Weight Loss Check 4/29


Hi All,

I don't see this week's check in so I'll go ahead and start.
Since I'm eager, ya know I must have good news.

I fell off the eating wagon twice - Mexican (w/margaritas of course) and a passionate affair with Ben *and* Jerry on Saturday. I know, I know, I'm an ice cream slut but I blame Donna and the power of suggestion! (and TTOTM)

So what's the good news? I got right back on the eating wagon, stuck with my workouts and the scale says I'm down to 197. A small loss and a victory. I'm also starting to get the "are you losing weight" comments.

31 days till Miami & Cruise time!

You Losers have a great week,
Yeah Crystal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Congrats on the loss, I am down 1.5lbs this week and 1.5 inches, so I'm a happy camper!:)
Ya know Ben & Jerry are 2 timers, cause they came through here last week too! The beginning of my week was a bit off, I gave in to the temptation of "One Sweet Whirl" on Tuesday night, then my hubby comes home Wednesday night with yet another "new" flavor, some peanut butter/caramel deal, and clearly I HAD TO taste it, but then I jumped back on the band wagon for the rest of the week and through the weekend.
Hope there are a ton of "losers" this week,
Sigh - I was up 2 pounds this morning. But it was water weight, I know it was!!! I had moderate splurges this weekend with restaurant food including mexican and I was significantly down on my water intake and I always retain more when I don't get enough water.

But the good news was that i couldn't resist the mid-week weigh in and saw 178 briefly! So, back to the grind but with a vision of success!

Congrats to all losers!

I was up 3 lbs (153) this morning after eating Arbys and BK this weekend. UGH! The weekend killed me because I was not in the mood to cook at all after having house guests for the last 5 weekends, I said "somebody else is going to cook for me this weekend!" Too bad I chose Arbys and BK to do the cooking! Some of it is probably water weight from all the salt, but I figure I'll weigh again next Monday and be back to 150 or less! (I haven't seen the 140s since before law school 4 years ago). I am already back on the bandwagon this week.

Has anybody tried Dannon's Le Creme Yogurt? It is really delicious. I bought it grocery shopping yesterday to try a different type of yogurt, and it is really good! A healthy snack!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-02 AT 01:32PM (Est)[/font][p]Hey Linda - Kathy S. and I were trading law stories on another thread... I know it's OT, but I'd love to hear about how school was for you and how your practice is going!

Congratulations to both Donna and Crystal and all the losers yet to post!

A better class of loser suits me fine. Garth Brooks
You guys, congrats on losing!!!!! I know I am a loser too. I have to say, I am so proud of myself. Last week was my premienstrual week. I stuck to my diet, and the hungries did not hit until it came, on Sat. I ate up to 2200 calories. i listened to my body, and did not let myself starve, and then BINGE!!!! i did that for 3 days. Today my sis-in-law came over, a person who never compliments, and told me I looked thinner. And this is in the middle of my cycle!!!! I feel pretty good today. I will weigh next week. i love this website, you all are so educated. It took awhile, but I finally followed your advice and listened to my body. THANKS!!!!
Congrats to all you losers!!! Doesn't it feel great to see that scale coming down and to have other notice is an added bonus. I weighed on my scale this morning and was down to 191 a new number for me. I've been hovering a lb or 2 above that for the last couple weeks. I weigh everyday at home, but my official WI will be Wed AM at WW.

I didn't fall prey to the ice cream monster this week, but my family and I did go out for that South Louisiana delicacy, boiled crawfish! I figured the salt would kill me, but it must the right time of the month, so far no fluid retention.

To those who didn't get good news from the scale...don't give up!!! Remember today is a new day and YOU CAN DO IT!

Hello, Ladies -

May I join you all and start with an introduction? I posted a few weeks ago that I'd lost 1 1/2 inches from my waist by doubling up my workouts, but am now not as diligent as I was and need support from you wonderful women.

I will be 36 in July and am a SAHM of a 5 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. I am still struggling to lose the last 10 lbs of "baby fat." My goal is to trim my waist to 25-26", something I haven't seen in 5 years. Ahhhh, the memories . . . .

I eat very clean during the week but, eat what I want in small quantities during the weekends.

Have any of you tried Haagan Daaz's "Dulce de Leche"? If you like caramel, you will LOVE this. We had it at the mall and I just about passed out from the caramel. I really don't like caramel, but this is made with milk. YUM, YUM!

