Weight loss rotation


<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-00 AT 09:25AM (EST)</font></center>

In order to lose weight what kind of exercise rotation should I be following? I have all your tapes with the exception of the wedding tape and have the new series ordered.
Any advice is appreciated.
Hi Jackie!

Generally speaking weight loss will occur when the amount of calories that you expend is more than the actual calories than you consume. An exercise program of any nature will assist in weight loss as long as you burn off more than you take in. But of course a healthy and balanced fitness program is the best way to go.

In the efforts to expend extra calories, a healthy and balanced fitness rotation would be one that ranges in 4 to 6 cardio workouts per week at 20 to 60 minutes per session. Your rotation should also include a total body weight training program one to two times per week.

Your cardio sessions should vary to some degree(crosstrain) so that you don't overuse your muscles in one repetitive fashion. You also may want to consider alternating hard workout days with lighter workout days. One weekly interval workout(or even every other week)is also great to help burn additional calories plus increase your fitness level.

Your weight training rotations should be altered approximately every 8 to 12 weeks to keep your muscles challenged and responding. You can vary your rotations so that some are heavy, or light, or a combo of both. Thats where you will have to do a lot of experimenting to see what works best for you in order to reach your goals. TIP: As far as a goal of burning extra calories is concerned, the more lean muscle your body has, the more calories you burn all day long(while exercising or not). You should also avoid training the same body part on consecutive days.

Also, don't forget to factor in a rest day so that you avoid overtraining. Always listen to your body and take a day off(whether it was planned or not) when your body just wakes up and say "no" to a workout day.

With the wide range of videos you have you could create endless rotations to help you with your weight loss goals. Just vary them to meet the above criteria and you can't go wrong. Good Luck!

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