We can even create polls......


Boy am I going to have fun :D !

But how do I change my Profile ????????

My eyes are going googly just trying to find the right thing to press ???????!!!!!!!???????

I don't want to be a man !!!!!!!

Anna :)
Look up at the top of your screen and you'll see "User Menu" click on this and that will take to where you change your profiles. But you have to be outside a thread to see it.
RE: Still resisting change.....but loosening up a bit, JUST a bit

So please go into detail on this IM thing, I'd love to chat on line, but have no idea how. Anna you are having a great attitude about this.....I will try harder!!!


(I used to be a woman, but now am a man.....I'm feeling stronger already, maybe I'll try 30# dumbbells on S&H Biceps in the morn!!!)

Also, and I asked this on another thread, how can I have them alert me when I receive your answer via email?
RE: Still resisting change.....but loosening up a bit, JUST a bit

Do you have AIM? When you edit your profile where it says AOL handle just type in the screen name you use on your AIM account. Then, when you post a message the little AIM icon will show up next to your profile icon next to your name. Of course, you have to make sure you're signed on to your AIM account otherwise, no one will be able to IM you. Just in case you don't have it here's the link.
Once, you're up and running all you have to do is click on the AIM icon next to everyone's name and you should be able to IM anyone so long as they're signed on. :D :D :D
Hope this helps.
RE: Still resisting change.....but loosening up a bit, JUST a bit

Hi thanks for the tips.....I will check out your link because no I'm not on AIM....hope I can figure that out.

RE: Still resisting change.....but loosening up a bit, JUST a bit

Your welcome don't worry its pretty easy hope to see you on AIM.:)
RE: Still resisting change.....but loosening up a bit, JUST a bit

Okay Jilliana, I'm signed up on AIM, thanks to my wonderful dh. So now, how do you use it? Also, I read about it, but I still can't figure out how to subscribe to this thread so that they let me know when you answer me via email. Know anything about that???? I can't seem to find the icon on my message posting page. Thanks for all your help!


One last thing.....do you know where I can find jumpy man???
RE: Still resisting change.....but loosening up a bit, JUST a bit

I'm starting to think they don't have the option of notifying you via e-mail when someone answers on a certain thread. I've searched this forum up and down and unless I just missed it somewhere I don't think you can anymore.

As for AIM to use it is easy. Open your buddy list and click on My AIM go to Edit Options and then select Edit preferences and then you can change customize it to your liking. I'll try to IM you tomorrow or later on today once I get back online. I'm off now to go to bed.
RE: Still resisting change.....but loosening up a bit, ...


I notice you have an "ICQ" icon. What is ICQ? Is it worth having?

I have Yahoo IM and I like it. Should I get AIM too?

I found a jumpyman! Just click "view" (near "file" and "edit" at the top of your screen) and choose "source" from the pulldown menu. You will see code in place of the jumpyman. This code is under each smiley on the site, Smiliesworld. The link: http://www.smilies-world.de/Smileys.htm

-Connie http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/boldlblue.gif
RE: Still resisting change.....but loosening up a bit, ...

ICQ is just another IM program. But I see you have it also. AIM is better than Yahoo in my opinion in the fact that you don't need to have an account with AOL to use the service. Unlike with Yahoo and MSN messenger you have to sign up for an e-mail account before you can access the IM. Other than that there is no real difference between the two. I don't even use my Yahoo messenger. I stick with AIM and MSN.
RE: Still resisting change.....but loosening up a bit, ...

I downloaded ICQ since I posted! I am reluctant to download AIM because my computer has limited space on the hard drive. I might break down and do it though. Thanks!
RE: Still resisting change.....but loosening up a bit, ...

Jilliana, you are being such a big help, I'll have to add you to my buddy list!!! I'm hoping I'm REALLY set up for the AIM thing. I'm assuming you use this while you are logged into the forum, (or online?).

Now as for Jumpy man....I still can't find him. I can't find a view, file edit, or source. Do you have to install that outside service into the forum or something like that???

Briee (and hopefully jumpy soon!!!)

Anna, I have not yet reached the honeymoon stage with this forum yet, but I'm really trying!!!!x( x( x(
RE: Still resisting change.....but loosening up a bit, ...

Are you signed in to your AIM? I tried to IM you but its says your not available. I'm signed on try to IM me.

Connie, you should get AIM I use that way more often than ICQ I swear there are just too many IM services out there now.
RE: Still resisting change.....but loosening up a bit, ...

I meant at the top my my screen, I am using Windows98 and all those words are in the toolbar at the top. You may not have them on your computer screen. Anyway, in my raw message, there's just a bunch of letters there but it's a signal to post the jumpy man from another site, That's how they work.

If I were to type it in, all you would see is another jumpy man. That's why I said you have to "View the source" so you can "copy" it and "paste" it into your message. Here's another way: go to the site
http://www.smilies-world.de/Smileys.htm and pick a smiley or jumpy man that you like. Copy the text (in a little box below your smiley) and paste it into your message or your signature.

That's all you have to do! Have fun!

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