Weight training?


I have a lot of questions about weight training, so please bare with me...hope it's not too much.

1)I'm trying to loose a size (just 10 lbs), Is it necessary to weight train? I'm afraid of gaining a size if I substitute some of my cardio (which I do for 1 hr 6-7 days a week) with weight training. Any thoughts?

2)I have short legs and really don't want to bulk them up. I have enought leg muscle just from doing step and kickboxing. Will weights bulk them up more or will lean them out?

3)I think that just getting rid of the fat layer without gaining anymore muscle, I will have the appearance I desire. Do I still need to weight train or just doing cardio and eating clean (something I definately need to work on) will do the job?

4)Will pilates get me toned and build muscle without adding bulk like weight training does?

5)If I do need to start weight training, which vids would you recomend and how much weight should I be using?

The workouts that I do now are: Rhythmic Step, Powerstrike, Tae Bo, and will start running when the wather gets warmer. Powerstrike and Tae bo has given me enough muscle tone.
Hi, if you do higher reps and lower weights you should not bulk up but you will increase your metabolism thereby increasing your chances at losing the weight. You would have to pretty much go to a gym and do serious weight lifting to bulk up, so with Cathe's tapes( unless maybe you did the slow and heavy series only) you are not gonna see bulk, only definition(which is what I am hoping for).

Pilates stretches and lengthens the body, I don't see it as developing muscles though it might. I lost an inch off my waist doing pilates at one point in time. It helps with your core and you feel great afterwards.

Remember that muscle is denser than fat so you could, if you choose to weight train, gain pounds but still drop that size because muscle weighs more than fat, yet muscle takes up less space. In the beginning of weight training too you might gain some inches but with the continued use of weights along with the cardio eventually you should start toning up and lose any excess bulk you might have gained in the beginning.

I hope that I have answered some of your questions. I am relatively new to Cathe and I am sure that someone else might have more insight into your situation.

Good luck in what you are doing.
Definitely weight train. It raises your metabolism and builds more lean muscle tissue. Muscle takes up less space than fat, too. Therefore, even though you start weight training and weigh the same - you will look smaller and more compact.

My sister has "bulkier" legs, too. She lifts weights, but uses very high reps and lighter weights for her legs.

You can lose weight with cardio and clean eating, but you will just be a smaller, flabbier version of yourself now. Definitely weight train. It makes you into a fat-burning machine!

I would suggest CTX upperbody and Leaner Legs for workouts. Or you could try Power Hour or Cathe's new Muscle Endurance. They are high, rep workouts. You can adjust them to meet your needs.

Good luck!

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