Good morning Gang.
I hauled butt out of bed this morning and did MuscleMax. As I was dragging my tired self to the basement, I thought of Debra and her statement yesterday that she would never get up early to do a workout. Made me sooooo jealous!! I'd loooove to get as much sleep as I need every night, and stay up a bit later in the evenings, too. I think I have a natural sleep cycle of 11pm-7am, not the 9pm-5am thing I force myself to do. Oh, and I rarely have the lights out by 9pm. It's usually closer to 9:30. But I'm not sure when else I'd consistently get the exercise done. I'm starting to ramble, so I shall move on!
I checked out that thread, Traci. I'm really curious as to what 12 week program she's following. I think it's something designed for her by a trainer. I could always ask her, I suppose. It sounds pretty rigid. I'd have to give up all socializing to be able to stick to that, I imagine. Oh look, I'm rambling again. Moving on!
I have no idea what changes when you use that "search" icon to start our thread? Is it supposed to help us sort through posts better?
I wonder how long it would take for me to drive to NC? It takes about 6 hours just to drive to the border into Montana. I love road trips. How come no one thought about this earlier? Hmmmm?
Wendell's a plan-ahead packer??? You do know he's abnormal, don't you? How can anyone pack 2 weeks ahead? Doesn't he need his underwear? His shampoo? His shaver?
The main reason I want a job is for the income. If we had all our financial bases covered, I'd feel much less stressed about watching our old age come zooming towards us. You know, as I was reading Little House on the Prairie with DD#1 last night, I realized what appealed the most to me: because luxuries were so hard to come by, it didn't take much to make them all happy. Pa just made a trip to the nearest town to buy winter supplies. It took him 4 days by wagon, through terrible weather and dangerous territory, to go there and back. One of the treasures he brought back was brown sugar and white sugar. The family gathered around the white sugar and each got to eat one teaspoon. Then the sugar was put away, to only be served when company visited. Can you imagine????? These people didn't have to worry about "insulin resistance" LOL!!
Lea....In bed by 7 last night? Lucky you!!! I'm envious of the Retreaters, too. Next year you host a meet up, and I'll drive down, okay? What's the other thread that's getting Traci all hot and bothered?
Wendy....Well, it's been about 3 weeks since I've gotten back to you about the math question, so obviously I've lost interest LOL!!! Actually, the homework assignment finished and we can go back to ignoring the whole issue again. Incidentally, she just got an A in math on her report card, so she's obviously not underachieving. BTW, I have no idea what all those methods of math teaching are that you mentioned. But ultimately I think it boils down, for her, to a familiarity issue. I bought a few tools like flash cards to simply help with her memorization. Thanks for your input. Have a great journey, and a woooonderful time with the gang!!!
Kim....Are you happy to see the last of KenpoX? DD will be just about 8 when she would be staying with my parents. But she'll be flying with my mother in one direction, and flying with one of my closest friends in the other direction. We'll miss her, for sure, but in today's digital age we can see her on the webcam every day if we want. I also promised her the use of a cell phone, to call me any time she wanted. That perked her up. I also mentioned that Grandpa would take her golfing, and show her the fairways that they named after her and her sister (my dad works at the golf course and named 2 fairways after my kids). The first blast in Imax3 does feel like one of the tougher ones, I agree. I think because it's the first one, we're still warming up. That's what I always tell myself, anyway
Tracy....Is Yoga Trance dance a lot of freestyling kind of movements, or does she give specific directions? Is it a good video?
Nicole....Enjoy your time at your sisters! How did I miss your change of plans? Weren't you going to go to the retreat? What happened?
Debra....All of you were in a crap mood yesterday, from the sounds of it. It will allll be better today!! You're going to meet Jeanette today!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to have a cat with bowel problems like that. Not pleasant one little bit! 4DS Kickbox with KM LCDs is an ideal combination!! Good work. Both you and DD look gorrrgeous in the photo on the dock.
Laurie.....MMMMMM!! A bed to yourself!! What a nice luxury! So the Feb rotation ended up being less than stellar? Good to know! I'll be sure to report back on the fried rice and the stew. I hope Cami doesn't miss you too much.
Well, I guess it's a day of housework and grocery shopping for me. Oh and look - DD has a poopy diaper. The fun never stops.
Have a great day!!