We want to start Cathe but ? about equip


Hi Cathe,

I've heard so many raves about your programs. DH and I run outdoors for pure cardio and use the Firm tapes for sculpting. I've reached my goal after losing 50 # so I'm maintaing and toning. DH has 20 # left to lose but is really interested in weight work for his upper body. I thought that CTX Upper Body would be great!! We've never tried a Cathe workout but are very curious. We're only interested in weight workouts, not step/cardio tapes (running works wonders for us already and well, there's only so much time in a day, esp. with kids).

Our question is: Can we use a tape like CTX Upper Body without a barbell or long step? All we have are dumbbells right now. Can we substitute dumbbells on the shoulders for the barbell work for the short term until we get $$ for a barbell? Or should we wait until we can afford all of the equipment? I'm dying to buy and try one of your tapes, but I worry about affording the extra equipment right now.

Keep up the great work! You've got a huge fan base over at the Firm Ya Yas site (as I'm sure you know!).

I just did CTX Upper Body for the first time! I loved it. I too only use dunbbells and had absolutely no problems at all! I prefer using dumbbells for my upper body work anyway! If you were thinking of getting LeanerLegs, I use dumbbells for that one too. I keep my weights lighter than her on lower body though. Also her pyramid tapes are excellent and her Upper Body Pyr. only uses dumbbells! No, you don't have to use a long step if you don't have one. You can just lie on the floor for her chest work and tricep work.
Hope this helps!! Have fun-Susan
You can substitute dumbells for practically of all Cathe's barbell exercises, though I'd definitely start saving for a barbell, esp. for your husband b/c I'm sure he'll need more poundage for exercises like bench presses. You can do bench presses on the floor temporarily but would highly recommend either a long step or a weight bench that can incline. CTX Upper Body is excellent. I'd also recommend either the Pure Strength series, the Pyramids or Slow and Heavy for more of a heavier weight/lower rep complement to CTX. Have fun!!

Thanks so much for your feedback. We can't wait to start with Cathe and the suggestions for CTX Upper Body sound perfect!


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