Watercooler Wednesday


:7 Did ya see???? I made our Watercooler Wednesday an "I'm looking for" post....:)
1) Its easier to find the thread for me later
2) I'm looking for time....where'd it go? .... Who's gonna loan me some today?
:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

Not going to say I'll workout today as I seem to have a little JINX on that.... so NO- I wont do yesterdays workout + todays, no no no I wont!

OMG.....I bet the next time we hear from Netta she'll be at Debras computer!:7 :7 :7 :7 My guess is it will be a giggly post...part from jet lag, part from excitement & part from meeting CBL and "knowing" all we know about his advanced Mechanic Degrees[IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/ver1/blushing/3.gif[/IMAGE]

Working late tonight 6-8pm outside the house so I must must must get laundry started and pack by 4:30 today..... I traveled so much for so many years w/ work that I am a packing procrastinator these days...Drives DH insane... He literally starts 2 weeks before and ends up taking 10x what I take... I travel lite

Back w/ personals after I get that dern laundry started:7
First load *swooshing* away....

Have you all been following this thread?
on More Calories...Bigger Guns? Finding the info from "tneah" very interesting read.....

Lukie's Birthday: I gave him kisses from all the WC/Xer well wishers! He licked ya'll back! - On birthdays we give them canned food along w/ their regular Dry & Broth combo, for both the AM & PM meals ... there was alot of burping going around yesterday...& gas last night! - That may have been me tho?

Have a fabulous time w/ sis! I'm sure when you get back Monday you'll be cleaning & "servicing" DH! ENJOY the time away- if anyone needs a break it you!:*

:7 DEB:7
The latest pics are darling! Could you & DD look anything more alike? No possiblity of hospital switches in this family! Love your hair!!! I laughed tho- first thought was "How does she keep it from being frizzy in the southern humidity!" I've been looking like a poodle all week since we are back in 70-85% range again. Thanks for all you're doing.... I packed 2 cameras / 27 exposure each & plan on using THEM ALL!!!!!!!! Have CBL do picture night tonight!!! :*

:7 TRACY:7
Once again I am so sorry for the added stress & un-known outcome. Big Big hugs to you & the rest of the family. ~ I hope you and DS got a chance to run..I know your exercise is a mental lifesaver for you. :*

:7 KIM:7
Nice to see you so often & read that you are enjoying your time off, we all need more days off work in my book! Congrats AGAIN on being done with the X- Does it make you look forwrad to STS or are you looking forward to a break? :*

Are you SURE you dont want to just drive down to NC & meet us?~~ So are you looking forward to thoughts of working outside the home someday- I gotta admit that when I was able to quit the rat race everyone I know said I'd be back at it in a year...That was 5 years ago & I dont miss it for 1 second! I LUV what I do now but I still dont want to do it 60 hours a week- unless of course it made me a millionaire - would have to raise rates for that tho! :*

You do realize I hope that Cami & my boys will be VERY angry w/ us when we get home smelling like Polly!! You & I can sleep with her! I miss my boys more than anything when I travel... I dont miss DH unless I'm visiting my family- then I REALLY miss him (he protects me from them!) but my boys..well I cry when I kiss them goodbye! Bet your hair looks MA-VA-LOUS! How come Debra isnt asking you everyday about your haircolor???What has she told that poor child about each of us I wonder??? *See you tomorrow!*:*

You lucky dog you!!!!! Hope the travel day is/was uneventful & you arrived in one piece! Tell me true...Do I need my parka???? Have a FAB time tonight!!!!! *see you tomorrow* :*

Are you becoming a yogi???? Do I see a new career in your future??? I think its hysterical that a yoga instructor doesnt like to give form pointers and/or touch people! Strikes me as so odd for some reason. The boys got a shave alreafy once this year! Thats how little of a winter we had...They are ready for another one when I get back from NC...Its so traumatic for the them I hate doing it but the result is cooler bodies & less hair! I LUV when I work my legs hard enough that the teardrop pops! Dont worry..ya cant see ANY "cuts" at this time of my life...but NEXT retreat...Look out! *see you tomorrow* :*

:7 LEA/MIA:7
So ....How are my girl(S) today???!!!! FitTV is how I found Cathe... It was playing those exact same workouts 3 years ago!Thats one way to stay forever young! :*

Thats it for me for now...I shall return- how else will I procrastinate today???? :7
Good morning girlies. Howz it going? I was so tired yesterday that I was in bed by 7. Thank goodness sleep was in the air last night.

