weight training for legs and cardio in same day?

Hi Cathe!

I was just wondering if it is okay to do cardio on the same day as weight training the legs? On nice days I like to run outside. I live in Syracuse, NY which tends to be very hilly, so I am lucky if I can last 30 minutes during my cardio! Anyway, since my run involves a couple of hills, my legs get a pretty good workout. Is it a bad idea to workout with weights after this? Also, will it make my thighs overly bulky? I already have thick muscles and do not want them to get any larger...just more toned! Thanks!!

Hi Lisa! Sure, you can do both in a day. But whether your legs will bulk or not as a result will be determined by your genetics. The only way to know for sure is to try it. If they do bulk, you have a few options:

1) separate the two workouts
2) run on a flatter terrain
3) use lighter weights during your leg workouts
4) run longer distances (again, on flatter terrain)
5) combo's of the above

Good Luck!
Wow! What a quick response! You certainly are on top of things! Thanks so much. I will try these suggestions!

Thick thigh muscles do run in the family...now if only I can trick mine into believing they come from long, lean genetics... wish me luck! ;-)

Thanks again!


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