Morning All:
Yeah we won our BB game against the only team that has beat us so far this year. I think it was 13 - 3 so a good stomping on them
I guess I have a YogaX on the schedule tonight. Probably a good idea as my right arm from all the throwing could use a good extra stretching.
Jeanette - does DH play golf too or just chauffer (sp?) you around? Yep, enjoyed the glamour w/o. I'm really trying to push myself so on the 2nd rounds I've been upping my weight and not worrying if I can't match my previous rep. I got off the internet this really cool exel workbook that I'm logging my reps/weights in. It's a really complicated workbook that someone has taken the time to create. Logs your b/4 and after weight and stats and even tells you what days you should be doing what. So I keep my laptop handy for keying in #'s while working out.
Hope everyone's Monday starts off great.
Yeah we won our BB game against the only team that has beat us so far this year. I think it was 13 - 3 so a good stomping on them
I guess I have a YogaX on the schedule tonight. Probably a good idea as my right arm from all the throwing could use a good extra stretching.
Jeanette - does DH play golf too or just chauffer (sp?) you around? Yep, enjoyed the glamour w/o. I'm really trying to push myself so on the 2nd rounds I've been upping my weight and not worrying if I can't match my previous rep. I got off the internet this really cool exel workbook that I'm logging my reps/weights in. It's a really complicated workbook that someone has taken the time to create. Logs your b/4 and after weight and stats and even tells you what days you should be doing what. So I keep my laptop handy for keying in #'s while working out.
Hope everyone's Monday starts off great.