Weight lifting increasing neck size?


Hi Cathe.

I am a fairly new Cathe video user (since January of 2001) I love your tapes and your website is great too.

This is a silly question, but here it goes - I have noticed that since January my neck appears to be getting thicker. I have not measured it and am simply judging this by looking into the mirror.

Is this simply because I am building the muscles or is it because I am using incorrect form on some exercises? Any input you could offer would be appreciated.

Thank you!
Hi Tamara! The only way to know for sure would be to actually measure it and then measure it again in 4 weeks. But if you really think that it is, cut back on the weights that you use for any shrug exercises. As far as your form, be sure that when you do strenuous exercises, that you are not tensing up your neck. I especially see a lot of unnecessary tensing of the neck when one struggles to get those last few reps out during shoulder and back exercises.

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