Weight Training before or After Aerobics?



Hi Cathe or anyone else who knows!: A friend of mine who lifts weights in a gym told me that if you are going to do a cardiovascular workout AND weight training in the same session, you should lift weights BEFORE doing aerobics. This has something to do with the proper oxygen getting to the muscles during weight training, I'm not really sure. He was really emphatic about it though. Have you heard this theory before? I'm really surprised because virtually every workout tape I own which provides both types of exercise has the aerobics first.
Before or After

I heard the same theory and thought the same thing about the videos!1 I don't know if it's true or not, but I did put in a suggestion that Cathe make a video with weightlifting first. Just for something different. What do you think Cathe? And is there really a correct way? Or just personal prefence?
before or after

We actually had this question come up not too long ago but I can't seem to locate it.

My feeling is that you really just need to do what works for you. I have tried both methods and didn't notice any difference(but thats not to say that if someone else tried it, they wouldn't either).

I think that if it was a proven scientific fact that there was a specific way to do this(to gain the most positive results), by now it would not still be floating around as theory. What I always tell people is that if you hear something that you are curious about, go ahead and give it a try. If it works, great, if you don't notice a difference, thats ok too. But at least you'll know it didn't work for you.

I personally have noticed that when it comes to exercising, most people give it their all for about 45 minutes. After that their energy starts to slow down. So if you are going to do both cardio and weight training in the same session, do the one that you want to focus on the most first. Just a suggestion!

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