Week of Jan 5 Check In

Well i'm glad i made you laugh! haha. Its funny in a way, but sometimes not so much. This poor child, no name picked out and i'm six weeks out. I've narrowed it down to Marlo or Eva. But that will probably change next week. I really like Ava, but its way too common so i decided against that a long time ago :) I just dont know...

After my DH went to work i tried the new Kelly Coffey Meyer Bootcamp workout. it was pretty good. My feet were huge from swelling and the workout helped it go down a little but ot too much. they are still pretty swollen. i took a shower and washed my dog. she hates the water, poor thing. notw im just hanging out before bed. the house is quiet and lonely. i should turn the tv on for some company!

i hope everyone else is having a great nite!
Jen, your daughter will definitely have a name by the time she's born (or when they present you with the birth certificate thing to fill out). Maybe you just need to see what she looks like. I remember even though I had Cale's name picked out a little in advance, I kept calling him Kyle after he was born. Umm..yeah...strange. I think I'll blame the pain meds for that one. LOL His middle name (Brett) came from seeing DH watch a piece on George Brett. DH idolized George Brett when he was a child. When DH was watching him on tv he looked like he could have been a 10 year old kid watching his idol all over again. That's when I suggested Brett for a middle name.

Does your DH like Ava?

I'm trying to psych myself up to treadmill. One side of my back is sore, but not so terrible I can't walk. I read an article today about all the benefits of exercise while pregnant...ugh..trying to use that to inspire me. Oh well...off I go...maybe it'll help me sleep better tonight. Hope you all are having a nice evening.
hello again. ;)
I just did Kimberly Spreens absolute kickboxing. fun workout. feels SO good to be w/o again!

Jen - don't worry too much. not having a name till last minute is actually quite common. I'm hoping we settle on one before too long though too so I know its frustrating.

Tana- I know the maternity stuff all seems so much for when we can use it so little. esp those types of things. I'm not sure how you could make one though. I'd bet you could find one cheap on ebay but then you'll have to wait for it. a simple really wide elastic that velcros behind your back are not pricey I don't think. Its those ones that wrap all over or have bigger pieces that are pricey I think. I hope my midwife still has one to give me next time I go. I'll have to ask. I'd hate to spend $$ on one too.
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hi again guys :)
tana my husband likes eva, marlo and ava. and also audrey. i just decided not to use ava becuase it is so common and popular all of a sudden. i think its a pretty name and i never heard of anyone who had it (besides ava gardner) until i started baby name research. it was common and i just didnt want something overly popular. my name was so popular when i was a kid. so i nixed it. i dont know any marlo's besides marlo thomas who i adore becuase im HUGE that girl fan! and eva isnt that common. i think it was #50 this year. None of them have the IT factor my hubby mentioned tho.

A lot of people suggested waiting until i see her but i do NOT want to do that. becuase i know myself too well. and iw ont have a name even then and then it will be super pressure on me haha

anyhoo its almost 11pm. by the time i get to bed it wont be earlier than 1130. im going to hate myself in the morning for staying up so late. i have to be up at 530. Better go take the dog out and get ready for bed! have a good nite , see u ladies tomorrow!
Good Morning Ladies!
How are you all feeling today? suprisingly i woke up when the alarm first went off and i did not hit the snooze button. That doesnt mean i'm not tired, but im suprised i popped right out of bed. I did not get to sleep until almost midnight.

Nothign is new, i'm at work. Im swollen still, my workout helped that a little but no major improvement. usually its a cure all. Oh well. I'll try again tonite!

I just made out my hospital list becuase i guess i should pack a hospital bag soon for myself. I dont really know what i need but i got an email from enfamil with a list on it so i'll go off that and just ask a few other new mommies maybe.

Still no baby name, but thats to be expected, right? :)

I hope you all have a great, comfy and healthy day!
Let me just say: I love this forum!!!

