Weight training


I've been doing cardio 6 to 7 days a week, but now decided to add weight training. My goal is weight loss.
Is it OK to split a video up into parts and do 1 or 2 parts every day along with cardio? For example: cardio + chest and back, next day cardio + biseps and triceps...ets. Or will I get better results from alternating cardio days with total body weight training days?
I saw that you posted on Ask Cathe and got a few responses. I know everyone has their own opinions on what works for them.

For me, personally, I do cardio 7 days a week. I also do weight training everyday. I vary it every six weeks or so - to get variety. I know alot of people say take of rest day - well on my rest day I still do some kind of cardio. I rest from the weights.

To answer your question, you can keep all the cardio you are already doing and add two body parts a day, like you said back, biceps one day then chest and shoulders on another, then triceps and legs on another.

I have had really good results - I do my legs three days a week (a good hard leg workout) and I have GREAT muscle definition. My quads are very well developed. I am more than pleased with the results of my exercise program.

I am 47 years old. I have 10 children. I have flat abs and very well developed muscles and for my age and for having 10 children, I feel I couldn't look any better.

You just try adding the weights, but keep up your cardio as you like. Some people swear by doing cardio that you will lose your muscle development. But I can attest for myself that is not true, for me anyway. It might be the case for some people. I love my cardio, that is what relieves my stress. I don't feel like doing weight training relieves any built up stress.

I will never give up my cardio. Sorry that I got long winded!

Hi Cheryl,
Thanks so much for responding, your results sound amazing.
I was wondering if you could post your rotation and the videos that you do?


With Cathe's new series, I have been experimenting. First, I got the videos, then the DVD's, so it has changed. Do you have Leaner Legs? That is a really good leg workout.

This is currently what I have been doing:


ME - BC Bonus Combo


All Step
Leaner Legs/ Pyramid Lower Body


Step Heaven (Christi Taylor)


Upper Body Pyramid


Rhythmic Step


Power Max
Muscle Endurance


Step Works or one of Cathe's other step videos

I forgot to add that I also do two of Cathe's new core/ab workouts everyday. If I do ME then I also add C&W, etc. I have seen a significant improvement in my abs and obliques.

Also, I would not recommend doing Leaner Legs and Lower Body Pyramid together like I do. I have been doing Cathe consistently since 1995, I have also been working out regularly since I was 18. It took me a long time to work up to that.

If you want to know anymore about me like weight and measurements let me know.

Your workouts sounds tough, no wonder you have such great results. If you could post your weight and measurements that would be great.

Can you help me figure out a rotation witht the videos I have? I have Rhythmic Step, Powerstrike Millenium 3 (kickboxing)--these are the vids that I usually use + uppeer body weight work from Body Max (doing 2 to 3 parts per day--just started). I used to be addicted to Body Max, so got bord with the step portion). I also have Firm's Supper Cardio (seems too easy though) and Firm's Basic Body Sculpting, but rarely do these videos.
I'm also planning on getting Power Hour. Do I need any more videos? Any suggestions (I can afford only 1 more for now--I'm a student lol)?

I'm currently using 5# weights with Body Max. Do you think that's good enough to start with or should I get some more weights (what#?).

I'm 21, 5'0 and 110. My goal is to loose about 1 size... about 10 lbs that I gained over the past 2 years do to bad eating habbits.

I have short legs and therefore don't want to bulk them up, should I be doing leg work?

Thanks so much

It seems to me that Power Hour would be a great tape for the weight training. It has some really good moves, but it is somewhat broken up from what I remember anyways. The legs are broken up in two parts. I think Cathe does squats, then chest then static lunges. So, it could be used.

Body Max is a really good cardio stepping and the power circuit section is really good, but I could see how you would get bored with it.

I am trying to think of what tape you could get besides Power Hour for the cardio. Cardio & Weights is a fun tape. It has all upper body work though and not a whole lot of cardio.

Maybe you could get Interval Max 2. Have you thought about that?

Could you let me know what you do now with the tapes that you have now?

I am 5" 5 1/2" tall and I weigh 115. My measurements are:

Bust 32 1/2"
Waist 23 1/2"
Hips 32 1/2"
Legs 18 1/2"

As you can see, I am on the slender side and I lift at least the weight that Cathe does on her tapes. My legs have slimmed down since I started weight training seriously.

It is good to start working out at your age - you will reap great benefits from it.

If you could give me an idea of what you do now maybe we can get a rotation going for you. You will definitely need heavier weights than the 5# weights you have now.


Hi Cheryl,
Wow 5'5 1/2 and 115? Have you always been thin. I've never been overweigh. Was 95 lbs 4 years ago. But my horible eating habbits has driven me to gain 115 lbs (even with while working out).

Right now I alternate Rhythmic Step (just got it last week) and Powerstrike and do weight portion of Body-- 2 to 3 body parts per day. All I have for lower body is Firm's Body Sculpting Basics which I might use for the lower body untill I get Power Hour. I also have Frim's Supper Cardio (which I do on days when I'm too tired to workout) and CIA9905 (kind of bord with it though)

Ex of what I've done this week:
Sunday: Powerstrike + chest & back from Body Max
Mon (today): RS + biseps, triceps, and shoulders from Body Max

I pretty much do what I feel like for cardio as long as I don't do the same tape twice in a row and just started doing weights. As you can see I have no plan what so ever.

In additiong to 5# weights, what # of weights should I get for Power Hour?

Funny you ask about IMax2. I was just thinking about getting eather IMax or IMax 2. Leaning more toward IMax2 though.

Do you count calories or follow some sort of a meal plan? I think that this is my biggest problem. The foods I eat are healthy, but too much of a good thing is bad.

If it's easier for you to e-mail me, my e-mail is: [email protected]

Thanks so much for all your help,

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