Watercoolers Taking It To The Edge

We didn't leave home till after midnight. There was a lot of homeschool books to pack. Still no news concerning my friend. I'll head up to the hospital in a few hours.

Last night's massage felt so good! She thinks I'm close to needing to see her every othe week. It's strange to hear her say that she can go deeper into the muscle when the intensity remains the same since my second visit. My first time getting a massage hurt the absolute worse even though she used less pressure!!! There is hope that one day soon I will see Tony!:)

I'll have to catch up on personals later when I can take notes.

Have a wonderful, relaxing, Blissfree weekend!If you get the time, could you email me the ingredients to my marble swirl chocolate cheesecake? I forgot to bring the recipe! I remember how it goes together and what the ingredients are. I just forget the amounts.

Will chat more later!!!

Hi all....sorry I never got back to chat yesterday...but things got crazy!

Sending hugs and kisses to you and your friend...Hope everything is okay.

See you all later, hopefully. CBL and I are spending the day together, so it may be later when I check back. Today is my rest day. I did Pure and Simple with Eoin yesterday, which was just what I needed!

Happy Day to all!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Happy LONG USA weekend folks!
Just popping in to wish everyone a happy Memorial Day and belated Happy Queens Day to our Canadian gals!

Be safe gang..... all the amateurs are out on holiday weekends!

Dang, I lost my post!

Don't have time to recreate. Heading out camping right after work. Today was a step/weight circuit premix from SJP. Fun!

Hi Traci, nice to see you!

Wendy, have safe travels and hope your friend is doing better.

Debra, have a great time with CBL. Hope the headache is gone.

See everyone on Monday or so!

Good Morning Coolers

Today is chq run day and like normal the freakin acctg system is DOWN. GRRRR. So have a little time on my hands.

Jeanette - my mouth is watering for that CC. We went out for dinner Mon. night and I usually never have desserts but I was in the mood. Boston Pizza offers bite size servings so I thought I'd order me some cheesecake but they're in the midst of changing the menu and didnt' have what I wanted. Do you think that was a sign? I LOL at the black powder shoots b/c my Dad used to go to the US 2x a year to compete with muzzle loaders so thats why I've been exposed to the knife throwing etc.. He even used to build them, has a whole shop in the basement so I've been around guns all my life but only shot a 22 a couple times. DH is now thinking of getting his license to try target shooting. I think he thinks he may get a few guns in the will if he does this:p :p I've already told him that with 3 brothers he is probably low on the list for that! My sister had a cat named Tillia so yes a lot of similiarities there too!!!

Traci - alive and well I see. My fingers are x-d for a you all to ahve a GREAT LONG WEEKEND. Anything had to be better than the sh*tty weather we had for ours.

Wendy - yikes looks like a very early morning drive for you? That might be me on Sat. just so I can go play ball.:p Glad to hear the massages are working but don't tell Phil. Milk it for all its worth.

Debra - did CBL get his passport yesterday. Have a fun off day.

Okay, better get my 2nd coffee for the day. BBL.
Morning Coolers,

Today I have not done a workout yet. Came in to work early so I can get Cami to the vet after work.

Plan on doing some type of KB workout, maybe try an Amy Bento.

We also have a band conert for youngest DD tonight to.

Wendy, Hope your friend is doing much better today! Thoughts and prayers go out to him. LOL on trying to have me send you those P90X+ workouts. In your dreams!!! You know I have to have my Tony with me. Still haven't gotten my rope, I'm waiting for my gift card from Sports Authority to arrive.

Debra, Enjoy your day with CBL.

Traci, You have a wonderful weeknd too. I'm guessing that you are going to the bay, so enjoy your time there.

