Weight loss


Active Member
I am not sure if anyone had asked that question before, so please excuse me if I'm repeating the same subject.
I am trying to lose 20 lbs. I purchased the PS Series and the Wedding Video.
Should I do each PS video once a week (for a total of 3 days of strength training) and do the cardio part on the other days ? Or do I need to do each video more than once a week ?
Please take into consideration that I am a beginner/intermediate.
Cathe - this is the first time I purchase your tapes and I absolutely love them !!!
I'm not Cathe but...

I can tell you it is recommended to work each body part twice per week with at least a full day in between for optimal results. Doing a day of weight training followed by a cardio day is a great way to do it. As you progress you can combine strength training and cardio on the same day. I like to do the PS series back to back. I'll do chest/shoulders/tris one day, back/bis/abs the next. Then legs... I might run on the chest/shoulder/tris day/ do Wedding tape on back/bis day, take a day off from cardio on leg day. I also like to do the PS tapes then do a full body workout(Max Intensity Strength or a Firm tape) for a total of 4 days of strength training. Key to all of this is doing what's right for you. Ease into the work outs and listen to your body. You'll know when you are strong enough to do more and when it's wise to do less (if you feel very tired or notice an increase in your heart rate). Isn't Cathe amazing! Good luck on losing the 20 pounds!

Hi Ana!

So glad you are enjoying the tapes. As a beginner/intermediate, I would suggest doing each PS tape one time per week(thats a total of three days of strength training)and a total of three cardio workouts ranging from 20 to 50 minutes(do the amount that you can safely handle without over stressing your body, in other words you should be working comfortably hard). I would alternate a cardio day with a strength day. Also, I would suggest doing the wedding video as two of the three cardio days but for your third cardio day I would do another cardio activity. Perhaps brisk walking mixed with very light amounts of running for a period of 20 to 30 minutes(or longer if your body permits). Best of luck with your weight loss and let us know how you are doing!
Thanks for answers...both Cathe and BLF

I will take both your advice and ease into a workout routine. I have not done any of the tapes yet. I find that watching the tapes once before doing them is helpful to me. So, last night, I watched all the tapes, and today I'm going to start with the Wedding/Cardio. I find the cardio part on the Wedding video to be tough, but at the same time much fun and motivating. The music is really nice as well...
Cathe -
I just wanted to let you know that you have a fan in Israel !!! I know that these tapes are not going to be the last ones I buy.
Thanks for being so motivating !!!
Hi Anat

Hi Anat,
It must be a wonderful feeling for Cathe to know that she has fans as far away as Israel. Wow!
Just wanted to say "hello" to you and also tell you how much I love the Wedding video also. I have been doing that video for about 2 or 3 months and I love it! I went crazy buying Cathe videos after purchasing the Wedding video. I bought Maximum Intensity Cardio, Step Jam, Step Max, Mega Step Blast, Powermax, Bodymax, Ps Series.
I also love MIC (I can only do the Hi/Lo section before I'm wiped out.) I love all of the above tapes, but still for whatever reason, the wedding video is my favorite cardio workout. The PS series is my favorite strength workout. Anyway, I just wanted to say hello. Take Care.
Hi Lisa !

Thanks for the great reply. I think I'll be the next to do some shopping for Cathe's other videos.
The funniest thing is that I moved to Israel about 2 years ago after spending 8 years in the States. During those 8 years, I didn't even buy one tape of Cathe, because I didn't really know her. Just recently I was exposed to her video line, and I heard so many wonderfull things about her that I had to try for my self. I am willing to spend the extra money for everseas shipping...
From your mail, it seems that you are an advanced exerciser. I am a beginner/intermediate. It seems that I always quit my exercise program. I exercise for 3 months and then I take a break for 4 months. That is why I always go back to the beginning stage. This has been going on for years.
Last week I turned 30 and now I am more than ever determined to be healthy (lose 20 lbs) and energetic ! I have a good feeling about Cathe...
Thanks again Lisa,
Hi Anat!

I also wanted to WELCOME you here!
How fun to see where everyone is from. I bet that once you really get into your new Cathe tapes, you will be hooked and you will not have any problems staying committed. All of her tapes are so fun and VERY motivating. It's great that you can afford the extra postage to receive them because you won't be sorry. Good Luck and let us know how you do.

Thanks Debbie !

I really appreciate the support I'm getting from everybody. I will definately keep you all posted with my weight loss progress.
Hi Anat!

I enjoyed reading this thread. Its always exciting to meet new people and hear about fitness around the world. I'm happy to see that you have already made some cyber fitness friends. I just wanted to add that its nice to hear of your determination to reach your goals. Feel free to ask for advice along the way. And when you are ready to branch out and try more, let me/us know. I'd be happy to make a suggestion as to what a good next step would be
! Good Luck!

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