Maggie, I don't think you'll make it to your induction either. Esp. not with all that sexmax goin' on!!! yay for the moby wrap - you deserve the splurge!
Susan, (((hugs))) to you on the non-pg body aches. But I'm still keeping my fingers crossed! glad you and Haley had a good day.
I've surfed online, read part of a mag, now I'm about to start payroll. Gotta go to the main office in the morning to print checks and do some reports. I really like staying home to get things done....maybe we'll go out for pancakes for breakfast!
Susan, (((hugs))) to you on the non-pg body aches. But I'm still keeping my fingers crossed! glad you and Haley had a good day.
I've surfed online, read part of a mag, now I'm about to start payroll. Gotta go to the main office in the morning to print checks and do some reports. I really like staying home to get things done....maybe we'll go out for pancakes for breakfast!