Today is either GS legs or chest and tri's. I will probably do legs since my arms are still sore from Mondays workout.

I am so jealous of everyone who is getting to meet each other. I know that it will be a blast for you guys.

Traci - Mia is tucked away for a little bit today. I might get her out later. FitTV is how I found Cathe too. Thank goodness. Looks like I have to look up that thread. For some reason I thought that you were going to post the other thread. I so almost went there last night but thought better of it}( . LOL.

Debra - What great pictures. Love them. DD is so darling and you look so great.

Time to go workout. BBL for more personals.

Lea....Tell Mia that "the other thread" is causing my heart to race this morning" so I'm not gonna talk about it [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/mouthzippedshut/2.gif[/IMAGE]
ETA: HI MIA!!!! Can't forget her!!! I do value my life.:7

A quick fly by...

Hi Traci and Lea!!!!:) :) :)

Going to push play and start packing. Phil wants to drop the girls off at MIL's house tonight. I was hoping he'd take the day off work tomorrow and drop them off after he dropped me off at the airport. I'm going to call him and plead that he considers my sanity. I need those 6+ hours today!!!

Jeanette: Please check in once you arrive and reassure us that Debra isn't a man! Then help her finish her yard work.:p :+ :7

Kim: I still need to chat with you!!!!

Nicole: Take pictures of your sister retreat too!!!

Sandra: Get the webcam ready!

Laurie and Tracy: I'll catch up with ya'll in real time.:)

I think we lost Christiane.:-(

Carol: Where are thou? Reading the entire Shakespeare plays to the youngins?:+

Okay, gotta do laundry too.

I'm inhaling; just need to exhale more often.

WENDY:::+ :+ :+ :+ [[[[Jeanette: Please check in once you arrive and reassure us that Debra isn't a man! Then help her finish her yard work. ]]]] - GREAT IDEA!!! That way only one of us has to be kidnapped! ROF!
:+ :+ :+ :+
Dang, when did GS legs get so frickin hard? I cannot walk today. That Cathe loves to torcher us, I just know it. OUCH.

Is Jeanette leaving today? She is the brave one isn't she? Testing the waters before everyone else shows up.

Wendy - Thanks for saying hi to Mia. You never know when she will have a "Here's Johnny" moment. Have fun packing. Have a safe trip tomorrow.

Traci - Interesting stuff going on in the OD. Who needs to watch soaps on TV anymore? We have it all right here in our very own Catheland. I really do wish that Cathe would stop forcing us to buy her products though!}(

Time to clean the stink off. Hi to the rest of the gals.

Morning Ladies,

Rotation: Cathe Feb08/Week 3/Day 7
Workout: SH Tri's & Bi's (done) / 2m Run (when I get home)

Had the bed all to myself last night, and I don't think my body moved at all during the night. :7 :7 No DH snoring in my ear! :7 But with him not in the bed Cami jump up this morning to push me out when it was time for a walk. :D She put her head under my shoulder and pushed. :7 :7 Dang dog! Where did she learn that trick? :7

Traci, I have some laundry to get done too. But it will have to wait for when I get home. :( Yes I know that my doggie will be upset, especially since she has become MY dog. My shadow will probably not leave my side when I get home on Sunday. :D Debra doesn't ask about my hair color, because I never change mine. :7 :7 I am a creature of habit, and it would take a lot of convincing to change the color. You all get a chance to see it while it is only on two days of color. :D

Lea, WTG on getting a good night of sleep. I feel really chipper this morning too. Must be the fact that DH wasn't getting up to pee, and of course his snoring. :7 :7 :7 LOL about the OD being a soap opera. I agree with you on that one.

Wendy, Looking forward to the catching up in person. ;-)

Sandra, Feb rotation is ok, don't think I will be doing it again though. I find the back to back weights to be interesting. I only plan on doing the last 3 weight workouts starting on Monday, and then I'm going to find something else to do. Still haven't decided. I was looking at the Shrimp Fried Rice too. I love fried rice, and that one looked like it would be good. Let me know how you liked it. Glad I could help with the meal planning. :D I have a bunch of cauliflower that my SIL gave me, so if you do make that stew let me know how that tasted too. :9

Kim, So how did you like the results of Biggest Loser last night? I am so surprised at all the crying that is happening on this show. Is it because it is a couples type do you think? I guess I'm not used to men crying like Mark and Jay! :eek: My oldest DD said it was because they where in Australia. We once watched some reruns of the Aussie version, and all they did was cry! :7 :7

Tracy, Hugs to you today. Between the four people who are left on TBL, I'm going to say Mark (although he is looking drained right now), or Roger (this was my guess from beginning).

