Weight loss Checkin


I just gave up wondering if it was the thyroid meds or water retention or what and just started the food journal again eating around 1800 calories a day and see where it would take me. I did spike to 2200-2400 once :-wow. I was just going to eat healthily and stop fretting....well I lost 4# :).

Our body weight does fluctuate so much! Who knows what the scale would say even now if I tried....but I'm not trying till next Monday....I want to keep this positive attitude!

How is it going with the rest of you?

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/anon.gif[/img]

(I'm going to keep my head in the bag till I lose another 12)
Well, with the holiday weekend and 3 parties, I managed to only gain 1.5 pounds. That scale is above 150 again (150.5). Will get back on the "eating well" track again this week.
Congrats on the 4 lb loss!! I've been eating rather poorly the last two weeks and know that I've gained probably 5 lbs back. I havent weighed myself to confirm, but I'm pretty in tune with my body so 5 lbs sounds about right. Besides, I dont want to see the number on the scale right now! I've been in a workout slump too lately. This morning though I restarted my food journal that I've been neglecting for the past 2-3 weeks, and started a new workout rotation. Lately I've been sick of feeling chained to the tv so I designed an upper body workout based on Joyce Vedral's pyramid system. It was nice to pop in my favorite cd and listen to good music and not have my tv on! Good luck everyone!!

Hi Susan and all!

Well.. i have gained 2 lbs .. ate like really bad since friday.. no working out since thursday and am up 2.. but i will kick it into gear starting fresh again today.. Congrats to u Susan.. fantastic and all of you who did lose.. Wish me luck to get back in "the groove" after eating like a pig and not w/out since thurs.

Candy :)
Hi everyone,

I had a much better week last week. I did go over in calories a few days, but not too badly. It was so much better than the week before I was just happy to have reined it in! :)

I showed a 5# loss, but I believe this is 5# over a 2 week period, because last week's weigh in was during TTOTM and I showed no loss, so I think the 5# is actually a 2 week loss total, and 1.5 inches (God bless kickboxing!) :)

Already off to a crappy start this week. I went to a BBQ yesterday and I put my days total caloric intake at 3330 calories/101g fat! If I'd known I'd blow it so badly at the BBQ I wouldn't have eaten so normally at breakfast and lunch, but "the plan" was to have a normal day and eat rather lightly at the BBQ! Well, didn't happen! :( So I'm already off to a crappy start for the week, but I've got all week to try and correct some of the damage, so I've had my binge for the week!

Congrats on the loss Susan, nothing like seeing the numbers go down! :) And I hope the check in is full of losers this week, if not, just remember, healthy eating is really what's MOST important, the rest is just icing on the cake! :)

Good for you Susan, Donna and all you other loser out there!!

It is great to see all of your check-ins after the holiday.

My holiday weekend was wonderful for the brain but horrible for the body!!

I am up 2#s. I really had good intentions but the 3 party weekend proved to be too much for my willpower. How bad is it when you eat so much that one food journal entry takes up two pages?!

To add injury to insult, I had to go low impact all week on the cardio workouts and light on the leg work to appease my protesting knees. I love Cathe's high impact workouts but I think I may have to give the body more time to adjust. This was my third week back after a 2 year break so I guess I should expect to modify for a while.

Best of luck to all of you this week and may we all be losers next week!!
Hi everyone!

Just a quickie to say good job to all you LOSERS!! (And, you non-losers this week~Keep in mind, it's not nice to see too many LOSERS in one place! ;-) Just kidding. Keep up the good work everyone. It WILL pay off with your commitment & determination.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi everyone!

Ditto from me. I love to see this thread every week, and I silently cheer all of you on. You're really not LOSERS, you're WINNERS because you make the effort, and you are doing what a lot of people refuse to do...take responsibility and take charge of your life!!!
RE: Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!!! I have not weighed in awhile. The scale and I just do not get along. On Sunday, I ate a little extra, but the last 2 weeks, I have been doing really good. My pants seem extra baggy. I am tempted to weigh, maybe I will tomorrow. My goal is to just get below 140, and the last time I weighed I weighed 144. I ordered the book by Dr. Bob Arnot, although I haven't gotten it yet. That type of eating seems to suit my body good. I can't wait to get it.

CONGRATS to all the losers!!!
I'm not officially checking in, but I just want to congratulate the losers!!!! And I want to cheer EVERYONE on!!!! Keep going!! YAY!!!!! :-jumpy

RE: Hi everyone!

Hello everyone! We got back from the beach last Thursday but I have been soooo busy catching up with my work that I haven't had time to post. We had such a great time and I really did not want to come home. My eating was terrible on the trip. I ate what I wanted and when I wanted it. It was absolutely wonderful!!!!! :) Of course I gained 3 or 4 pounds but actually it was worth it. It took such a huge pressure off of me to just be able to eat whatever!!!! I hope I can get back on track but my eating hasn't been much better since getting home. I seem to be nervous and my son is driving me totally crazy and eating is about the only thing that comes to mind to do about it. Silly, huh? Oh well, minor set back!

Congrats to all those that lost these past couple of weeks...and encouragement to all those that gained!!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Congrads to all who have lost!! I am new to this forum and look forward to any advice to the experts out there!! I lost about 20lbs 1 1/2 years ago after the birth of my second child. At the time I was doing 4-5 days of cardio (Firm tapes) and eating pretty well. However I was recently told I can no longer do high impact aerobics/jumping etc due to a back problem. That is when I found out about Cathe--who I looooove. I currently have her slow and heavy series, and power hour. I miss the aerobics and know that it will be harder to lose weight without the cardio so that is a bummer to me. I do like weights and the training.
I do not like to get on the scale because I can usually tell my the way my clothes fit. My scale is digital and I find that it is a different number depending on where I place it on the floor--which can be depressing. Any advice on how to keep trim without the high impact aerobics would be appreciated!!!!! Thanx in advance
Would you consider walking? How about swimming?

If you have a YMCA close by, they have lots of options with cardio machines, tracks and pools.

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