Weight Loss Rotation

As far as strictly Cathe rotations, you might want to check out the July rotation. This focused on metabolism and fat loss by doing quite a bit of cardio with moderate weight muscle endurance training. I have heard several of the women on this site saying that they are doing this rotation this month so you may want to post in open forum for any feedback and opinions. I started this rotation two weeks into the month so didn't get to finish it before August started. I did like the two weeks that I finished quite a bit.

You may also want to check out rotations that people have created on the video fitness website. I believe the address is www.videofitness.com.

I have been using a rotation I designed specifically to lose weight, but it is intense and I realize it is overkill for the feet and knees, so beware! I have lost 25 lbs using this rotation and have gained a lot of energy. I have done this rotation since June with occasional 1-2 week breaks. When I started this rotation I modified the workouts as necessary, but now I no longer need any modifications and add intensity when I can.

Sunday - PS Legs, paying special attention to the floor work and adding straight leg lifts (got to keep those knees in good shape)
Monday - Circuit Max
Tuesday - Imax I
Wednesday - Cardio and Weights
Thursday - Imax 2
Friday - Boot Camp
Saturday - off

I stretch for about 15 minutes after every workout. I also try to walk for an hour each day. I found that when I start my walk within an hour or 2 of my workout, I lose weight faster than when I walk hours later. Lately, I find that I have so much energy during my walk that I run the last mile of it. I cannot overemphasize how much energy I have now - I get these incredible "energy bursts" where I just have to run!

I also found that I have to listen to my feet. Whenever I feel the slightest inkling of slight pain or pressure in my feet (especially heels), I don't walk that day. This hasn't happened in a while, though.

By the way, I am 46 years old, 5'2.5" (every bit counts!), and now 144 lbs.

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