The scale slapped me in the face by going up 4 lbs this morning to 134. Stupid scale. I KNOW I didn't gain 4 lbs overnight!
"Pain is weakness leaving the body."

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
Congratulations to the 'Losers' and to all who have gained I know how you feel.

I did lose this week! :) Only 1# but that is on the right track again http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/nichtani_1/xyxthumbs.gif[/img].

We were away from Friday morning till last night visiting our son and his wife in New Hampshire and I thought I would blow it for sure eating on the road and we eat out quite a bit when we visit. Like you, Lori, I am starting to listen to my body and I really surprised myself. I didn't really want the greasy stuff....I had an apple for a snack at a rest stop on the way home because that was what I wanted.

So....congrats http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/nichtani_1/xyxthumbs.gif[/img] to Crystal, Donna, Susan and to Linda, I've been there with you in the + column. Welcome to MadnNatsmom...all this talk of icecream http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/nichtani_1/icescream.gif[/img] gets my mind to wandering :9 but it is too darn cold here for that right now http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/krank.gif[/img]. I'm usually a hot weather ice cream eater.

Have a good week everyone. Where are you Kelly?

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/sprite10.gif[/img]
I'm here Susan!! :) I went on a one-day business trip with my husband to Jasper, Georgia yesterday and I'm just now getting online to read everything.

My week has had its ups and downs. We will not even talk about yesterday which wasn't terrible but not good. My eating last week was actually good but I know that I have not lost any even though I will wait a while to weigh again. I think I weighed the first of last week and I had at least went back down from the 3 pounds that I had gained. So, I still had not lost any. Boo Hoo! My heavy gym workouts are going well and I am hoping those hard earned muscles are going to kick in and burn up some serious calories for me.

Susan: Congratulations on your one pound. Are you feeling better?

MadnNatsmom: Welcome. Good luck!!! Ya'll are going to have to stop talking about ice cream ;-)

Suzyq: I'm glad you avoided that old nasty ice cream. Tastes terrible doesn't it? Yeah, right!!!

Lori: If I listened to my body I would weigh 300 pounds because it is always telling me to eat. I know, that's probably that little devil on my shoulder telling me. I just like to eat and I'm trying to do something else until the urge to eat leaves me but it doesn't always work. Sounds like you are on the right track!!! :)

Linda: BK was one of the things that I ate yesterday. Shhhhh, don't tell anybody! I love the whopper. Doesn't it just SOUND good.....whopper. Is that how it's spelled. It looks funny....but is SOUNDS good! Okay, not having one today, nope it's toothpicks and water for me today!!!!

Katie: That water weight will get you every time. It's so aggravating. Hopefully it will "leave" you soon.

Donna: Congrats to you for your 1.5!!!! I told you to keep away from B&J, didn't I!

Crystal: Congrats to you too. I'm so glad you are doing well. Don't those "have you lost weight" comments just thrill you to your very toenails!!!! Keep it up!

Well, hope everyone has a wonderful, pound-losing week. Maybe I might be able to post a loss next week, you think? Hope springs eternal!!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Attn Katiedid

Hi Katie,
Thanks for asking about law school and my practice. I went to law school in upstate New York where I grew up. I liked it, but it really put a damper on all the travelling and study abroad I was able to do in college and while I was working for the two years after college. Bummer. Also, I was separated from my boyfriend (now fiance) for all of law school.

Anyway, I passed the NY and NJ bar exams on the first try and got admitted in NY and NJ earlier this year. I began working right after the bar exam last August at a small law firm (14 attorneys). So, basically I just started practicing!

It is going well. I am doing commercial litigation (including architectural malpractice and construction law), civil rights litigation, med mal (plaintiff's), some basic estate planning, and some personal injury defense. It is a really mixed bag, but I like it for now. My firm does not require me to work a million hours (1800 per year billable), which is nice, but it is still intense to prepare for court appearances and get papers in on time, etc. You know how it goes.

I saw your posts over on the other thread! You both have had interesting legal careers! Did I understand you correctly that you had to go inactive in the reserves because of your weight? How does that work? It sounds unusual, but I know absolutely nothing about the military. Just curious.

Have a great day!
RE: Attn Katiedid

Linda: My last duty assignment on active duty was Griffiss AFB in Rome, NY. We loved it there and had a great time.