Nicole, Enjoy you trip to your sisters. DD was quite a bit better this morning, she put Vicks on her chest last night. She believes in this stuff, and I didn't hear her cough at all last night or even this morning.

Debra, I never even thought of the mix & match feature. x( Guess I should take some extra time and try these features out once in a while. I wouldn't want anyone to see the split ends or the stripe down the middle of my head either. :7 :7 :7 Now my hair is beautiful. :7 Great pics, that DD of yours is a ham for the camera isn't she. Love it!!!

Have a great day!

Good morning Gang.

I hauled butt out of bed this morning and did MuscleMax. As I was dragging my tired self to the basement, I thought of Debra and her statement yesterday that she would never get up early to do a workout. Made me sooooo jealous!! I'd loooove to get as much sleep as I need every night, and stay up a bit later in the evenings, too. I think I have a natural sleep cycle of 11pm-7am, not the 9pm-5am thing I force myself to do. Oh, and I rarely have the lights out by 9pm. It's usually closer to 9:30. But I'm not sure when else I'd consistently get the exercise done. I'm starting to ramble, so I shall move on!

I checked out that thread, Traci. I'm really curious as to what 12 week program she's following. I think it's something designed for her by a trainer. I could always ask her, I suppose. It sounds pretty rigid. I'd have to give up all socializing to be able to stick to that, I imagine. Oh look, I'm rambling again. Moving on!

I have no idea what changes when you use that "search" icon to start our thread? Is it supposed to help us sort through posts better?

I wonder how long it would take for me to drive to NC? It takes about 6 hours just to drive to the border into Montana. I love road trips. How come no one thought about this earlier? Hmmmm?

Wendell's a plan-ahead packer??? You do know he's abnormal, don't you? How can anyone pack 2 weeks ahead? Doesn't he need his underwear? His shampoo? His shaver?

The main reason I want a job is for the income. If we had all our financial bases covered, I'd feel much less stressed about watching our old age come zooming towards us. You know, as I was reading Little House on the Prairie with DD#1 last night, I realized what appealed the most to me: because luxuries were so hard to come by, it didn't take much to make them all happy. Pa just made a trip to the nearest town to buy winter supplies. It took him 4 days by wagon, through terrible weather and dangerous territory, to go there and back. One of the treasures he brought back was brown sugar and white sugar. The family gathered around the white sugar and each got to eat one teaspoon. Then the sugar was put away, to only be served when company visited. Can you imagine????? These people didn't have to worry about "insulin resistance" LOL!!

Lea....In bed by 7 last night? Lucky you!!! I'm envious of the Retreaters, too. Next year you host a meet up, and I'll drive down, okay? What's the other thread that's getting Traci all hot and bothered?

Wendy....Well, it's been about 3 weeks since I've gotten back to you about the math question, so obviously I've lost interest LOL!!! Actually, the homework assignment finished and we can go back to ignoring the whole issue again. Incidentally, she just got an A in math on her report card, so she's obviously not underachieving. BTW, I have no idea what all those methods of math teaching are that you mentioned. But ultimately I think it boils down, for her, to a familiarity issue. I bought a few tools like flash cards to simply help with her memorization. Thanks for your input. Have a great journey, and a woooonderful time with the gang!!!

Kim....Are you happy to see the last of KenpoX? DD will be just about 8 when she would be staying with my parents. But she'll be flying with my mother in one direction, and flying with one of my closest friends in the other direction. We'll miss her, for sure, but in today's digital age we can see her on the webcam every day if we want. I also promised her the use of a cell phone, to call me any time she wanted. That perked her up. I also mentioned that Grandpa would take her golfing, and show her the fairways that they named after her and her sister (my dad works at the golf course and named 2 fairways after my kids). The first blast in Imax3 does feel like one of the tougher ones, I agree. I think because it's the first one, we're still warming up. That's what I always tell myself, anyway :)

Tracy....Is Yoga Trance dance a lot of freestyling kind of movements, or does she give specific directions? Is it a good video?

