Weight loss after 45


New Member
Hi Cathe,
I am a very active 49yr old mother of 4, 2 in college, and 2 in elementary school. I have been exercising regularly since I had my 1st born.

The problem I am having is that since the birth of my last child, now 7. I have not been able to lose my midsection weight. I do crunches nearly everyday. I do cardio, weights, eat a low fat, low carb diet, lots of veggies, but am very close to settling for a tummy tuck. I simply cannot lose a single pound.

People say I look great, but I don't feel great. I feel fat.
Please help me to find a way to break through this tough layer of fat, that simply just won't burn off. I often kid with people saying that with all the exercise I do and lifestyle I lead, I should be skinny.
I even dream about being thin again.
I am considering a personal trainer, what do you think?:(
Not Cathe... But I'm in the same boat...

I'm a 49 yr old mother of five. My legs, arms and butt are toned, my abs evidence the slight curve of a six pack BUT my Waist is thick & six inches wider than I ever remember!!!

I spoke to my Dr about this, you know the "How can this be?", I workout five days a week if not six.... It boils down to stress!!! Diabolical!!

There are lots of drugs to help you deal with stress both script & OTC, but I've learned to take time out for me. Read a book sitting on a chair outside, listening to some music while housekeeping, and occasionally taking a looooong shower. I've lost 1 & 1/2 inches off my waist in the last month. I don't expect fast results, it took years to get here.

So keep working at it, and RELAX! Exercise is a great stress reliever, but not the only one. Workout to look good, take time to feel good & enjoy all your hard work!


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