Weight Loss Check-In


Hi Everyone,

I am back on the forum this week after a week-long trial last week that completely wiped out all of my spare time! Anyway, it looks like trial work can assist weight-loss efforts. I lost 2 more pounds last week according to the scale this morning. That brings it down to 145.5 pounds. Only 5.5 more pounds to go before I reach my goal for my wedding!

How did everyone else do?

Way to go Cruncholi :)

I'm down 1.5 lbs and 0.5 inches this am! :) I'm pretty cool with that especially since I had an "ice cream moment" 2x last week. And for anyone thinking my "moments" might be a dish or scoop? NOT! When I have a moment, I HAVE A MOMENT! Yes, my old nemesis, Ben & Jerry, resurfaced to wreak havoc on my clean eating week! 1 pint of "one sweet whirl" and 1 pint of "phish food." On separate days of course! :)
But I refuse to give in like that again~yeah right! But I will try very hard this week to stay on target, I'm in the 170's now, 179 to be exact, so that gives me new motivation to head for the 160's next.
Wish me luck, and for anyone who has not tried either of these Ben & Jerry flavors, please do yourself a favor and don't! :) I swear I can turn down every thing else, cake, cookies, doughnuts, etc., but Ben & Jerry's haunts me relentlessly!

Hope everyone else had a good week, and a better one this week,
You have lost almost 200 pounds total. That is absolutely incredible! Keep up the good (hard) work.
Congrats on getting into the 170's!

I had a MAH-VELOUS Ben & Jerry's moment this past Friday...the store had no pints of Healthy Choice anything, so I got the B&J's Low Fat Brownie Yogart. Talk about Ice Cream heaven!!! B&J rocks! :9
I just had to look up this post and add to it. I had said I was going to watch what I ate, but sometimes it just got out of hand so I am very glad to have only gained only 1# :) Funny to be glad about a gain, but I thought it would be more than that....being away for 2 weeks and all!

Congratulations to Cruncholi and Donna :D. You guys are doing such a fabulous job! I got into the ice cream too.....mmmmmm I just love the stuff. :9

Hope everyone finishes off the week well.

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/nichtani_1/icescream.gif[/img]
Congratulations, Cruncholi & Donna! You're both doing great! Hey Susan, I know what you mean...there have been many times when I was THRILLED to have (only) gained a pound or two!

I've lost 4-1/2 pounds since I last looked, but have been ill & also dealing with a death in the family, so it probably doesn't even count! I'll take it, though.

Way to go everyone!!!

Donna - I have been following your story from the beginning. I have to let you know that I shared your story with one of my dearest friends who has serious health problems caused by alot of extra weight. She has always considered me and my dedication to fitness to be excessive so I am very careful of what I say on the subject. I have been hoping that someday she would decide to start taking better care of herselk knowing she has to make the desision to do so. She is so encouraged by your success and dedication that she is working on getting in shape!! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us!

As for my check-in, I have lost 1 more pound.
I have been able to avoid the ice cream. My favorite is Dreamery's Teramisu. It's so wonderful!!
I am having trouble fitting in the workouts with the long hours I have been working. If only I could drag myself out of the bed earlier! Summer is always a challenge for me because my husband and I spend more time working when my daughter is away visiting relatives and we don't rush home to be with her. I need to work on that!

Keep up the good work everyone and have a great week!
Hi Ruth....so sorry you have been ill and had a death in the family. My Dad died last year and it sure was an emotional time....I can truly empathize with you.

The 1# gain was probably caused by losing 4# muscle and gaining 5 # fat but the numbers looked better.

Hi Susan,
Thanks so much...I appreciate your kind words. I'm so sorry for what you went through last year. I've been through losing my Dad too, it surely was a bad time.

Love your numbers logic!

Hi everyone.

I was wondering if it was ok to join your group? I am starting my journey of trying to loose weight. I know that it will be tough but I have to do this. I need some motivation though. Hope that I can get it here.

Great to have you join in, Lina. :)

We are of various ages, weights and shapes but we are all basically trying to loss some fat (along with exercise) to become healthier people.

Anyone can start the post...usually at the beginning of the week. Hope this gives you the motivations you are looking for.

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/shine.gif[/img]
Hi Kelly....nice to see you posting. :)

I do hope life has been busy in a good way for you and I'm sorry
to hear you are discouraged. When you are busy it is so very easy to just pop stuff in your mouth (spoken from experience). :)

I feel you have what it takes, Kelly, you go girl!http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Usersmilies/Rafael/03/OLA.gif[/img]

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/nichtani_1/cookie1.gif[/img]
Thanks Susan,

I do hope that I accomplish what I set my self out to do this time. I have a fairly easy job that allows too much time to get a snack in, what do you girls do when you are having a sugar rage... any tips or advice?

Have a great Sunday afternoon, I know I will try and stay out of the sun... it is hot out here!!! See ya guys. :)

I had like 3 weeks of great eating. Then....I went to Fort Worth for a Rally for Premier Designs. I got off track, and it has been 10 days, and I am not on yet!!!! I signed up for a BFL Challenge, and I am going to do it. I start tomorrow. I am going to use Cathe's PS Series, MIS, and Leaner Legs, and do the Aerobic Solution on cardio days. I loved Dr. Bob Arnot's book, and I am going to incorporate alot of beans and high-fiber foods into it. I hope to report good eating next week. My husband and I went to Mackinaw Island this weekend, and I cheated ALOT. I am really dreading the scale and measuring tape tomorrow, but I am ready, and determined. I will also do more cardio than he says. For my body, it just works better that way.

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