Weight Loss Check-in 5/6/02


Good Morning Losers!

I'm checkin' in, all 195 lbs of me, ta-daaaaaa! Not something one would normally be proud of but in my case means I'm another
2 pounds lighter and finally staying under 200 lbs.

I really stuck with my workouts last week. I alternated Cathe's & Firms. I kept calories within reason most days and splurged on Saturday.

And now ladies and gentlemen, for my next amazing trick I will make the next 5 pounds dissapear! 190 lbs is my next short term goal.

Keep losin'
Good for you Crystal :) I can sense your happiness and even 'see' the smile on your face. You are doing great!

I, on the other hand, have gained this week. Nearly 5# :-wow

Maybe it's the medication for the thyroid, or water retention :-hmmm....it can't be that I ate that many calories to gain it! That would be a lot of extra food!

Anyway, I feel good and will keep on truckin.

Hope everyone else had a good week!

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/anon.gif[/img]
Hi all :)

Crystal: "you go girl!" congrats on the loss, I feel your excitement!

Susan: I think it's just water retention or the meds, I don't think you could have possibly eaten 5# worth of extra food! That would mean you ate an additional 17,500 calories that you didn't burn up, and that just CAN NOT be! So keep truckin', your body will shed the water and all will be normal again! :)

As for me, despite my disgusting affair with "Ben & Jerry", I still managed to lose 2.5 lbs and 1 inches this week. I totally give the credit to KatieDid and her remarkable "double workout" rotation. I tried ever so hard to just say "no!" but my hubby came home 3x last week with a pint, and he seems to get some "romantic kick" out of sharing the pint while watch tv before bed. Go figure~other husbands want their wives to wear sexy lingerie, weird sex acts, etc., after 9 years of marriage, but what does my hubby get turned on by? Sharing a friggin' pint of ice cream!? He's like a friggin' kid in a candy store with this thing! And when I tried to tell him, "baby, I'm afraid that ice cream too many times/week will ruin my weight loss attempts." He says, "are you kidding, you look great, and you work out so hard you deserve a treat!" So hearing that, plus the sight of the ice cream alone just kind of make me say, "well~okay! :)" But we have come to terms, we will have a once/week "Ben & Jerry" night every week, and he can pick the flavor. So once/week will be less mind blowing/hip blowing for me than the 3x hubby was heading for. And for those who don't know, my hubby is an eternal stringbean! 6' 145 lbs since the day we met, doesn't do a lick of exercise!

But, on to another week of trying to eat well and KatieDid's miracle rotation!
Yeaaaaa Crystal. I'm so glad you are doing well. Great work!!!!
You are going to look sooooo good on your trip.

Susan: I'm with you on the weight gain. I have gained 2 pounds this week in spite of my very good efforts. Must be this thyroid thing we share, right? I don't know what to do because I am just disgusted with myself. I hope you shed the 5 pounds quickly. I'm with Donna, it has to be water.

Donna: It's amazing that you still lost with 3 days of B&J. Doesn't it make you mad that your husband is so skinny and does work at it. Ticks me off! ;-)

Oh well, I'm trying is all I can say. My body is just not cooperating. I know I am adding muscle...which of course weighs more but still I should be shedding some pounds or at least feel skinny. My clothes fit the same so I don't think I'm losing inches either. I get the feeling that when I am not eating that I need to working out, constantly. Maybe I should work out while I eat. Yeah, that will work. Maybe I could get a machine to work me out while I sleep!!! Me or my...I need help!!!!!! What is wrong with my body??????

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Yeah Everybody (Just because you are here and trying and I think you are wonderful!)

Congratulations to you both Crystal and Donna! What a thrill to lose and keep it off!!! Donna I'm so glad you are finding that the twice daily rotation is working for you! Kathy S. asked if she could put it in her rotation volume and I thought that was an honor but it is so exiciting to hear about it working for you! You inspire me so much.

Susan and Kelly, I'm right there with you in frustration. I was up another 2# this week only I have nothing redeeming to report. My doctor said not to exercise vigorously after my laser treatment - and I took that inch and made it a mile! I did nothing and ate horribly. I know it is stress with the move and quitting the military - but still... I had my goal in sight. So, I'm recommitting again! I need some sort of ritual I can do in the morning to recommit every day! Any thoughts?

So... I'm sure you'll hear more from me this week as I get it together.

Have a great one! Katie
Feel the fear and do it anyway!!!!
Miss GettinFitDonna@38........

Here's a thought...would it be possible for YOU to pick out ice cream and bring home 2 pints? His would be a Ben and Jerry's kind and yours could be a Healthy Choice kind. Do you think that may be a possibility?

