Weekend Check-in, Saturday & Sunday, February 8 & 9, 2025

Happy Super Bowl Weekend ladies!

Today's workout:

CatheLive- "Core Pump & Sweat Express" - 44 min. (this week's CatheLive, pretty good one!)

Tomorrow will be a rest day here.

Have a good day & weekend!
Good Morning Everyone,

I took a rest day yesterday. Today I did a blender workout of CF cardio and core bonus (tough), RWH legs/LBB legs and RWH biceps. It was good and long! about an hour.

Linda - I will have to check out that workout!

Have a great day everyone.
So today was a rest day on the rotation & a cardio for tomorrow, but Sundays are my rest days. So...today was cardio of choice for me. I did XTrain Tabatacise. For the first time ever, I made it through TWO tabatas & the Bonus 1 Abs. While I was doing it, I was thinking I am absolutely out of my mind. But now, I have a wonderful endorphin release going on. It's so motivating to have made it through two!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!
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Great job Deanna with Tabatacise & Bonus #1 Abs. Nora does Tabatacise alot too!
I like the step recovery blasts in that one! :)
I had only done the first tabata in the past, so all I knew was the first one & the first step recovery blast. The 2nd one is just as fun! I am ready to explore more on this disc!
Rest day here. Walked Sam's Club and Walmart. Gonna sit put the ice storm.

Nice workouts ladies! And rest days for others.
Happy Saturday ladies:)

Linda- Great job on your workout today with:

CatheLive- "Core Pump & Sweat Express" - 44 min.

WTG & high fives;) Yes, I almost forgot about Superbowl Sunday. I sort stopped watching NFL after Brady retired. I wish both the Eagles & the Chiefs to have a good game & good luck. If I had to pick between the two teams I'd pick the Chiefs, I'm more familiar with the team & players. Enjoy your rest day. Sundays are my usual rest days. Take care and have fun;)

Siobhan- Great job on today's workout with:

a blender workout of CF cardio and core bonus, RWH legs/LBB legs and RWH biceps. WTG! Double high fives, that is a awesome workout, Bravo. I hope you enjoyed your rest day yesterday. Have a great day:)

Deanna- Great job on today's workout with:

XTrain - Tabatacise - 2 Tabata's + Abs 1- WTG and Double high fives. Tabatacise is a favorite of mine, glad you enjoyed it. Bravo! What an amazing workout, well done:)

Enjoy the rest of your day/weekend;)

Annette- Nice one walking, it all counts! Oh yes, be safe during ice storm. Have blessed erst of your day;)

Hello's and Waves to Nicki;)

Here's today's workout:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength -30-min Upper Body & Abs Strength= 33 Min

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycle -LIVE Indoor Cycling Workout!- 45-minute Indoor Cycling Class + ENCORE!= 50 Min

Keep warm & safe & have a blessed weekend;)

Good Sunday Morning Everyone,

Today I did two BB pilates workouts - 22 minutes and 12 minutes. I just love BB and appreciate how they are a Canadian company. I am heading to Ottawa for a few days (winterlude) so may not check in (that password issue again). '

Nora - nice long workout for you yesterday! I remember my old gym days when I would do both cardio and weights every time :)

Deanna - I love Tabatacize too but I agree - you need to be in the mindset to just go for it. WTG!!!
Annette - I hope you enjoyed your rest day and didn't spend too much
Linda - rest day today?
Nicki - I hope your leg is healing

Have a great day everyone :)
good morning all! Nora, great Kaleigh workouts yesterday, with YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength -30-min Upper Body & Abs Strength & LIVE Indoor Cycling Workout!- 45-minute Indoor Cycling Class + ENCORE!

Siobhan, nice BB pilates workouts this AM. Enjoy your Winterlude trip! Is this the one where you can skate
sometimes? or am I dreaming up something :)

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