Weight Training Question


Active Member
Cathe and all,
I have a question. I've been lifting for a while but I still am no expert by any means. The problem I have is this...
I do the PS tapes for example and I choose a weight that is challenging for me for the first set. I can usually keep good form but it isn't like I can barely lift it on the last rep. But, when doing the next set, I start to have poor form or get to a point where I can't lift it at all but I never got that burning feeling when the muscle is working. Biceps are a perfect example. I lift a weight I can lift (Barbell) with good form for one set. On the next set, I might be able to finish the set but I start having the wrong form or I can't pull the bar up anymore. But, I still don't feel like I really worked the muscle. Should I be doing lower weight and higher reps? I can usually maintain form this way and get a burning feeling but I have to do about 20-25 reps to get this. I like the idea of doing heavier weight on lower reps because I would like to add a lot of muscle but I can't seem to get it right. I hope this makes sense. I basically can't get the muscle working very well with higher weight because my form gets bad and then I can't do anymore. I'm never sore the next day and I don't see much development this way. Help please.
What I do

is take a longer rest between sets. I pause the VCR and stretch and walk around until I'm ready to go again. I try to limit the break to about 20 seconds, butI feel much better prepared to tackle the next set! Just a suggestion, take it or leave it! ;-)
I am not an expert like Cathe but I feel like if your form goes downhill after a set then you are definitely working the muscle and fatigue is setting in. When you cannot handle a given weight with good form it is time to move the weight down a bit. I suppose if you are trying to lift along with Cathe you may need to start out lighter on the first set. Just a thought and I am sure Cathe will straighten us all out with some professional advice. :)
Trevor :-jumpy

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