Weight gain and IUD


I am starting to wonder if my IUD is keeping me from losing weight. No matter how good I am I can't even lose a pound. I do eat and work out on a regular basis. A friends daughter had one and had it removed because of weight gain. Lost weight right away. I have done some looking online and many say yes this is an issue. Then there are those that say not. How about any of you?

If you have the version without hormones, then I do not see how this is possible. You will probably have to look elsewhere for the culprit. How old are you and what is happening with your hormones generally?

The hormonal IUD can probably cause weight gain. I have heard that the copper IUD can cause copper toxicity in people that may be sensitive to copper. Maybe research and see what you come up with. Your Dr. wont be as proactive about your health as you are :) good luck!

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