Hi Marci,
You could try changing your pill brand ? I am a great believer in that after each pregnancy, the body changes, and therefore its needs change too. It might be that your body is not responding to the pill you have been put on, so therefore a change in the pill might do you some good. Unfortunately the body is ageing all the time, and even though I am not on the pill, I have friends that after pregnancy go on the pill they used to take pre-pregnancy, and find it just isn't suiting them.
I would definitely speak to your Doctor about it.
I had my third baby nearly 2 years ago, and although I love her dearly, I was left, after the pregnancy, feeling very insecure, I hated myself, and I couldn't bear to look in the mirror, I am working through it but I understand how you are feeling. I also think that feeling low doesn't help either, but I found that by the time my third baby got to the age of 10 months, I had, had enough of feeling like that, and I turned to exercise, and it helped me big time. I can't stress it enough, I started a serious food journal, and looked at what I was eating, and I have begun to make changes. I have had depression since I fell pregnant with my first child, and that was 6 years ago. I have finally found the right sort of help, and with that I am slowly getting back to being me. I have just started driving lessons, which is something I could not have done a year ago. It has been a hard path to walk down but I am getting there, day by day. I have to say, though, exercise has helped a huge amount, it makes me believe in myself.
I know our situations are different, but I really want to let you know that I do understand how you are feeling. And feel free to e-mail me whenever you want to vent, Marci
Also, having your new, extra little person, it is hard. When my third baby was born, my eldest daughter was 3, and my son was 15 months. I found it so hard juggling. The important thing is, is that it does get easier.
I hope this was of some help.
Take care