leaner Legs vs MIS Legs or PS Legs.

I tend to use less weight in Leaner Legs, but am wondering if I should up the weight because I feel that workout more cardiovascularly than I do muscularly (does that make sense?). Meaning that after I do MIS Legs or PS Legs, I find my legs feel a good "sore" feeling the day or two afterwards...but when I'm doing Leaner Legs with the lighter weight, I don't get that same feeling in my legs. So should I be using the same weight as I do for MIS as I do for Leaner Legs???


I use 35 pounds for LL, 40 for MIS and 50 for PS Legs. I don't think I could make it through all the reps in LL if I went up, there is just no rest, the reps are fast and furious. The workouts are just different. Just use the heaviest weight you can handle.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-01 AT 09:36AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Terri,

I use 35 LL, 40 MIS and 45 PS. I stay lighter with LL because of the immediate jump to quarter deadlifts after squats, I can't use heavier than 35 for those without hurting my back and it's too much hassle to keep changing plates since I only have 1 barbell. I also think it's safer because of the faster pace of LL. I have to drop to 30 for PH!

Happy squatting!

Hi Lorrie!

Every week or every two weeks (pretty well) I increase my weight by 5-lb (2 X 2 1/2) increments on whatever leg tape I'm working on (I wish they came out with 1-lb weight plates, don't you? That would make increasing the weight you carry so much easier). Right now, for regular and plier squats, I'm using 42 lbs on LL (have gone as high as approx 60 on a previous rotation). For static lunges, which are literally my Achilles Heel (absolutely kill my back legs, ankles and feet!), I can only go as high as 45 lbs. My highest on PS Legs (squats) was 67 lbs. but that was several months ago -- I start that rotation at about 58 lbs. Although I have MIS, I rarely use it. I'm just not crazy about step warmups because my legs already feel like they've had a workout even before I pick up the weights. I normally tend to use leg tapes on their own, with the exception, of course, of the Slow & Heavy tape. Working on legs really strips my gears.

For Power Hour, which I just started doing once a week, I'm using 42 lbs on squats, and 35 on lunges. I intend to up the weight for squats to 47 lbs on my next PH workout. (Yeah, I say that now, but let's see if I really go through with it -- my hands are already shaking in mortal fear as I'm doing up my shoe laces!) This is one tough tape -- I find PS to be a walk in the park compared to PH and LL! For some reason, the Carly Simon song "I Haven't Got Time for the Pain" keeps on going through my head whenever I do these two tapes. I wonder why?

Good golly Ms. Molly!! I always mean to say just a few words and then go off writing "War and Peace 2"!



If you're interested, the above website sells "fractional weight plates". These are weights in various packages of 1/8lb through 1lb plates. The idea is that intellectually we cannot discern an increase of about 1% when lifting weights so we can increase the weight without "feeling" it.

They're a little pricey but I've resorted to ordering a set as I have the opposite problem of most women--my upper body gains strength easily but I am a total wimp when it comes to lower body and I have to increase my poundage somehow!
I slip one pound wrist weights on the bar, outside the plates to increase the barbell by a mere 2 lbs. It's great for bicep curls or tricep presses where a small muscle really needs delicate increases.
Wow...you're really able to "hoist" that much weight over your head onto your shoulders....I am IMPRESSED.

The most poundage I can seem to do that with is about 50 pounds at most...

You're post gave me a chuckle. Man, you must have some stong legs! I'm with you on PS being a "walk in the park" after LL and PH but I still can't go past 45lbs on PS because then I can't get the bar down safetly from my shoulders.

BTW I have 1 1/4 lb plates that come in handy on occasion!

Hi Lorrie, maybe these plates will help me increase my poundage without overdoing it.

I have to say you girls are amazing!!
Here goes "War and Peace 3"!

Mogambo, what an absolutely BRILL idea to use one-pound wrist weights on the barbell. That will really help on my upper body workouts as well. I find 5-lb increments almost impossible for biceps -- especially the bottom half of the crazy-8's (I tend to teeter forward).

Terri, the trick is to hoist the bar over your head as quickly as possible, but go gentle when your barbell is landing (thank goodness for the barbell pad). Against all rules, I start hoisting from the ground on up in one fluid movement -- it really helps if you're only 5-ft. tall -- not far to go! Once you pause, you're a goner! Also, when I did PS with the 67-lber, I kept it on my shoulders during the rest break between squats and hover (bench) squats. No way, Jose, was I gonna have to go through that twice! As a matter of fact, I was urging Cathe under my breath to hurry up on with the job 'cause that bar is heavy.

By the way, any of you ever try to press the pause button on your VCR while balancing a fully-loaded barbell on your shoulders? Aye-yi-yi (yi-yi)!! Speaking of pretty picture, anyone ever had their cat start lovingly twining itself around your legs while doing static lunges with aforementioned loaded barbell? It's about the only time I get the urge to "kick the cat" which is hard when both legs are currently occupied! Even better -- and much funnier -- when your cat thinks it's a pillow during situps.

Oops, time to go home (I'm writing this at work -- no home computer!)

So ends the second installment of War and Peace 2... And they all lived happily after.

For MIS and Leaner Legs I use a 60lb. barbell and 20-26lb. dumbbells.
For PS legs I use a 70lb. barbell and 20-26lb. dumbbells.
For leg presses in PS and LL, I only use a 30lb. barbell. I'm overweight and figure I don't need too much resistance!

Patricia - I do the same thing as you with a heavier barbell - I try to keep it on my shoulders during the rest periods to avoid having to lift if up too many times and it DOES get HEAVY on the shoulders!! And I have tried pressing the pause button with the barbell balanced on my shoulders, but I would lose it if I had a cat twining around my legs during static lunges!! That sounds dangerous!

Lorrie and Terri: It took me a long time to be able to lift a 70lb. barbell to my shoulders. I was stuck for a very long time between 50-60lbs. and finally was able to increase that weight. You'll be able to do it, just be patient. Someday I hope to lift heavier as well.

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