Morning Coolers,
Todays workout was a 2m Run with Cami, and Abs/Core Plus. Will get in Upper Plus later tonight.
Tomorrow I need to get myself to work early again. We are going to the Nascar Truck race and Saturday is the Nation Wide Series here in Milwaukee. I'm looking forward to this time with the family.

Have to remember to get some munchies tonight. :9
Well ladies it has happened, and it seems to have happened like a roller coaster. Oldest DD has a boyfriend. I'm not letting her date yet, but she has been chatting with Marco (with some Italian last name, I need to get that last name so I can google the parents!:7 :7) on the phone every day this week. This is a new experience for me, so be warned that I just might explode one of these days. }( }( DH is having a harder time than I am. He warned DD that his sword is getting sharpened! :7 :7 :7
Wendy, So glad your massage was a good one. You are right to be picky about a chiro, a bad one could make terrible adjustments. I to am curious as to what the cup thingies are. What I am picturing is what they did in the Ren time with heating up the cup and placing it on your body. Literally burning your skin.

This is how Runner's World describes a tempo run. For a 5m run you warm up for 1 mile then run the next 3 miles at a steady pace, then you do a cool down for 1 mile. The steady pace is usually at a faster pace than I would normally run. Hope that helps. Oh I want to get a rice maker so badly. I have been reading about them for the last year, and have never gotten the will power to buy one. I'm always afraid that I won't use it. :7 :7 Or that I would get one that doesn't work that well. Hey I was running with Cami at 5am this morning. ;-)
Patricia, Glad you are feeling much better today, a good nights sleep can do a body good.

You are going to have a great time with Wendy and Debra. They will let you know what the Clean Eating is all about. I'm sort of a semi-clean eater, because I can't restrict myself to much.

I had to LOL about how your DH is with his teeth. My brother was the same way, I don't think that he had any problems with a tooth until he hit his 30's. I used to get so mad, because I would brush and he never did. WTG on getting a workout in.
Jeanette, Hey sometimes we all need a break from the workouts. Just not feeling like it is how I feel sometimes too. In fact mine was on Tuesday.

Sounds like your GM's memorial is going to be a nice family time. Just don't get your Aunt in a headlock with those awesome arms you have right now!

Or maybe that is what she will need if she starts talking $$$ instead of remembering that the gathering is for a rememberance of GM. ;-) Apparently the chicken in Science Diet is not from the best parts of the chicken. But when you read the ingredient labels on other dog foods, if it has chicken in it, the label says chicken pieces. I always thought SD was ok too. We will see about changing up Cami's diet, because I was always under the impression (like Wendy said from her vet) that dogs should not be changing there diet. Even if you change the food you have to introduce it slowly.
Debra, Glad to see that you arrived safe in Toronto. It sure sounds like you and CBL are having a great time. Nice that you talked to someone from the area to get some good tips. Have fun with whatever you decide to do today. I vote for shopping of course.
Kim, Yipee on getting the asthma under control. I'm sure that when it isn't you are not having a great day at all. I will be waiting for you on the + workouts when you are ready.

Oh my on the co-worker. What in the world happened? Yes when the sitter comes over she will give Cami a 1/2 hour walk. I think that should be good enough until we get home from faire. Yes I am thankful that we have dental insurance. In fact both DH and I have it from work, so we end up having to pay about 20% of the bill in the end. So not to bad.
Have a great day!