Weight gain in the thirties


So I guess this is normal? Have others experienced a weight gain in their thirties? I'm still stunned by this. I'm small boned and I've always been really light, but recently my boyfriend has been teasing me about my tummy. The thing is, there's no extra fat, but when I went home to visit my family, they thought I had gained a bit there and in my booty. I thought they were just imagining it (although some clothes have been a bit tight) because my tummy is completely flat, but I weighed myself at my sister's house and I'm up thirteen pounds from a year ago!!!! Did I just spread out?? I've never been over 110 before, and now all of a sudden I am. I'm not really upset, just shocked. My family thinks I look fine; they've always encouraged me to gain weight and I've always told them I just can't. Now it seems I have. I'm 31, btw. I just hope this trend doesn't continue. I guess I can up my cardio a bit; I've always held off on that since I was underweight before. I have lots of fun cardio, so I guess that's a good thing. Will this happen again when I'm 40?
My opinion is yes and no. :)

Yes, in that your body chemistry changes regularly with age.. What you need now may be very different from what you needed (fitness and nutrition wise) 5 years ago. It will continue to change, as well.

And no, in that it's not something that is inevitable. As your chemistry changes, your workouts should, too. I've found that as I've gotten older, I need less cardio and more weights (I'm 32, now). I've also found that after I had my son last year, what goes into my mouth affects my weight much more drastically than it used to. Lots of hormone changes, so my body processes differently.

Unfortunately, I think it's trial and error to find out what adjustments you need to make.
i recently turned 31 on but started to notice in my late twenties that the belly and love handles started to spread out. so now i have the pear/apple thing going a little more. just have to work harder at the diet really start cutting out more stuff that maybe i shouldn't be eating. its not impossible just have to work a little harder then when i was 20. but its different for everybody.

No, I don't think it's inevitable. I'm 36 and weigh 115-5 pounds less than I did in high school and that's after 3 kids. I'm like you, small boned. Where I carry my weight has shifted some since having children-wider rib cage, etc. But I agree with Melissa-what you eat is a big part of the equation as is varying your workouts. Weights have completely changed the shape of my body in a good way. I'm hoping it will be even better by the time I'm 40!
At age 30, I went from being a true pear, to more of an hourglass. Before, I'd never gain above the bellybutton. Now I've got a little more tummy, and way jigglier arms.

I used to be able to work off my junk food cave-ins, but now I really can't. Diet is so much more important.
Could it be muscle? If its muscle I think we all know who the little power house is who did it to you :p

Now, seriously, you can get tested for insulin resistance but at your size it may not be important. Nothing may show in the blood work. A fasting glucose test is relatively easy. I wouldn't regard weight gain in your thirties as inevitable. I'm the slimmest that I have been in over 12 years and I didn't start losing weight until 2007. So, don't worry about your age, just work at it until you find the formula of activity and foods that help you be the size you want to be. I think that weighing in the 120s is very healthy.
I'm a few months shy of 37, and my answer is yes you might gain weight when you're in your 30's. I was 103 forever. Now I'm 106. Yes, I know that's not a big deal, but when you've always weighed the same for 15 years it is! I've found that I have to work way harder to maintain, and I now have to watch what I eat. I never did that before. I'm still blessed w/a fast metabolism and both my parents were/are small, so I know I will prob. never be overweight. However, it seems like some kind of cruel joke that as I get older and need to workout more that my body- joints, bones, doesn't want me to go as hard as I need to. Now, I have to actually think about food and fitness, and that's a very new thing (since my late 20's). I feel your frustration.
I agree with clothesminded....I haven't gained a lot of weight but I can gain more easily now. I have discovered that diet plays a much bigger part in the equation than it did when I was in my 20's. I can't just nip a couple of pounds off like I used to. I do like that it makes me more aware of what I eat and how I exercise. I find that the accountability keeps me from falling into workout ruts as I am always looking for ways to change things up and keep my body challenged. To the OP-it is great that you are taking the initiative by posting here. So many people take it for granted that what worked in their 20's will work forever. Unfortunately, that is most often not the case.
Well ladies I'm in my 40...42 in Aug and I have to say I have to be very careful what I put in mouth today because tomorrow it shows up on my hips :eek:. As we age eating cleaner is so important (not that I do it all the time) because it does take a little longer to get off. When I was in my 20 and early 30 I never had to worry about weight gain but as the late 30 came along and the 40 my body change. Those extra pds seem to stick around a little longer!!:eek:Therese
I'm not sure it's muscle, at least not all of it. Wouldn't thirteen pounds be a lot of muscle for a woman to gain? I do workout consistently with Cathe, Amy, and Tracey, plus some yoga, and I push myself, but not to a super hard core level. Well...sigh, I'm fine with being 119, but for the first time in years I find myself wanting a scale, just to make sure another thirteen pounds doesn't creep up in a year!

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