That being said, I had another ultrasound this morning. I was scheduled to have one on December 30th, but after waiting for two hours, the desk receptionist informed me that the doctor was not available to meet with me. Consequently, I was extremely (!!!) peeved and received a referral to a hospital that is closer to my home town--within a block of my home! This is the best possible situation as it's much closer and I don't even have to drive there! My first appointment with my new doctor is on January 19th. I don't like switching so late in the pregnancy, but it really is the best situation considering the amount of time that other hospital keeps me out of the office.

According to the doctor, the baby is the perfect size (539 grams, 19.01 oz, 1.18 lbs.) even though I still haven't really "popped" yet. Today is my birthday so this was the best gift I could have received. I told the doctor that I didn't want to know the sex so he didn't even look for it. I'm not only feeling the baby move, but I'm seeing it too. It's like a little alien in there and I even tap on my belly to get it to move. I used to press on
it, but I don't need to do that anymore.

After the ultrasound I had to wait to see another doctor to talk about following up. They took a urine and blood test, blood pressure, heart rate, etc. (no problems there). I asked the doctor why I'm not showing yet and she confirmed that it's totally normal with my shape, size, and the fact that it's my first. She actually told me not to gain too much weight. The
Germans have such a different perspective than the Americans. So, all is well! I'll keep you posted after my appointment on the 19th.

Thanks for "listening". :)
Happy Birthday Laura! Mine was this past sunday :)

I remember your story about that terrible wait you had in december. I am so glad you switched hospitals. Glad to hear mommy and baby are doing great! See? I told you its prefectly normal not to show with your first and all that :)

You love seeing and feeling the baby now - just wait until you are in your third trimester. I feel hard spots all over my stomach and i always try to guess if its an elbow, knee, head or butt! Haha. i think her head is facing down by now so her feet must be closer to me. She is pulsing and moving around right now. Its really amazing. But it is also kind of weird to have something growing inside of you. I cant help but think of the ending to Spaceballs the movie when that little alien busts out of the guys stomach with a cane, tux and top hat and starts singing and dancing on the diner counter. haha. was that bad for me to think that just now? bad jen, bad!
Hello ladies,

Laura -glad your getting a new doctor and one that is closer! and that baby is doing great. ;) I think american drs also get on you about weight just that most american women don't do much about it. Were kinda rare in that we work out and try to eat healthy I think. Happy Birthday!!!! :)

Jen - goodluck packing your bag. I think when I make mine I'll keep that and the carseat in my trunk just so in case. I definetly say bring some big but comfy undies, pads(hospital ones are not so cozy if you ask me), cozy sleepers to wear after the birth, a nursing bra, socks/slippers, shower stuff, toothbrush/paste, a camera. Then a baby bag with a few outfits, diapers, wipes, blanket etc. I'm sure all that will be on your to pack list though but just off the top of my head.
Happy Birthday, Laura!!! I remember you telling us about your other dr's office that kept you waiting even though they knew he was gone. Sounds like the new hospital is just what you were needing. = )

The baby movement in the 3rd trimester is fun! Right now, my little girl is pushing something against my stomach/skin. It's like she's trying to get more room in there. This morn my DS was talking to her and she was rolling and kicking all over. I wonder if she could hear him? He was yelling 'Hi Emily' to my belly. LOL

Jess, I've been wanting Kimberly Spreen's Absolute Kickboxing. Glad to hear it's fun! I've been thinking about ordering it from AdvancedWorkouts.
Great list, Jess! I forgot about needing big, comfy undies and my own pads. I think the things we forgot and had to buy there (who knew??) with Cale were baby fingernail clippers (which we didn't use b/c we were both freaked out about trying to cut something so small) and the little mitten/gloves that cover their hands. Cale's fingernails may have been out of the norm. They were so long when he was born and then he would scratch his face with them. His face was perfect when he was born, but by the evening when they came to take his hospital pic he looked like he'd been in a fight. = (
thank you for the suggestions guys.
i have zero nursing bras right now. should i get one that fit me now?? My breasts did not grow at all!! Not one bit. I was hoping for enlargement since i've always been barely there :( hurmph. Somoen said maybe after birth and my milk comes in. But i really think i will never have bigger ones! So...how do i get ther ight size?? Are they expensive? I dont have a lot of money so i never got them and it kind of slipped my mind...

