Hi Cheryl,
Wow 5'5 1/2 and 115? Have you always been thin. I've never been overweigh. Was 95 lbs 4 years ago. But my horible eating habbits has driven me to gain 115 lbs (even with while working out).
Right now I alternate Rhythmic Step (just got it last week) and Powerstrike and do weight portion of Body-- 2 to 3 body parts per day. All I have for lower body is Firm's Body Sculpting Basics which I might use for the lower body untill I get Power Hour. I also have Frim's Supper Cardio (which I do on days when I'm too tired to workout) and CIA9905 (kind of bord with it though)
Ex of what I've done this week:
Sunday: Powerstrike + chest & back from Body Max
Mon (today): RS + biseps, triceps, and shoulders from Body Max
I pretty much do what I feel like for cardio as long as I don't do the same tape twice in a row and just started doing weights. As you can see I have no plan what so ever.
In additiong to 5# weights, what # of weights should I get for Power Hour?
Funny you ask about IMax2. I was just thinking about getting eather IMax or IMax 2. Leaning more toward IMax2 though.
Do you count calories or follow some sort of a meal plan? I think that this is my biggest problem. The foods I eat are healthy, but too much of a good thing is bad.
If it's easier for you to e-mail me, my e-mail is:
[email protected]
Thanks so much for all your help,