Weight loss/strength training confusion


Hi to the educated crowd:

I would like to lose about 15 lbs. and tone up my "pear" section, and I'm a little confused about whether I should be concentrating more on aerobics or strength training. I know muscle burns more calories than fat, so it's good to add muscle. But I've also heard that it's hard to build muscle when losing weight because you have to have a calorie deficit, and so your body doesn't want to spare the energy used to make muscle. Should I wait to build muscle???

Also, could someone please help with a rotation I should be doing for my goals? I generally have no more than 45-60 min. a day to work out, but I'm willing to do 6 days.

Here's what I have:
Wedding tape
Step Heat
PS - both upper body tapes
FIRM variety of tapes

Thanks so much for your help!

I can't be of much help with rotation ideas as I am not familar with some of your tapes (CTX and Firm) but I can vouch for the fact that I have lost weight and built muscle mass on a calorie deficit. Infact I think you really do need to focus on building your muscles to optimise weight loss for a simple reason - to give your cardio more intensity. I have tried the more cardio intensive route with minimal weights and found that I plateaued very quickly. If I were you I would aim to get 2 total body workouts per week with weights plus 4 cardio sessions which includes atleast one interval type workout on your treadmill. Hope that helps and good luck with your weight loss goals.
Thanks PR - it's good to hear that you've been able to do both at the same time. Interesting thought about adding intensity to your cardio by adding heavier weights. That makes sense. I appreciate your taking the time to answer.

If anyone else has anything to add, I'd love to hear it. I'm determined to get this weight off!

The secret is to lose fat slowly. The best program for athletes is one that doesn't take the calories lower, but just ups the activity. If you keep your calories relatively high..with good food...and lift heavy and do some cardio...you will lose fat while gaining muscle. But the slower the better. In this way, you preserve more lean body mass than you would on a very low cal diet. Unfortunately, many of us are way too impatient to lean out this way, but that is the best way!! Good Luck..Janice

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