Weight loss checkin 6/10/02


I was away for a week and wondered how I would fair and thankfully I stayed the same. :) I have yet to get checked out to see if the thyroid meds are needing adjustment (the doctor cancelled my last appointment). I am hoping they need upping and that it will help with the weight loss.....if not at least I am eating healthier!

I was aware of what I was eating and tried to write down what I ate even though I didn't know the exact calorie content. There was no where to do a tape workout....aerobic or weights....but we did walk around a fair bit and didn't do much snacking. My husband is a healthy eater and that always helps when I go away with him.

We are leaving again tomorrow for two weeks and I plan on continuing to keep the food journal and trying to be aware of good nutrition.....with the odd ice cream cone thrown in there!

Keep on truckin', you losers, (I do hope you were losers this week) and I'll 'see' you in a couple of weeks.

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/nichtani_1/icescream.gif[/img]
The scale didn't budge again this week! UGH. I am not going to look smashing in my wedding dress at this rate. Got to keep the food intake under more control! But ice cream is a necessity at this time of year isn't it?
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-02 AT 01:57PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-02 AT 01:56 PM (Est)[/font]

I'm with you Cruncholi, the scale didn't budge AGAIN this week for me either! :( If it weren't for measuring myself as well, I think I would have gone around the bend! I had no # loss for the 3rd week in a row, but I loss a total of 1 inch last week (.5 from my waist and .5 from my chest/back), so that saved my sanity somewhat, but I can't figure out what's going on with my body? Some sort of demonic plateau I guess? :(
I try to remember all the positive threads I've read in the past about "it's not about the scale but how you feel and how your clothes fit, etc....", but I am still very dependant on the weekly gratification of seeing the numbers go down, even a freakin 1/2 # would have been a blessing at this point! But nothing!
I was so bummed out I had to force myself to workout this am!
But I'm just going to keep going, keep cleaning up my eating this week, and hopefully the "scale gods" will find favor with me next Monday am! :)

I hope everyone else had a good week, and an even better one this week. :)

See ya,

p.s. Geez, see this plateau thing has me so wound up I forgot to say, "great going Susan!" Have fun this week! :)
Hang in there, Miz Donna. You'll bust that plateau, I'm sure of it!
I am still here :) (we are leaving this afternoon) so I have time to post one more time.

You can do it, Cruncoli,you will be a beautiful bride no matter what. Try to look for frozen yogurt and do use the journal. I'm rooting for you.

Oh Donna, I feel your frustration. I just know you are going to break through this plateau soon. You are a woman on a mission and you will reach your goal!

I'm off now....hope to come back at least the same or perhaps a little smaller!

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/comic19.gif[/img]
I purposely avoided check -in last week because I was afraid weighing would discourage me.

It's just as well.

I started a S&H rotation combined with eating VERY clean two weeks ago to gain back some lost strength. I have managed to gained 6 pounds, lost an inch from my chest, (not where I needed the inch to be lost from) and I feel like an Amazon.
At this rate I'll never lose my extra 20 (now 26) pounds by October 1.

I'm hoping this will pass when I go back to PS in a couple of weeks. My shirt sleeves are too tight but my pants are fine. So I'm telling myself it's muscle I'm gaining, not fat. Makes me feel better anyway.

One the positive side, I did straight legged push- ups today. First time in 2 years!!

Hang in there Donna, Susan, and Cruncoli!!!

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