So I guess this is normal? Have others experienced a weight gain in their thirties? I'm still stunned by this. I'm small boned and I've always been really light, but recently my boyfriend has been teasing me about my tummy. The thing is, there's no extra fat, but when I went home to visit my family, they thought I had gained a bit there and in my booty. I thought they were just imagining it (although some clothes have been a bit tight) because my tummy is completely flat, but I weighed myself at my sister's house and I'm up thirteen pounds from a year ago!!!! Did I just spread out?? I've never been over 110 before, and now all of a sudden I am. I'm not really upset, just shocked. My family thinks I look fine; they've always encouraged me to gain weight and I've always told them I just can't. Now it seems I have. I'm 31, btw. I just hope this trend doesn't continue. I guess I can up my cardio a bit; I've always held off on that since I was underweight before. I have lots of fun cardio, so I guess that's a good thing. Will this happen again when I'm 40?