Nicole....Enjoy your time at your sisters! How did I miss your change of plans? Weren't you going to go to the retreat? What happened?

Debra....All of you were in a crap mood yesterday, from the sounds of it. It will allll be better today!! You're going to meet Jeanette today!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to have a cat with bowel problems like that. Not pleasant one little bit! 4DS Kickbox with KM LCDs is an ideal combination!! Good work. Both you and DD look gorrrgeous in the photo on the dock.

Laurie.....MMMMMM!! A bed to yourself!! What a nice luxury! So the Feb rotation ended up being less than stellar? Good to know! I'll be sure to report back on the fried rice and the stew. I hope Cami doesn't miss you too much.

Well, I guess it's a day of housework and grocery shopping for me. Oh and look - DD has a poopy diaper. The fun never stops.

Have a great day!!
Good News: Phil is taking the day off work tomorrow.

Bad News: I just wasted at least 30 minutes reading the OD because of Mia's soap opera post.:p :7

My 2 cents to Cathe and Crew:

Bring it on!!! Bring on those darn modification and equipment OPTIONS!!! Thanks for listening to all the intermediate and injury prone posters who've begged for modifications in the past despite the advanced posters' objections!:* See what happens when you listen to other people's kids!!!:eek: :7 Bring on the strength gains!!! Bring on the variety!!! Bring on the REPEATED OPTION explanations! And, you know, while you're at it, you might as well LAY IT ALL OUT for ME!!!!! Tell me EVERYTHING right down to the most insignificant detail. (Like... Should I wear a thong while squatting? Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!!) Cuz, you KNOW, I want to make sure you've BROUGHT IT ON to personally suit my taste at a DISCOUNTED price!:p }( }( Please for the love of ME,}( tell me EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Everyone would LOVE to save $200 and not bother having to BUY STS. We could just read your detailed, in depth Explanation Post Book instead!:p }( }( }(

OMW, I think Mia is sending out nasty vibes to me again. Stop it!:p }(

Off I go to pack now that I have an energy surge.:D :D :D

Ooooh, I just found the thread. People are nuts.

Wendy - PPPPPLLLLEEEAASSSEEE post that on the thread!!! PLLEEEAAASSEEE!!!!! I promise I'll get your back when the ship starts to sink.

Wendy - ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!:eek: :D :+ :+ :+ :7 You go girl. Thank goodness Phil took the day off tomorrow. Now you can travel easy.

Sandra - I thought you were going to have the retreat at your house next year. I just got my passport renewed for it and everything!! You remember that you said you were going to make each one of us special cakes for coming? Of course you do!!;-) How amazing times were back then(Little House). That is when they truly appreciated everything. Good mom for reading to your kids. Me, I just put the computer on and push go!! LOL.

Laurie - Good for you for getting some good sleep last night. It's amazing how much better we can sleep without any interuptions like the bed bouncing from our DH's getting up, kids putting their foot in your back, etc.

Time to go catch up on the soaps. Until later.

Alexandra - I do agree that Lindy should post too!!! Mia almost posted in on another discussion last night, but fortunately Lea put a muzzle on her. It would not have been pretty.

Traci - Where the heck is Staci}( ?

Thats for sandra, alexandra, & whoever the heck else has emerged!

Back later to actually talk WITH you all than AT you all!;-)
Alexandra: WTH did you do to my dear, sweet, sensible, filter controler, AKA Sandra?

Sandra: You go right ahead and let Alexandra loose. Let her use my post as an outline to fully flesh out on the OD!!!}( You have both Wendy's and Lindy's blessings. :* We promise to not sue for intellectual theft!:7 :+ We also vow to have your back once the fiery 5 pound dumbbells start flying!}( }(

Okay, dryer is ringing.

:* :* :* :*
Okay just finished CC#5. That's the first time I did that one, it was hard!!!}( I only covered 4.5 miles in 53 minutes but lots of that seems to be on hills. I might do X-Stretch later but I better go check what the kids have been doing upstairs this past hour. They are very excited because I'm letting them have friends over tonight for a sleepover as it's spring break. There should be 6 kids sleeping here tonight ;-) I had final approval on all the kids so they are all well behaved kids so should be okay.

Safe travels to all those travelling today!

I will catch up on personals later as I really need a shower and to check on kids! Kim

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