Weekly Rotation


I am leaning out to uncover my muscles after P90X, and it is working, I am maintaining the muscle and losing fat.

1. HCE circuit, Ab Bootcamp
2. KPC or some steady cardio
3. Boot Camp and KM Blast
4. Kickboxing or Cardio of choice
5. PUB, abs
6. PLB, 30 minutes of cardio
7. Rest
>I am leaning out to uncover my muscles after P90X, and it is
>working, I am maintaining the muscle and losing fat.
>1. HCE circuit, Ab Bootcamp
>2. KPC or some steady cardio
>3. Boot Camp and KM Blast
>4. Kickboxing or Cardio of choice
>5. PUB, abs
>6. PLB, 30 minutes of cardio
>7. Rest

Could you let me know which set of w/o from P90X you did? I heard a lot of good things about this w/o. I wanted to try it but I am afraid my knees would failed me. I have tendonitis, not sevious.

How many weeks are you going to do this rotation to maintain the muscle and lose fat?




I did the Classic rotation for 90 days, it is the three days split, it is focus on gaining muscle on the upper body, the cardio workouts are two, one is interval training, it is called Plyo max, and the other is kickboxing called, kenpo X. They sell it as a set with three different rotations, but you can do the weights and substitute the cardio for whatever suits your needs. The Cathe GS or S&H would be comparable to P90X, KPC can substitue Kenpo x and any Imax for Plyo X.

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