*** Watercoolers Monday *****


Morning All:

Yeah we won our BB game against the only team that has beat us so far this year. I think it was 13 - 3 so a good stomping on them:p :p

I guess I have a YogaX on the schedule tonight. Probably a good idea as my right arm from all the throwing could use a good extra stretching.

Jeanette - does DH play golf too or just chauffer (sp?) you around? Yep, enjoyed the glamour w/o. I'm really trying to push myself so on the 2nd rounds I've been upping my weight and not worrying if I can't match my previous rep. I got off the internet this really cool exel workbook that I'm logging my reps/weights in. It's a really complicated workbook that someone has taken the time to create. Logs your b/4 and after weight and stats and even tells you what days you should be doing what. So I keep my laptop handy for keying in #'s while working out.

Hope everyone's Monday starts off great.
~~~Massage Monday~~~

Did ya'll see that the forums are moving this week!!! After the forums move, I'll invite the lady I met in Toronto. I thought it might have been too much to invite her, have her learn about Cathe, Cathe's forums, and then have to learn about a whole new Cathe site.

Patricia: Congrats on winning!!!

Jeanette: Why did you decide to get a new saddle? Must have been a good enough reason to have to go through the torture of learning how to position yourself!!! Hair Dye Day will probably be over the weekend. I've got a lot going on this week: school, dr. appointment, relaxing with neighbor beside her pool, massage with Patti, vet appointment for Baby, and the regular duties of life. The blog owner of Killerstrands consulted me on which color would work with my current color. Later, I'll start with bleaching small sections of my hair and toning/coloring those in a caramel color. Enjoy your ride tonight. What's this with a 60 mile ride on Saturday? Are you in a race or is it the group bike ride?

Kim: Did you and your family gather enough strawberries to preserve?

Laurie and Debra: Can't wait to hear how you all are doing.

Chat more later.

It's very quiet here today.

I've been missing a pair of Lululemon pants and black tank top since returning home from Toronto. I thought they were in the dirty clothes. But no. They're not there. I'm wondering if they were taken out of my luggage during its lost phase. UGH!!!! I doubt one of the maids from the hotel took it. Who knows??? Do you think it's too late to contact Continental about this?

Patricia, Did you have anything of yours missing?

Good Evening

Just finished Yoga X - or should I say about 2/3rds of it maybe. Was getting bored after about 40 min so fast forward to the floor work and did a few poses and called it a night. Cleaned up our storage area in the basement too as that's been bothering me.

Wendy - no, I'm not missing anything. Either the hotel maids didn't want my Walmart excercise clothes or maybe things went missing when you lost your luggage. It wouldn't hurt to call Continental just to find out what their policy is.

Have BB again tomorrow night so going to try and get up at 5am to get my w/o in as I don't thinkg I'll have time to do it after work. So off to bed for me now.

Take care
Just a quick post from me, still hanging in with the lean + rotation and did Interval+ and abs/core+. Haven't missed a day yet!:) I probably won't be around too much this week as ds's activities are going to keep me hopping :-( He's tired already and it's only Monday.

Jeanette Hope you get that seat adjusted, that sounds painful! DS and I watched a little of the Tour de France yesterday, couldn't believe all the fans and how close they get.

Patricia WTG on winning the bb game! I'll be interested to see how you like YogaX. I often put this one on the portable dvd player and do it while watching tv on the big screen.

Wendy We picked 12 litres of strawberries and froze about 10, it's great during the winter for making smoothies. Did you start classes today? On no, on losing the pants! I would definitely phone the airline if you were sure they were in the suitcase when you checked in your luggage.

Hi all,
Am waiting for DH to finish making tacos for dinner. It's our 29th anniversary. Of course, I got in a good tough bike ride with the girls tonite. I'll post back later. Also had to put our kitty down today. She was old and failing.

Hi everyone,
Was my rest day today. Think it's more like my rest day from working out early in the morning as I did get in a tough hill climb ride with 4 other riders tonite. Glanced down at my speedometer at one time and was only going 3 mph. It's a crawl or should I say a grind to the top. Didn't look anything like a Tour De France rider LOL!

Patricia, way to kick butt against that other baseball team! You guys showed them all right! No, my DH doesn't golf...yet. I'd love to get him into it, but he's not as driven as I am to pursue a hobby or activity, unless it's woodcutting or beer drinking LOL! Great idea on having the laptop handy to log stats while working out. I was really motivated by trying to beat my last # of reps or weights. Definitely pushed myself more than I do with a Cathe workout. Glad she will have something to log our stats when we do STS. That YogaX is a marathon, isn't it?

Wendy, I'm looking forward to the new forum too. I got a new saddle because my old one was trashed. I had worn the leather off of the "nose" of the saddle with my thighs rubbing against it. Funny, I've never seen anyone else's saddle look like that or even close to it. I made marks on my bike and used the level to try to put it close to where it was before. It takes a few rides or more to get it tuned just right. It didn't seem to bother me tonite, but the ride was mostly uphill, which is different. I'm excited about you dying your hair and hopefully you can post some pictures too. Here's a link to the bike ride I'm doing on Saturday. http://www.fallrivercentury.com/
I think this may be the 7th or 8th year I've done it. I'll be going over the day before and golfing too. Hope you can find those workout clothes. No one would want to steal any of my cheapo stuff. Wow, you are a busy one this week, aren't you? Dr. appointment tomorrow too. I made a big order to Vitacost.com last night for MyChelle products. Bought fruit enzyme cleanser, fruit enzyme mist, deep repair cream, fabulous eye cream, C serum, tropical smoother, and pumpkin renew cream. Hope they ship soon as my samples are running out.

Kim, that Tour De France is crazy on the high mtn. passes, with all those people. I just want to yell at them to GET OUT OF THE WAY! In our country, we'd be worried about someone macing the riders or doing something crazy to harm them. This race is definitely a big deal in France each year. Wish we had more cycling enthusiasts in America. Sounds like the strawberry picking was a huge success! Yum! I need to buy some strawberries soon for my cereal.

Must sign off now. Will for sure do an upper body weight workout. Seems like ages since I've done one, think it was Thursday.

Night all,

Well, tonight was scalp massage. We had to stand in horse stance for the entire scalp massage. Can that count as my workout for the day?;) I really liked the instructor. Blessed me, I got two scalp massages. The lady who got a massage from the instructor teaching us, needed to practice massaging someone else. So, she practiced on me!:) Which was nice since my partner has some serious growth to do in the area of applying adequate pressure.:eek: It was all I could do to not put my hands on her to show her what to do... Excuse me, I actually did that more than a few times!!!:p }( But, the other lady was a natural. It felt wonderful when she was finished practicing on my scalp!!!:)

Will catch up with you all in the morning before my doctor's appointment.

Sweet Dreams!

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