we believe in you cathe!


I am new to your workouts but I cannot believe the posts I have read the last two days. I wanted you to know you have my support. I am willing to wait for the workouts as long as it takes. Any other forum does not allow preorders as far as I know. Usually you have to wait until they are completed. You have a life and a family,yes we are excited and restless for the new workouts but like some else posted we have plenty other of your videos to do. There AWESOME BY THE WAY!!!!Most of us know you are only human. Please remember most of us are standing behind you 100%,dont let that small amount of people put a damper on things. Thank you again for being an awesome instructor who continues to challenge us . I have never done workouts,especially ones that allow you to do them in the convenience of your own home that give you such a challenge and inspire you to go even beyond what you thought you could accomplish.
I can't believe all of this bickering either. Some people just don't understand. Don't worry about all of this Cathe...it is just a small population of people complaining. The large, rest of us have faith and patience in you. Take it easy and rest...take care of your injury. We can and will wait!

Sara B
I hope you have had great holidays and thank you for your update to us. I am looking forward to hearing more news in due time. Take care of that injury and hang in there!

:) :)
Cathe, you are a BLESSING! And there will always be negative people trying to get you off your game. Keep up the excellent work and we will all live healthier longer lives! Thanks, I really appreciate what you do. You helped me challenge myself, lost weight, and become stronger mentally and physically. Thanks and hopefully I can meet you and the Crew one day.... maybe at the next Road Trip? When is it?
I just want to add my support for what the original poster wrote.

I have been a long time fan, have all your videos and am so inspired by you.

I am currently recovering from my cancer treatment and am using your beginner workouts. You don't even know how great it feels when I have completed a workout now. I sure can wait until your new workouts come out!

Take care of your injury and don't listen those whiners ! There is more important things in life to worry about!

Joyce ;-)
Seriously Cathe, I just can't believe you don't spend every waking moment on this forum, and I am shocked & appalled that you can't take the time to update us EVERY SINGLE MORNING on your progress, even if there isn't any. In fact, if there isn't any, I INSIST you post in the morning "there isn't any progress today."

Now, what I really want to say is, I work for government & I of all people understand how sometimes things take longer than originally intended. You have so much going on--your club, your new business ventures, & most importantly your family--that I don't think anyone reasonable can expect everything you do to run precisely on schedule.

Cathe, you're an inspiration to all of us & I can't thank you enough for providing us with the amazing, fantastic, already existing workouts, without which I would not have the truly intense routine I really want. And which I will continue to use until your new workouts come out.

I for one am glad to know your priorities are straight. Like the old saying goes, you never hear anyone on their deathbed say "I wish I'd spent more time at work." Spend time w/your hubby & your boys, enjoy every moment you can with them. Take your time with the new workouts & don't worry about us--we love you & we'll always be here! :7
Cathe, I just want to add ,YOU ARE MY HERO !!! I Love you And keep up all your excellant work .Your the best in my book !!! Hugs to you and your family .
Cathe you have my support as well.

I have plenty of your dvd's to keep me busy until the new ones are out.

Also, I can give a rat's a$$ about what your hair or clothes looks like in the new series. As long as you continue to kick butt I'll be as happy as a pig rolling in mud & straw.

Enjoy your family into this New Year.


Everyone else has posted excellent points. I just wanted to add that I'm pretty sure no other instructor even comes close to the number of DVDs you have. I have all of them and when reviewing my workouts for 2005, I found that even the ones I did the most I only did about 10 times each- and that's 6 days a week with very few exceptions. I'm never bored by your workouts or feel that I have them 100% memorized. If I feel like I'm getting to that point, I just take that one out of the rotation for awhile.

You are the best there is. I look very forward to your new workouts, but would never work myself into a frenzy over them! I have a life and rarely have time to think about the fact that they are coming. It will be a very nice surprise when they show up.

Keep up the good work--you have spoiled me for any other instructor.

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