RE: *******Watercoolers********Wavin' atcha Wednesday, ...
What a Freaking Day!!!
First and More Importantly....
Everyone, go back to yesterday's thread. Teddygirl accidentally posted pictures of her new "do" on there today instead of here.
Next, I officially signed away the next year of my life. I don't know whether to be excited or shocked. It's a rollercoaster of emotions currently bordering on WTH did I just do!!!!
I'll be fine.
Dd just has a cold. I hope she keeps her germs to herself!!!! At least while around family members!!!! I could care less about the rest of the world.
In other news. I thought I'd share the latest email exchange starring me and involving the totally stupid next generation of college grads (TSNGCG for short)!!!
First Email from TSNGCG:
I saw your post on, and I am interested in your following items:
$2.00 My Alphabet Of Musical Instruments Coloring Book item.
$5.00 Lives of the Musicians Good Times, Bad Times (And What the Neighbors Thought) This is an audio book set of two cassettes. Ages 10 and up
$30.00 Melody Lane a music course for lower elementary students. Includes 6 videos and 1 Guidebook
Please let me know if you can ship these items?to my home address through Media Mail since I won't be back in your area until my fall semester of (my senior year of) college. I can pay you through PayPal or Ebay. If not, I am in the West Chester area during weekends, which would save time and money on shipping the items if I can pick up these items in a public area.
(name changed to protect the Stupid)
My Reply:
I can meet you in the West Chester area. Are you near Paoli or Exton? I'm not very familiar with West Chester. You would probably want to meet me considering it's cheaper. If you'd rather I mail them, I can try to figure out how much it would cost to ship via media mail.
Hi Wendy,
Thanks for the prompt e-mail! I can offer $15 for all three items. Unfortunately, I will not be back in the West Chester area until Saturday, June 21. I will be in the area that weekend, and I will return to West Chester sometime during the following week. Does June 21 during the daytime work for you, along with my offer? Please let me know, thanks a lot!
SAY WHAT!!!!!! $15 for curriculum retailing for over $100 new with an asking price of $37.00!!!!! Girl PLUEEZE!!!!
My Very Civil Decline of Offer Email
Thanks for the offer. But, I'll sell these at the homeschool convention instead. The Melody Lane videos were close to $100 new.
Notice that I keep my shock to myself. So, Miss TSNGCG emails THIS!!!!
From what I remember, your offer for the entire book collection was less than $100. I am obviously a college student try to get a jump start into my career. If you had that kind of price range in mind, you should have stated it in the previous e-mail instead of pulling my strings, acting as if you were interested in whatever price I offered. In the future, please don't waste other potential customers' time and effort, especially those college students that have similar situations as my own. No one appreciates a let down that was caused by false hope.
OH! NO! She! Didn't!!! TSNGCG better be thankful I got that email on my Blackberry and couldn't punch what I wanted in length.
My VERY VERY VERY Civil response!!!!
What are you saying? I did not ask you to buy my materials for that amount. I was simply explaining why I wouldn't sell them for $15.00.
sent from Blackberry
By the time I got home, I was fuming pissed. So, I decided to tell her what I really thought!!!!
Now that I'm home and can type on a keyboard instead of texting, I've had time to think about your response.
How DARE you accuse me of luring you or anyone else for that matter into paying more than what was listed in my post!!! I NEVER asked or suggested that you to pay full retail price. You've got to be delusional!!! No where in ANY of my emails to you did I act as if I was interested in whatever price would be offered!!! If that were the case, I would have stated "or best offer" in my ad.
If anyone has a right to be offended, it should be me for such a low offer that wouldn't even cover the cost of gas to West Chester!!!!!
Don't you even lecture me about struggling!!! Talk to me after you've had six children, homeschooling three of them, while going back to school on one income.
I suggest that in the future, you invest in retaking English 101, Ethics, and Economics courses instead of wasting other people's time.
Good luck to you.
Alls I've got to say is she better be glad Lindy wasn't peaking tonight!!!!
Well, ladies, I've got a circuit to do. BBL