Also, will normal period pads work or do i need extra thick huge maxi pads?? I never wear pads. ugh. I have some that a person gave me from the hospital, they are HUGE. I as going to bring those but i dont know how much bleedng you do so i didnt know if smaller ones would be good or not?

If you end up with a c section do u need pads still? That might be a dumb question..

as u can see i am CLUELESS
Hi ladies. I know I just joined, but looks like I'll be leaving and seeing you on the pp boards. Last week, my blood pressure was really high and I was told to take it easy. This week it is still high so I will be induced Saturday. I'll be 38 weeks by dates and 37w4d by first ultrasound.

I wish you all luck with the rest of your pregnancies.
Oh, well good luck! I hope you have a safe, happy and healthy birth and baby!
Im not too far behind you, im 34 weeks. I will be joining you shortly as well.
Please take care of yourself and let us know when your little one arrives!
Jen, yeah after a c-section you'll still need pads. Totally not a dumb question...I had no idea when I went in for mine. I had to use what they supplied me at the hospital (and they were the biggest pads I've ever seen in my life..yowza!) I didn't bleed a ton...one of the nurses said something about the doctors wiping out my uterus when they had it out. Um yeah...where was my uterus???? I'm hoping she was kidding...bad visual.

I bought 2 nursing bras when I had my son. I just told the salesperson my normal size which is something like 32a. I don't think I got much of a chest while I was pregnant, but once the milk came in and I was breastfeeding regularly they became HUGE. I had no idea they had the potential. LOL Unfortunately they turned into deflated balloons after I weaned my son.

Becky, wow you'll see your little one this weekend! Congratulations and best of luck during your delivery!
MDBecky - I hope the labor and delivery goes smoothly for you!! goodluck :)

Tana - Absolute kickboxing is fun. It does get a bit harder as it goes. In places in the beginning I just added a bit of a hop between movements to bump it up a hair but I think soon here it'll be fine the way it is ha. The rest is a blast and a good workout. I think hers are VERY easy to follow. I don't get the last few reviews on collage saying shes hard to follow.. i really don't.

Jen -I'd assume you'd still need pads. Your uterus will be clearing out for some time. I bled like for 2 weeks or so after baby I think? like a super long period. here is an article I just found: http://www.epigee.org/fetal/post_bleeding.html
I remember the hospital pads being WAY huge and very uncomfy. I would bring large pads with wings if possible. I only usually use pads at night or a panty liner/tampon during the day during that time of the month.
With nursing bras I'm not totally sure. I think they say you can buy one near the end of your pregnancy just give a little extra room. You could go by motherhood and ask. Mine are already getting big and they will be rediculous big when I'm nursing. then like Tana they deflate like a balloon when done nursing. boooo! I'd say maybe get one that is the stretchy kind you just pull over to nurse with? I have one. They stretch out a bit. here is one for an example. http://www.leadinglady.com/Closeup.htm?sku=20080604151913 I found one at walmart like that for only about $8 though and if it gets too small not too huge a deal. even if it gets a hair small the longer you nurse the less huge they are esp when the baby starts solids and you'll make a bit less milk so could maybe use it later on.
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off topic: I'm so sad right now. My nieghbor has two huge rotweillers. They are the sweetest dogs though. VERY obedient also. Well they both got out a few days ago and have been missing. that is very odd for them. They usually stick close to the house. They are the kind you can let loose and they go no where. if he says "go in the house" they go.
Well they found one behind the local walmart wrapped up in christmas lights and a big gash in her head. She'll be ok though. The boy one is still missing. This makes me SICK. :( I'm really hoping he shows up. My nieghbor loves those dogs and hes been looking for him and looking in craigslist for a found notice. ugh. :(
thank you for your in put tana and jess. and thanks for the links.
ugh on the postpartum bleeding...definately not looking forward to that haha.

