weekend question

I work out 6 days per week and my rest day varies. Sometimes it's a saturday or sunday and sometimes it's a week day. I have thought about working out M-F only but I haven't been able to bring myself to do it yet....LOL
I rarely take Saturday and Sunday off exercise when I am working (I'm on sabbatical this semester, so my schedule is different) and I don't like taking 2 days off in a row in general.

When I'm working, Monday and/or Friday are usually the days I take off exercise because they are usually more stressful at work or busier.
I try to w/o 6 days per week but don't worry if I end up taking both Sat and Sun off as long as I have giving it all during the week.
Hey Kariev,

Along with working on the house and typical weekend duties, I find it
hard to get in my workouts. I try to take one day off a week but it ends up being all weekend most of the time.

My goal today was a walk/run for 3.5miles. Finished breakfast, lunch, dishes, working on laundry and cleaned 2nd floor bath. Next?
DH is resting from working on the 3rd floor. Maybe now I can???;-)

Thanks for the question.
I work Mon-Fri and always have Sat & Sun off work so for me my best workouts are on Sat & Sun- I typically take Mon,Wed,Fri off depending on the week- I workout 6 days w/ 1 complete rest day.

From being around this board and reading a lot my observation (which could be totally off) is that it depends on work schedules and family for the most part. I would think that stay at home moms probably have more to do on weekends with possible older kids home and the DH!

I say find what works best for you and do that- if your best workouts are during the week and want to take weekends off- do it, you will be most successful if you are content and happy with your workout schedule and like the workouts you are doing! ;-)

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