Weight Loss Check-In


Hi Everyone,

I decided to start the check-in early this week, since I weighed in this morning. I saw a 2-pound weight loss this week (FINALLY). My eating has been better than ever this last week, so I suppose that helped out a lot. Seven more pounds to go on the "Get in Shape for my Wedding" plan!

How did everyone else do this week?

Linda aka Cruncholi
Hi everyone,
When I weighed myself one day last week I saw a 1 pound weight loss.I have been trying not to eat to much but it is hard.I could see a difference in myself to but then my boss told me on Friday that my bum was getting bigger.But once again I think someone was trying to get me going. Everyone I work with is over weight and are always eating ....but I was ready to quit on Friday. Long story......
As for me, I need to start posting in the Weight GAIN Check-In. That's all I say about the topic this morning.

Good Luck to everyone,

Well, it only took 3 weeks! But the scale FINALLY moved for me this morning! I'm down 3# and 0.5 inches off my hips (gotta love Billy!) I figure that's 1# per week the scale wouldn't move for me! :)
I too really made an extra effort to eat well last week. I had a few "oops!" but nothing too terrible. I want to do even better this week hopefully.

Linda: Congrats on your 2# loss :)

Lori: Never quit & NEVER give anyone else the POWER to effect you negatively. Keep up the good work, I know it's hard, I struggle every week with my eating as well, but # by # we'll get there! :) And your boss is a jerk! Not to mention inappropriate for even saying such a thing aloud!

Stacy: Hang in there! You'll get back on track. Better luck this week! :)

Hope everyone has a great week!

Hi everyone,
Lost 10 lbs so far since joining WW in March. I didn't expect the last five lbs because I wasn't strict about counting points. I really, really think it is because I have increased my muscle mass. Summers are bad for me - way to many vacations and fun weekends which usually involve drinking. I will be happy to maintain the 10 until mid august and get serious again. Tough road - I admire anyone who loses and anyone who even tries. Good luck to you.

Hello all!

I FINALLY dropped 2 pounds! I cleaned up my eating and started my PH/MIS rotation to follow 3 weeks of S&H during which I gained 6 pounds. I never thought I'd be so excited about 2 pounds. I was so happy this morning you'd have thought I'd lost 20 overnight.

Linda - Great work losing the 2 pounds!

Lori - Your boss sounds like a real peice of work! Don't let them get you down.

Stacy - Hang in there! Eventually the loss will come.

Donna - I have been trying to get into the TaeBo. I just can't seem to keep up the pace Billy sets without it killing my knees. You have my admiration!

Tracy - I agree! The summers are tough. It is so easy to have to much fun and really slack off.

Best of luck to every this week!!

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