Sandra, I have a hard time finding this watercooler thread, so an X would help me sometimes I think. :7 :7 I am going to create something out of the plus workouts that will work for me. Should have something after this weekend, since I will be a major bum at the cabin. :D In my 20's I did run a couple of races, but that was 20 years ago. :D :D My oldest DD is helping out at this race, so she says she will be there for encouragement. Oh what happened with your Dad's brother is just heart breaking. I know that after my Dad had that accident, he was a much better father to us. Gave us many many more hugs that he did before. :D So I think things like that do change a person.

Kim, LOL about your thumb having DOMS, that is a good one. :D The race is on June 7th, so not much time. But I'm just doing this for the fun, and not for the time. Glad you where able to open those files. I will either do a lean or classic, will see. I will probably have to cut down on the long runs. Probably will do nothing more than 6m. Don't think I need to really do anything longer if I'm not doing a race. ;) When is your race?

Patricia, You got the OUCH OUCH OUCH right. That is why I have them wax at the salon. Over and done in a rip!!! I like the fact that since I have been waxing, I don't get that uni-brow anymore. Both my DD's have inherited the uni-brow too. :-( I didn't know that they have new shows for the Caribbean workouts. Shelley isn't on them? That is to bad, because I think she was the best. I like those workouts because they are only about 20 min, and she does give a good workout in that time. I really like her KB ones the most. LOL about the increased amount of DVD's. My DH doesn't even care anymore. He said the other day that Barry from the BBC workouts was annoying. I told him ya he is, but he is a great motivator. :D

Jeanette, Your weekend sounds like it is going to be great. DH is suppose to be working on some of the outfits for us. But I think that he will be working on the oldest's dress first. These girls need to stop growing!!! x( That is the major reason why I have not gotten a new gown. ;-) LOL about Tillie, guess she thinks that she hid really well!! :7 :7 :7

Have a great day!

Good morning, Watercoolers,

So, I got up this morning and did Total Body+, and HSTA cardio/lower body premix. I wonder if the new Plyo Leg workouts in STS will be similar to the HSTA cardio/lower body premix? In a short bit here I'm going to do chapters 1, 7 & 8 from PY4H2.

Back to yesterday's conversation about whether I'm seeing results from the Plus rotation. I'm not sure what to attribute this to, but today when I was doing the 1/2 Dervish move in TB+, I caught a glimpse of the backs of my shoulders and upper back in the mirror, and was astonished at how cut they are. I had no idea my shoulders could look like that! I'm sure it's all to do with the pull ups, but I imagine it's been a gradual result of the P90X, and the Plus workouts. So, for anyone wondering whether struggling through pull ups is worth it, let me give a resounding YES!!!!

Wendy - I'm so sorry your friend has become so ill. Best of luck with this week.

Debra - P&S is just good, classic yoga, isn't it? Have a great day!

Jeanette - Have a great weekend!!!

Patricia - Good morning! I hope accounting gets their act in order so you can get those cheques written soon. You don't think we'll have STS by July? Huh. I was still feeling optimistic about that. The Plus rotations are 6 days/week, yes, but they're all shorter, so I don't feel like there's as much time required, overall. My father actually became exactly the opposite about water. He put a pool in the backyard the minute they moved in (my brother was an infant, I wasn't born yet), and had us in the water as much as possible. I don't remember ever not knowing how to swim, and am as comfortable in a water as I am on land. I used to do a lot of fitness swimming, although I haven't been doing much in the last year or so. There were always strict rules about not swimming without an adult watching, or when we were older, we weren't allowed in the pool if there was no one else around. My pull up bar came from Walmart, and it came with 2 sets of mounting brackets. We put one set of brackets up high, and I use a chair or my high step when I need an assist. The second set of brackets *could* be put lower in the door frame, so you can do those STS kind of pull ups. That's a great idea! I'm not sure how quick/easy it is to switch the bar in and out of the brackets; I've never tried it. They give you the second set of brackets to put really low in the door frame, for hooking your toes under to do sit ups, etc. I don't think 4DS is a good sub for SH chest/back, but you know what? The workout is so simple that with a list of the exercises, you could do it yourself without the video. Just, you know, go up 6 counts and down 2 for every rep of every set. Wait a minute. Do 2 more sets.