My very most favorite book on smart "don't starve yourself" eating, Dr. Shapiro's Picture Perfect Weight Loss, promotes using low fat ice cream or frozen yogart. I have found a couple of really good low fat ice creams in my neck of the woods that have 90 calories in 1/2 cup. My motto, "Don't give it up, find a low fat/low sugar version."
Hi everyone,
Haven't checked in on this for awhile. With WW I have lost 6 lbs in 2 months. I haven't lost any for 3 weeks now. Totally FRUSTRATING as you all know. My goal is 5 lbs in May. The weather here is putting a damper on my mood. Rainy, windy and cold for weeks now. Snowing today.

Congrats to all the losers. Keep it up.......
To the unlosers - I'm with you. Lets get our act together for May and obtain our May goal!!! Mine is 5 lbs. Not unreasonable.

Take care All,
Good for you Donna....you just keep getting smaller and smaller in spite of Ben & Jerry :).

Kelly...sure is frustrating isn't it? You are trying so hard too! I just couldn't believe the numbers on the scale this morning! The only bad food I ate was at a shower I went to yesterday and I didn't think that would show up so soon....and it wasn't over 15,000 calories worth either!

Katie...You have had 'stuff' to deal with. If I had the answer to getting it all together I would be using it on me! The only thing I have to do now that is a ritual is take the pill for my thyroid and as I take it first thing in the morning I think of all the other things I will be eating that day and think of not letting just anything in there. Obviously it doesn't always work!:-rollen

That Dr. Shapiro book looks good (thanks HB). I bought the Shoppers Guide book ages ago and started drinking (eating?) more soups because of it.

Next week is going to be a good week!:)

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/anon.gif[/img]
Thanks for the congrats and encouragement all!

Susan, the paperbag is hilarious.
Donna, with all due respect, I despise your husband and his
lil' metabolism too!

594 hours till vacation! I know I won't be anywhere near goal for this cruise but at least I'll be improved by then, *better* by my July New Orleans trip, *Lookin' Good* by my August Florida trip and down right *fabulous* by my December Cruise (destination to be determined).

And for those who gained, no big deal. BodyMax will scare the pounds right off! :eek:
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-06-02 AT 08:28PM (Est)[/font][p]Hell, dear Ladies,

Congrats to the losers!

Crystal - I've found that setting small mini-goals as you are doing is the best way to keep yourself going. When I had 40# to lose, just thinking about that number depressed me, so I also set mini-goals.

Susan - I actually go up 4-5# during TTOTM.

Donna - I haven't been doing very well on the "doubling" up workouts for the past 2 weeks because I was just so annoyed that I have to work SO darned hard to lose this fat! But, eating poorly certainly hasn't helped me lose!

I'm still hovering at 130 and 28 1/2" waist.

I've been terrible eating-wise - just eating whatever I wanted. Today was another bad day because it was my turn to bring snacks to my son's preschool and ate TWO HUGE bagles with cream cheese for breakfast. What was that, like 1,000 calories?

Will climb back on the "clean-eating wagon" tomorrow!

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
Congratulations to all the losers!!!! You are all doing great. Donna, if I could eat ice cream, and still lose wieght, I would be one happy person!!!! I look at it and gain 1/2 lb. on each butt cheek. ARGH....I am scared to weigh. I have not weighed in probably about 3 weeks. My eating was great last week, but I stared my food journal, weighing, measuring, counting, and Friday my daughter blew her knee out in gym class. Well, i was gone all day, and trying to eat little things here and there. I had to go away all day on Sat. also, and I did not have time on Friday to prepare my food. Well, the 2nd half of my Sat. was not very good. It wasn't terrible, but it also wasn't good. So, this week, I am writing everything down, but not counting calories, just journaling. I have to find a way to do this right. I get so in my perfect mode, if I go out, I lose all control. I took a voluntary lay off from my job, and yesterday I went back part-time. I put my work pants on, and I even tucked my shirt in. They were better fitting than when I left 3 months ago, so that is a good thing!!!!!!
Hey all

checkin late this week.. still haven't lost much .. maybe a half a lb.. i can't seem to shake this plateau.. oh well i haven't gained.. i cut my workout week to 4 w/o per week from 6.. maybe thats the reason.. i need to get in gear.. wish me luck this week all and good luck to u all
Congrats to all the losers!

I'm late this week too. Went back to my PM WW meeting last nite (after going to an AM meeting for the last few weeks). Was up .2 lbs, but I can deal with that. I've been really unmotivated this week. Ate OP and worked out, but really didn't make as wise food choices as I should have. But I'm back on the wagon today. I would like to see a good loss next week.

I'm been trying to double up my exercise too. Cathe's weight and benchstep in the AM and walking in the PM. We live in Louisiana and it is already HOT! So I can't really get out to walk til about 6:30 or 7 in the evening.

Hope all you ice cream eaters can get back on track this week.

Let drop some pounds, ladies!!!!


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