i guess i will have to pick up a nursing bra or two. i have to remember to do that one of these days! Its never on my mind when i go out..maybe i should make a list.

im really disappointed in myself - i got home and said bye to my hubby. then i fell asleep in his recliner from 6-8pm, still in my work clothes! I was supposed to work out! I was all groggy when i woke up after and i still havent exercised - its about 930pm. So i dont think its going to happen tonite. I've been eating so badly lately and i feel like the scale is exploding so im being really hard on myself. and my feet are so huge, i feel so gross. plus we got our new outrageous mortgage statement in th email today so i dont even know how to go about paying for that or how much or anything. and my husband has been quiet the past two days and i ahvent seen or talked him at all. i've been pulling up his calls on our work computer and he is going to all these crazy disturbances. the last one i saw the home was full of weapons and guns :( and since i dont have the radio on or the system to see up to date calls im kind of just waiting around. Sometimes i wish we could do something different. He works in such a crazy area. I think im just being down this evening because im being lazy, i'm swollen, and i just have some stresses in my life that are not the most welcome. But i know ther are people out there who are way worse off than me so i just need to put it all in perspective...

well, tomorrow at 9am i have my appointment for 34 weesk. i hope my bp and urine tests come back ok. im just concerned about this really bad swelling this week! it hasnt gone down much which is unusual.

jess im a HUGE dog lover, and things like that just make me sick. I tell my DH i wish i could work with dogs instaed of people! SOmetimes i go to the shelter and make sure to pet every single doggy there. i want to take them all home with me. As you all know i love my little pookie bear furball Pricness so much. Its just terribe how some people can treat these poor innocent animals...
Jen -yeah I'm a big animal lover too. I just hope he comes wandering home and just got lost. Or that someone finds him and hes fine. Loosing a pet is sure nerve wracking. I lost my cat once and I was going crazy thinking the worst. She made it home in about a week but did get in a cat fight or something while she was out. Finding his other dog hurt though would make it ten times worse. sigh :(

Well don't beat yourself too much. You probably really needed the rest if you conked out like that. I feel like I did pathetic on todays weight workout. I kept stopping and resting then zoning out. So this workout took TWICE as long as it is cause of that. And when working out I felt so out of it. sigh. just an off day I guess. I did way better on the last one. Plus with you you have some stress going on now. hugs. working out is good but it isn't the MOST important thing in the world. keep that in perspective also.

Goodluck at your dr appt. let us know how it goes. and yeah not looking forward to postpartum bleeding either... add that to lack of sleep, the early startup of breastfeeding and having your hands full of a needy baby and its alot to deal with at once lol. but you make it through. You really have to just relax those first few weeks.
All of a sudden I feel like a freakin' blimp! I still don't think I've "popped", but I'm not having a bm, my stomach feels bloated, etc. Plus, I'm tired this week without a reason for it. Anyone else ever feel this way? I'm 23 weeks, 3 days.

all the time laura. ;) Esp after I eat. sometimes I feel like I can barely breath. and doing my toe nails the other day was a real chore cause I had to practically hold my breath to reach them and come up for air. ha.
How is everyone this morning?
well with my workout last night. I was spaced out a bit. I had alot on my mind so I was really distracted. But also they were using pretty heavy weight (well 2 20# or so so not HUGE) and I mostly felt it in my forearms/hands. I could do the moves with ease and could've gone heavier but my arms were hurting there. Today its pretty much the only place I'm sore. am I doing something wrong or do I just need to get those muscles stronger? I don't remember ever having that problem before?? I'm used to lifting with Cathe?
I keep getting worried cause I'm not feeling the baby as much as normal.. then he'll give me a few tiny bumps just so I know hes alive. This morning I felt nothing and got worried so I got out that doppler. I haven't used it in a few months. I found the HB right away and he gave it a few small kicks as if to say get that off of me. ha. But still I wish I felt him move more. I guess he's ok though.

edited to add: my forearms were only a tad sore this morning but now I'm feeling in my legs/back and arms lol. I guess it worked better than I thought.
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