I went inactive in the reserves primarily because my husband is an anti-terrorism specialist and we're moving to Germany for his job. I just couldn't get my dependent care plan to work out so that my kids were taken care of in the event of another 9/11 event which would require both DH and I to be away from them.

But also because of the weight issue. The military requires that all personnel meet certain weight and fitness standards. For me at 5'3" it is 140 pounds and at age 36 it is 32% body fat. They have a program designed to give you time to return to standards but it is terribly inflexible. I was making progress and have come a long way - but I doubt I would ever meet their requirements (3 pounds or 1% body fat loss per month - with no plateaus and no regaining). I am confident that with hard work and medical management I'll be able to meet standards again soon, but it is a relief to know that while I'm inactive I'm not breaking any rules.

Thanks for asking though. It is getting easier to think about it without crying. Katie
RE: Attn Katiedid

My fiance went to school in Utica/Rome, NY! He liked it there too! It's a small world.
Hi Guys, I've been silently following discussions for ages, and just had to post. It amazes me how much people from all over have in common. I'm totally impressed with the weight loss support and would like to jump on the band wagon (hopefully my extra weight won't bust it!). Last September I reached 144, after starting at 225 in January of 2001. I kept it off until March when work got insane ( I too am a lawyer, 10 years and 20 billion grey hairs to show for it), and gained back 15. I'm struggling, and started last week back to clean living. This morning my scale says I've lost 2.5, and thanks to hitting the Cathe videos, I'm feeling a bit better too. I just might get rid to the grey hair. . . Cindy
Hi all, still haven't had my WW weigh-in (tomorrow morning), but just wanted share this with you.

I went shopping today and got to shop in the Misses section instead of the Women's!! I actually had fun trying on clothes. Still have about 40 lbs to lose but after 25 lbs and Cathe's workout I can really tell the difference.

Thanks for letting my share,
Welcome Cindy. In my opinion this is always one of the better threads... I find it both motivating and encouraging. Everyone here is very supportive and we will cheer you on loudly! Sounds like you and I would have been in law school at roughly the same time. Where do you practice? Have a great week and I'm going to picture you singing songs from South Pacific... I'm going to wash that grey right outta my hair....

Welcome Cindy :), you have done very well so far and sounds like you are going to continue being a 'loser'.

Good for you, Susan :), in shopping in the Misses section. Feels really good to make changes like that.

I went shopping last night looking for an outfit to wear at a wedding and was trying on some stuff. In the process I took off a jacket to see what the outfit would look like if I wore only the camisole with the skirt and the sales lady said "Boy, you have nice arms, you'll look great" Made me feel really good!

I'm feeling good, Kelly :). It will probably take some time to get the dosage right....I guess I had to get adjusted to realizing I had something wrong with me, I am usually quite healthy. I sure am thankful there something that can be done for this condition so simply. I'm also rooting for you that next week you will be a 'loser' too.

Continued good luck in your loses too, Katie :).

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/comic19.gif[/img]
Hi all!

Welcome to our newest "losers".

Katie, I'm with you, I bought hair color today. That is the easiest and cheapest way to fight "maturity".

Had my weigh-in today and lost 1.4.lbs for a total of 25.2!!!! Yah!! Now on to the next 5 lbs. I'm trying not to think about the final goal, just small increments. It's more do-able like that.

I guess my boiled crawfish over the weekend didn't hurt too bad!

Have a great week,
Wow Kelly, Jasper, GA. is my hometown. I now live about 40 miles away but I still go to see my mom & dad there almost every weekend. I graduated from the high school there in 1984. Did you by any chance eat at the Speedburger? I used to work there after high school. They sell these tiny hamburgers that are so tasty! (Kinda like Krystal burgers except these are better IMO). Good thing I didn't work there for very long or I would have 114 lbs to lose instead of 14 lbs.

Anyway, I love, love, love that little town!!!

Hope you enjoyed your trip there.

Lisa Seymour

Yes we enjoyed our trip very much. Loved Jasper! We have a Jasper, Alabama you know and that is where we will move to when we build our house. We did not eat at Speedburger and I can't remember the name of the place we did eat at. It was some steak house, anyway they had a buffet. The place my husband had to work at on Monday was diagonal from a fitness place, can't remember it's name either. The drive there was absolutely gorgeous with all the horse and cows and hills and valleys. Just beautiful. Great place to grow up!!! :)

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif

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