Kim - I get sore hands from holding heavier dbs, too. I especially feel it in GS Chest, with all those flies and presses. Yes, I'm doing the Plus Classic Rotation. I never do the Lean rotations because I don't like Core Syn :p

Well, time to get that yoga done before my muscles get too cold. Have a great day!
Hi Laurie! Another simultaneous posting for us, I see! It's too bad it sometimes takes a tragic situation to make people live a better life, isn't it? I'm glad something positive came of it for your family, though. When's your race? Do you have a personal goal? I should think you can run 5km pretty easily? Is your DD putting any pressure on you to be the fastest in your age group? ;) I hope you have a decent time with Amy tonight.

Okay, isn't it a bit early for you all to abandon me?!?! The last post to this group, by me, was in the morning. Surely you all didn't scurry off on your weekend holidays already?

-off to get a real life
Oh I just had to post something so Sandra wouldn't feel so lonely. I'll probably be around lots this weekend playing with my new fridge and stove which come on Sat.

Just busy today with work, piano lessons (only one more week till the recital!), ds's football meeting, watching one of my favourite shows (X-Weighted) and then a quick 30 minute interval run on the tm. Was going to run longer but just not into it today. My tooth is still giving me problems, I'm starting to wonder if it's infected going back into the dentist tomorrow.

Sandra and Patricia, do you ever watch the Canadian show X-Weighted about people trying to lose weight? I think it's made in Alberta. I love this show. Will catch up on personals on my day off tomorrow. Kim

THANK YOU for posting!! :* :*

I missed the tooth saga. What's the matter with it? I hope a route canal isn't in order? X-Weighted is filmed in Edmonton. I've caught bits and pieces of it, but haven't watched it regularly. I should find out when it's on and make a point of it. I did find it quite interesting. Hmmmm, I'll scout out their website.

Have fun with your new fridge and stove! I'll be at the ymca all day on Sunday, but should be around otherwise.

Sandra & Kim - it might just be us Canadians hanging around this weekend!:) :)

I just did Your Body Breakthru - circuit w/o (can't remember the exact name). I wasn't sure what I wanted to do today. Had to have some UB weight to it but also cardio to loosen me up. My hamstrings and shins are sooo tight from BB. It hurts in my shins to walk and boy I can only bring my kicks up about 3/4 of the way. All that running around the bases to blame for that - but thats a good thing:p

I've been over of the VF forum reading the lastest Slim Series thread. So close to maybe committing to doing it. I have all the Si6 and SS videos along with the SSex ones. The SS got me up in the a.m. to w/o last year for a while so maybe I'll try them again. I cant' stick to any rotation for more than a week though.

Kim - yuk on the sore tooth, great that you have a day off tomorrow. I was beginning to wonder what today was. You made me think this was Fri. for a moment. I wish.

Had a super busy/stressfull day at work. Didn't stop and worked a bit late too. Deadlines, deadlines of which I have little control of being able to do anything in advance so all due in one day. TGIF tomorrow and DONUT day.

I've seen X-weighted and when I'm channel surfing and see it I generally stop and watch it. Have you seen Lose 10# Bootcamp? I looked into it but its filmed in Vancouver. No chance of any being filmed where I live. I was dealing with someone from Edmonton today and they inferred we lived REMOTELY. We're only 3.5 hrs north of T.O. Remote to me is 10-20hrs and in the boonies. I live at the north-end of cottage country - most people would love to live here! Actually, we drive 2hrs south to our cottage.:p :p

Its turned cold here again. I haven't seen it but there has been sitings of snow 1st thing in the a.m. I'm going to the weather network next to see the forecast for the weekend.

Sandra - I see that you had to switch up your course. Will you be able to take the one you originally wanted in Sept?


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