Good Evening Ladies!!!
What a day!!! After the girls ate breakfast, eldest dd shows me her palms. It's all itchy and red. So, I give her some chewable antihistamine. She helps put away laundry while I do another load and wash dishes. I start the twins on math facts and go look for dd. Here, she climbed into my bed and fell fast asleep. Thinking she was trying to get out of math, I tried waking her up. She's out cold. Poor thing. I let her sleep.
Then I get a call from our evaluator reminding me the girls' tests was today! I thought it was tomorrow evening. So, I spent the afternoon prepping the girls on spelling, grammar and math. I know it's not a test you can study in advance. But, I can't help it. And, do you know what!!! It's TRUE!!! It really isn't a test you can study in advance!!! I could have saved myself some stress for when it really mattered like the next time dh forgets a key ingredient from the grocery store.
Anyhow, we didn't get home till after 9:30. After another load in the laundry, I decided I best push play.
Strike Zone
Well, I hate to admit it. But, I agree with FitMom Wendy!!! I was afraid Tracey's cueing would not be good *for me* when I previewed it. I guess I need more than a second notice before doing something totally new in a combo!!!
Also, the volume didn't help. I usually use my laptop for my workout dvds ever since the Xbox got the red lines of death. Anyways, the volume on my laptop isn't a problem for my Cathe's, Eoin's, P90X's, and other dvds. However, I couldn't hear Tracey clearly enough over the background music. Maybe if I could have turned the volume on my laptop over the max, it would have been alright. I managed to get through the warm-up and first four combos. I got frustrated during the 3rd combo, walked away, did dishes, and did the 3rd combo again. The second time went much better. I could tell I was getting frustrated with the 4th combo, so I stopped the madness. I am not fond of the camera shots. I really don't want to see a close up of some one's face when I'm trying to figure out where to place my body. For what it's worth, I really never need to see a close up of some body's face during a workout. I'll keep it, only because I never get off my lazy butt to sell anything. But, the only way I'm going to get any benefit out of Strike Zone is by learning... scratch that... is by
memorizing the combos one at a time. Until then I don't know if my heart rate will ever go up high enough to get any cardio benefit besides doing jumping jacks. This might be like Kenpo in the fact that it gets better with time. Only, I didn't have this level of frustration with learning the moves in Kenpo!!!!
So, after that fiasco, I played around with BM2's warm-up and first combo. Now that I was good and heated, I spent some time Bliss Riding with Eoin.
Yes, I know this is a selfish post.
I'm tired! Sue me!!!:+ I will have to catch up on personals in the AM. It's almost 1:00 and I still have to wash the sweat off my face, crawl into bed and snuggle up with my sweet dh.
{{{{{Patricia}}}}} You sound like you need a hug!!!! Hope tomorrow is better for you and your ds!!!
Okay ladies...
Sweet Dreams:*